So… I didn't have much time to read all those link, so I would like to ask you if you can explain in a short fashion why the … mmm… beings talk only to you and not to people in general.
I am sorry I was distracted by many forum comments last night, now I am fresh it is 1:40 pm here wednesday philipppines
These 3 angels like all dwarves do have rules of their own plane:
they are not allowed to be seen by humans except little children some of them and mild retarded ones
innocents so to speak
now I can only see them via violet and white lights and visions when i was asleep
but my mild retarded brother robert sees them physically as 7 inches cute midgets
this is my specific answer to this and I quote my reply to hyde: Data- You have been contacted by LUIS king of kings elementals - when did this happen and how did it manifest itself?
Judge Floro - It was on June 2, 1983 that LUIS, the King of King of Elementals (I opine), first appeared to my mild retarded GIFTED brother Robert. At that time, since I was trained by Jesuits, ATENEO, PHILIPPINES, I never believed in this (PSI etc.).
Until I went to treasure hunting, so I asked my brother Robert, and he promised me that Luis would make his presence felt. I waited until 1996 (12+ years) and weekly, I offered food for them believing absolutely in them even if I never saw them. I was predestined by him, LUIS to be his instrument against evil (they could not choose any, since these spirits are ordered from above, to guide the chosen one, me) - hence, if I could do good, like healing the poorest of the poor and inflict illness upon the corrupt only. To mend ways and repent via illness, then their power against Satan and the black ones, would be increased by God.
1.a. So, I began to see LUIS' violet lights and white lights in 1996
(erratic times, no pattern, sometimes once a week at nights, and at daytime, the violets -- these are flashes, thousandth of a second; light travels 186,000 miles per second, then, if it travels million times then there would no more distinction between time and space, so STATE, no more matter, since E = mc2 as Einstein, said, but until this date we humans could not make time travel this past; so LUIS and Armand and Angel were created at the times of the Angels, and these lights are the very essence of the universe, time travel etc..
1.b. I was tasked to be a judge by them, on my birthday I applied, Nov. 5, and I was appointed by the Philippine President Joseph Ejercito Estrada whom I predicted would not finish his term as he didn’t, on Jan. 20,2001. My duty is to clean the judiciary and other government offices here of corruption and evil, via sicknesses. So, I was suspended because the JBC Member, Atty. Tesie Sison suffered a stroke and she falsified my I.Q. to 68 and that I believed and consulted dwarves. 6 3/4 years I waited until J. Nazario fought for me but she lost because a Justice was operated on who had suffered spinal cord problems, blaming me.
1.c. I first saw LUIS and Armand on March 1, 1996 via a vision that was more than a Dream and it occurred in a higher plane. Then on Good Friday - maybe about 2002 -LUIS again made his appearance, a similar vision on a higher plane. LUIS is "nakalakip" (Tagolog Philippine term, meaning, since 1996 he made a covenant that he would not leave me and would be with me spiritually for all moments provided I would not persecute the poor. I see his violet and white lights maybe 20 times a month, no pattern when.
Damn Data - What other entities (good and evil) have contacted you and what information have they imparted about their intent?
Judge Floro - LUIS told me that their mortal enemies are the BLACKS, but these could not penetrate me because of LUIS' lights that enveloped me; last 2004, Nov. 5, my birthday, he promised (he gave me the sword, that whoever I would hold or touch by hand that is corrupt, would develop sickness forthwith) that I would be reinstated by 2006-2007 and he provided he would inflict the illnesses upon our Chief Justice Davide and my investigator, Justice P. Ramirez, both suffered carotid and angioplasty surgeries,etc. LUIS also appointed J. NAZARIO as the one destined by God to clean the Supreme Court and be an example to them; so I do not know of any other spirits, and I never contacted them; in fact, I never read any book on Psychic Phenomena coz I'm gifted; here in the Philippines, the foremost authority is Mr. Jaime T. Licauco, not a psychic, but a writer (you can know more about him re - your question on these, just type his name and enter in yahoo search or, you can buy his books) but I do not believe in these books, because they are finite and limited, they could not penetrate the LEVEL of LUIS, these violet and white lights from GOD, I am a devout Catholic and believe only in the GOOD; I know evil everywhere, and this is LUIS' job to fight evil by these lights.
Damn Data - You say they have imparted prophesies - what form do they take? How many have come true? Any major outstanding ones that we could keep an eye out for?
Judge Floro - IMPECCABLE PROPHECIES: First, VISION -- meaning not prediction, but ---the highest:
On Jan. 9,1999, 6:00 a.m.feast of our Philippine Black Nazarene (Jesus Christ carring the Cross, Catholic Version of like Guadalupe,etc.), I saw 3 visions that have now happened:
a) the several world apparitions of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God/Christ
b) the Millennium, global greatest EARTHQUAKES and natural disasters, tsunamis,etc. UNPRECEDENTED from 1999-2010, more or less, as punishment for evil, as foretold also on 1918 in FATIMA, Portugal to 3 children
c) Philippine V.P., now President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo would be badly hurt and later on physically, no time frame
I specifically have the following gifts: krus sa dila (cross of the tongue) pangil ng kidlat (lightning teeth), my eyes emit fires, spiritual, and my hands (golden yellow) emit extreme heat that heals the poorest of the poor (with heat-processed coconut oil). I was given the gift of healing on June 3,1999 one month before my July 20,1999 suspension; and I healed many poor people, about 5,000 since 1999. The prophecy was given to me as gift, circa 1987, not at its peak, but yet to be enhanced. Luis told me that the P.I. Judiciary would mourn many times, as it did in the death of Justice Sabino De LEON and as I wrote you, the wife of S.C. Justice Puno. Atty. Luz Puno passed away, 4 days after it was decided I would be relieved of my duties, on April 12, 2006.
I predicted many other events in the Philippines, about 800. Second, my prophecies are spontaneous, except the inflicting of illnesses. I was tasked to seal the 15 doors of our S.C. Justice since 2000 (with 4 spiritual nails) that would be the source of illnesses upon receipt of bribes. Every first Friday of the month since 2000 until this date, at 12 noon and 3:00 p.m., I would go to places - powerful places - here to inflict illnesses upon those that receive bribe money in the judiciary and to those that have fixed my case and prolonged my suspension and the investigation to a 6 3/4 years delay. I received the gift of EXORCISM, last February and in 2002 I was gifted with BILOCATION. Lastly, April (Good Friday) 1998, when I predicted there would be the downfall of Erap, our President who did fall on Jan. 2001.
Damn Data - Do you have any powers yourself or is it all the work of Luis?
Judge Floro - All of us are psychics to a degree but very few can bend spoons. 99% of what I am as gifted is from LUIS, without him and Armand, Angel, I am nothing.
You, know, if you read all books written on PSI, quantum physics, parapsychology, you could read more upon WITCHCRAFT, evil, voodoo, occult and other things that would be less good. It is very rare that people would they be endowed with the gift to see these spiritual WHITE LIGHTS and VIOLET lights.
I would rather be remembered as the HEALING JUDGE RATHER than the Psychic Judge. I am renting a house and am poor, the poorest judge in the Philippines. You know, LUIS wanted me this poor, yet he gives me what I want, as I need. Before the Decision (Judge Floro was recently awarded back pay from the time of his first suspension - Hyde), my money was only P 30,000 or $ 400, but now I have been awarded by J. Nazario P 1.180 Million or about $22,000. What is destined for me is up to LUIS to decide. I suffered because that is what he and God wanted. I was called to be a priest but I asked for time and I wanted just to be a Judge. I opine that since birth, I am brilliant, always with honors. I graduated ATENEO, JESUITS, full second honors, and placed 12th 87.55% 1983 Philippine Bar exams for lawyers, but my gifted hand did all these discoveries of what would be asked. So, in sum, I am also a Pyschic of my own, but LUIS is inseparable from me.
Damn Data - You say they have only revealed themselves to your brother Robert? Why is this and how does he describe them?
Judge Floro - Oh. Robert had first seen LUIS and others on June 3,1983 when my father died. My mother died in 1995. They were destined to be their lifetime guardian angels, from the time of my father's death. Robert was able to see them as is, with all the colours, he was able to go down to their castles, where only gold, diamonds etc. are ... but ... just their lights, if these would flash a longer than a thousand of a second, I would be blinded. They could not show themselves to those who are not pure of heart, they only reveal themselves to the little children (chrismasses) [sic - Hyde] and ... what you read and see of them as pictures, like leprechauns, gnomes etc.. They are not kings, but ordinary ones; you see, if they reach the rank of kings, they would not be just visible.
In Ireland - a Catholic country - they can see dwarfs, but only the ordinary kind. LUIS IS THE KING OF ALL KINGS OF THESE ... my brother Robert described them as small, but have bonitos, or bonnets or hats as reverence to God. LUIS' clothes are often violet but they also wear other colours. Armand appeared in a vision to me in the form of human MOST HANDSOME and loveable child of say 7 years of age, while LUIS, appeared as a King with violet hat, sitting on a stone. I asked him, “Who are you?” he said, “LUIS”. I asked him, “Why only now?”, (about 2002) he said, “Because you are afraid”. Meaning therefore, that if I would see his lights and self for so long, then I would die.. time has not yet come...
Damn Data - Are these entities known from Filipino folklore or are they purely part of the Christian pantheon of saints and angels or a mix of both?
Judge Floro - The Filipino people - in culture and folklore - believe in them. We Catholics partly believe in them, not all though but my point is this: the LEVEL or DIMENSION of LUIS is impenetrable by any psychic, because he's of the highest: this is one of the deepest secret of the universe. We’re too backward: PSI, psychic phenomena, spiritualism, quantum physics etc.. We’ve not discovered their twin lights, violet and white, the most powerful non-matter in the universe.
Damn Data - As of April 7th, 2006 you have been relieved of your duties by the Philippine Supreme Court (for reasons of psychosis), for a unique reason - why did your detractors do this (was it for inflicting illnesses on others or predicting the onset of illness?)
Judge Floro - May I quote my letter? The reason I was suspended is vengeance by Atty. Sison, due to the fact that I predicted her stroke.
On April 7, 2006, the Philippine Supreme Court RELIEVED (note - it did not dismiss) me from judicial service and paid me 3 years backwages by reason of PSYCHOSIS. A medical incapacity they said - because I allegedly believed in dwarves, the angel of death, that I was inflicting sicknesses, psychic phenomena and (had in writing) predicted the downfall of 13th Philippine President Joseph Estrada (on December, 1998) who was ousted by people power on January 20, 2001.
You can read the Philippine Supreme Court Decision penned by M. Justice Minita Viray-Chico Nazario, 75 pages, March 31, 2006 in: A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460
This is the FIRST time in world judicial history that this happened. The American and other Constitutions provide for dismissal or removal of judges, jurists and magistrates because of graft, corruption, misconduct, or bad behaviour but resignation - only for those medically incapacitated.
In the Philippines, this is a FIRST - for since 1901, the Philippine Supreme Court has never dismissed or removed a judge because of their belief in the paranormal, religion or PSI. Hence, REUTERS, AFP, AP, ASIAN REPORTER, MSNBC, MY WAY News,, ABC NEWS ONLINE, GULF TIMES, 7DAYS, AE, BUZZSPREE.COM, FOREING BLOGGERS, THE DAILY JUDGE and a total of 70+ foreign REPORTS, NEWS, HEADLINES, BLOGS and 14 Philippine News Headlines, covered - REPORTED – the said LANDMARK DECISION.
On April 12, 2006, or 4 days later, the Philippines was shocked by the painful DEATH of Lawyer Atty. Luzviminda D. Puno (former clerk of court of the Supreme Court and wife of Senior Justice Reynato S. Puno) who passed away at the St. Lukes Medical Hospital in Quezon City, PHILIPPINES, due to complications from a heart surgery. She was 65.
3) Manila Bulletin Online
On May 4, 2006, I filed my APPEAL (81 PAGES, Partial Reconsideration) of the 75 page long March 31, 2006 DECISION. On May 30, 2006 I filed with the P.I. Supreme Court, the 87 page SECOND SUPPLEMENT to my APPEAL.
IN FAIRNESS, I write / e-mail to you and to all 70++ REPORTERS who reported my case because I want to AIR MY SIDE, to THANK you, for NOTING my painful case.
Let me therefore tell you the TRUTH behind the DECISION and these 66 WORLD REPORTS/BLOGS etc..
TRUTH: I never used the word DWARVES in any DECISION and I never consulted any imaginary dwarf to pen my decisions. My detractors submitted these false evidence or lies and what I do believe in is this:
In the so-called (my) SPIRIT GUIDES or PROTECTORS. LUIS is the KING OF ALL KINGS of ELEMENTALS/spirits worldwide and he is GOD’s ANGEL (Genesis, Exodus, etc.)
What I also believe in is what St. Paul teaches. Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Prophecy and Spiritual Healing. I am GIFTED, and I never tried to develop my psychic powers since what I believe in, is God’s GIFT to me of these - TO HEAL and TO PROPHESY. I am not psychotic and if you read the DECISION, it RULED that I can apply in other government positions that do not require dispensation of justice.
I am a victim of INJUSTICE. On September 19, 1995, I stated that Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison (Judicial and Bar Council Member) would suffer massive STROKE.
HER VENGEANCE resulted in the submitting of FALSE EVIDENCE about DWARFS, ANGELS, PSYCHIC PHENOMENA etc.. Here in the Philippines Judges and Justices are first NOMINATED by the Judicial and Bar Council (who selects 3) and the President of the Philippines appoints a Judge or Justice based on these 3 submissions. I admit and believe that GOD has chosen me to be the instrument to CLEAN the Philippine Supreme Court and Judiciary of CORRUPTION and abuse of power by inflicting illnesses by my spirit guides. I admit that the controversial DECISION was released as it is, RELIEVING me but PAYING me back wages because I was placed under PREVENTATIVE SUSPENSION since July 20,1999 until now, or 6 ¾ years.
So THE INVESTIGATION TOOK 6 ¾ YEARS, NOT 3 YEARS AS YOU ALL REPORTED. I could not work nor practice my job because of that punishment.
NOW, the judge who was supposed to replace me on 1999, Judge ROSA CASAS REYES (lingering illness/cancer), who was appointed as Judge for the neighbor Branch 74, RTC, Malabon was/ is on SICK LEAVE
Assisting Judge Leonido was appointed in her stead. Last year, I was DISCRIMINATED because while I was forcibly tested by 5 mental health professionals (plus one psychiatrist) Judge Rosa Reyes was not even required to be examined by a panel of doctors, so as to RELIEVE her, as required by Philppine Constitution. IN SUM, KARMA and the CURSE as we Catholics and Christians believe in have their own ways in revealing the truth. My clerk of court (Atty. Esmeralda G. Dizon) who submitted false evidence about dwarfs and psychic phenomena, to make it appear that I have brain damage was punished by my spirit guides. Now, her first born, GELAY, 10 years old was inflicted with EPILEPSY, with 2x a week LIFE-LONG severe attacks.
I admit that my spirit GUIDE LUIS did all these, to impress upon the Philippine Judiciary that receiving BRIBE money, corruption, evil and abuse of powers, due to the lust for glory, cannot remain unpunished in the laws of these UNSEEN, that are more REAL than we ever imagine.
The PONENTE in this case, Justice MINITA VIRAY CHICO-NAZARIO (the wife of ROD NAZARIO, the former promoter of WBC boxing champion MANNY PACQUIO) was a Sandiganbayan Justice of the Philippines who was promoted to the Philippine Supreme Court Justice on July 24, 2004. She fought so hard for me, and were it not for the many MEDICAL SURGERIES undergone by S.C. Justices in the Philippines, inter alia, due to this painful case, I would have been REINSTATED and given JUSTICE. But your 70++ WORLD REPORTS vindicated me: this is the FIRST in world judicial history that a CASE had been REPORTED with GREAT MAGNITUDE, with COMPASSION and SARCASM, in my favour, THANKS and the PEACE OF CHRIS