Autor Tópico: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)  (Lida 6134 vezes)

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Offline Jeanioz

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What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Online: 09 de Abril de 2007, 22:25:27 »
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In my case:

You scored as Angel.     

Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.







Oh! What surprise... :anjo:

Offline Luis Dantas

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #1 Online: 09 de Abril de 2007, 23:08:12 »

You scored as Dragon.

Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.

Dragon 75%

Mermaid 42%

Angel 33%

Werewolf 25%

Faerie 25%

Demon 0%
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Em 18 de janeiro de 2010, ainda não vejo motivo para postar aqui. Estou nos fóruns Ateus do Brasil, Realidade, RV.  Se a Moderação reconquistar meu respeito, eu volto.  Questão de coerência.

Offline Diegojaf

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #2 Online: 09 de Abril de 2007, 23:15:58 »
You scored as Demon.     

Demon: Darkness is your sanctuary. Demons are many and are all different in appearence and rank. The most common are the ones that feed off of human souls. They love to make someone fall into their inner darkness. Blood, wrath, murder... You name it they love it. These beings don't care who you are, if they set their sights on you, let's just hope you know a good excorist. They kill any love within you and pull you toward their side. By any means possible. You wish for chaos and hate, you are the Demon.

Demon   100%

WereWolf     75%

Faerie   67%

Mermaid   58%

Angel   50%

Dragon   50%
"De tanto ver triunfar as nulidades; de tanto ver prosperar a desonra, de tanto ver crescer a injustiça. De tanto ver agigantarem-se os poderes nas mãos dos maus, o homem chega a desanimar-se da virtude, a rir-se da honra e a ter vergonha de ser honesto." - Rui Barbosa - Porque a natureza te odeia e a epidemia zumbi é só a cereja no topo do delicioso sundae de horror que é a vida.

Offline Jeanioz

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #3 Online: 10 de Abril de 2007, 08:40:58 »
Demon   100%

We discover the antichrist!!!! Run for your lives!!!!!!! :histeria:


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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #4 Online: 10 de Abril de 2007, 11:58:28 »
Eu Tritão

Offline Diegojaf

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #5 Online: 10 de Abril de 2007, 12:18:33 »
Demon   100%

We discover the antichrist!!!! Run for your lives!!!!!!! :histeria:

It´s too late... :evil:
"De tanto ver triunfar as nulidades; de tanto ver prosperar a desonra, de tanto ver crescer a injustiça. De tanto ver agigantarem-se os poderes nas mãos dos maus, o homem chega a desanimar-se da virtude, a rir-se da honra e a ter vergonha de ser honesto." - Rui Barbosa - Porque a natureza te odeia e a epidemia zumbi é só a cereja no topo do delicioso sundae de horror que é a vida.

Offline Oceanos

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #6 Online: 10 de Abril de 2007, 12:45:52 »
I'm an Angel too.


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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #7 Online: 10 de Abril de 2007, 13:17:51 »

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #8 Online: 11 de Abril de 2007, 09:07:54 »
Daaark is my caaaall
Demon 100%
Dragon 84%
Faerie 75%
WereWolf 59%
Mermaid 50%
Angel 17%

Offline Andre

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #9 Online: 11 de Abril de 2007, 13:02:50 »
I'm a werewolf :D

WereWolf    67%
Faerie 59%
Mermaid 50%
Angel 42%
Demon 33%
Dragon 25%

But almost a faerie too ¬¬
Se Jesus era judeu, então por que ele tinha um nome porto-riquenho?

Offline Diegojaf

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #10 Online: 11 de Abril de 2007, 20:23:08 »
I'm an Angel too.

Just because they didn´t have a Pink Unicorn... :lol:
"De tanto ver triunfar as nulidades; de tanto ver prosperar a desonra, de tanto ver crescer a injustiça. De tanto ver agigantarem-se os poderes nas mãos dos maus, o homem chega a desanimar-se da virtude, a rir-se da honra e a ter vergonha de ser honesto." - Rui Barbosa - Porque a natureza te odeia e a epidemia zumbi é só a cereja no topo do delicioso sundae de horror que é a vida.


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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #11 Online: 11 de Abril de 2007, 23:53:50 »

Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.







Offline Barata Tenno

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #12 Online: 12 de Abril de 2007, 06:56:09 »
I'm an Angel too.

Just because they didn´t have a Pink Unicorn… :lol:

 :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria:

He could be a Fairy..........
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Diegojaf

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #13 Online: 12 de Abril de 2007, 07:34:41 »
I'm an Angel too.

Just because they didn´t have a Pink Unicorn… :lol:

 :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria: :histeria:

He could be a Fairy……

No... too rough for him... :lol:
"De tanto ver triunfar as nulidades; de tanto ver prosperar a desonra, de tanto ver crescer a injustiça. De tanto ver agigantarem-se os poderes nas mãos dos maus, o homem chega a desanimar-se da virtude, a rir-se da honra e a ter vergonha de ser honesto." - Rui Barbosa - Porque a natureza te odeia e a epidemia zumbi é só a cereja no topo do delicioso sundae de horror que é a vida.

Offline Oceanos

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #14 Online: 14 de Abril de 2007, 15:23:51 »

Offline FZapp

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #15 Online: 21 de Abril de 2007, 08:35:36 »
I´dont agree, and I don´t disagree… I´m a Faerie ! (Actually, i´m a mermaid!)

You scored as Faerie.     

Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.

Mermaid   59%

Faerie   58%

Angel   42%

WereWolf   25%

Dragon   25%

Demon   0%
« Última modificação: 21 de Abril de 2007, 08:38:22 por JCatino »
Si hemos de salvar o no,
de esto naides nos responde;
derecho ande el sol se esconde
tierra adentro hay que tirar;
algun día hemos de llegar...
despues sabremos a dónde.

"Why do you necessarily have to be wrong just because a few million people think you are?" Frank Zappa

Offline Frâncio Almeida

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #16 Online: 23 de Abril de 2007, 17:59:54 »
My scored
Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be some what close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.

Offline Sergiomgbr

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  • uê?!
Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #17 Online: 09 de Janeiro de 2019, 19:51:25 »
Acho que eu seria uma versão sergial de Cassandra com pitadas da motoquinha Confuso, do Carangos e Motocas...

« Última modificação: 09 de Janeiro de 2019, 19:56:47 por Sergiomgbr »
Até onde eu sei eu não sei.

Offline Marciano

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #18 Online: 05 de Julho de 2019, 21:16:52 »
What about Far  Darrig? He's well known in Ireland.
There's a story I once read about Far Darrig in Donegal.

Offline Marciano

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #19 Online: 05 de Julho de 2019, 21:18:12 »
I did a search on the web and found one version:


Pat Diver, the tinker, was a man well-accustomed to a wandering life, and to strange shelters; he had shared the beggar's blanket in smoky cabins; he had crouched beside the still in many a nook and comer where poteen was made

p. 91

on the wild Innishowen mountains; he had even slept on the bare heather, or on the ditch, with no roof over him but the vault of heaven; yet were all his nights of adventure tame and commonplace when compared with one especial night.

During the day preceding that night, he had mended all the kettles and saucepans in Moville and Greencastle, and was on his way to Culdaff, when night overtook him on a lonely mountain road.

He knocked at one door after another asking for a night's lodging, while he jingled the halfpence in his pocket, but was everywhere refused.

Where was the boasted hospitality of Innishowen, which he had never before known to fail? It was of no use to be able to pay when the people seemed so churlish. Thus thinking, he made his way towards a light a little farther on, and knocked at another cabin door.

An old man and woman were seated one at each side of the fire.

"Will you be pleased to give me a night's lodging, sir?" asked Pat respectfully.

"Can you tell a story?" returned the old man.

"No, then, sir, I canna say I'm good at story-telling," replied the puzzled tinker.

"Then you maun just gang farther, for none but them that can tell a story will get in here."

This reply was made in so decided a tone that Pat did not attempt to repeat his appeal, but turned away reluctantly to resume his weary journey.

"A story, indeed," muttered he. "Auld wives fables to please the weans!"

As he took up his bundle of tinkering implements, he observed a barn standing rather behind the dwelling-house, and, aided by the rising moon, he made his way towards it.

It was a clean, roomy barn, with a piled-up heap of straw in one corner. Here was a shelter not to be despised; so Pat crept under the straw and was soon asleep.

He could not have slept very long when he was awakened

p. 92

by the tramp of feet, and, peeping cautiously through a crevice in his straw covering, he saw four immensely tall men enter the barn, dragging a body which they threw roughly upon the floor.

They next lighted a fire in the middle of the barn, and fastened the corpse by the feet with a great rope to a beam in the roof. One of them began to turn it slowly before the fire. "Come on," said he, addressing a gigantic fellow, the tallest of the four--"I'm tired; you be to tak' your turn."

"Faix an' troth, I'll no' turn him," replied the big man.

"There's Pat Diver in under the straw, why wouldn't he tak' his turn?"

With hideous clamour the four men called the wretched Pat, who, seeing there was no escape, thought it was his wisest plan to come forth as he was hidden.

"Now, Pat," said they, "you'll turn the corpse, but if you let him burn you'll be tied up there and roasted in his place."

Pat's hair stood on end, and the cold perspiration poured from his forehead, but there was nothing for it but to perform his dreadful task.

Seeing him fairly embarked in it, the tall men went away.

Soon, however, the flames rose so high as to singe the rope, and the corpse fell with a great thud upon the fire, scattering the ashes and embers, and extracting a howl of anguish from the miserable cook, who rushed to the door, and ran for his life.

He ran on until he was ready to drop with fatigue, when, seeing a drain overgrown with tall, rank grass, he thought he would creep in there and lie hidden till morning.

But he was not many minutes in the drain before he heard the heavy tramping again, and the four men came up with their burthen, which they laid down on the edge of the drain.

"I'm tired," said one, to the giant; "it's your turn to carry him a piece now."

"Faix and troth, I'll no' carry him," replied he, "but

p. 93

there's Pat Diver in the drain, why wouldn't he come out and tak' his turn?"

"Come out, Pat, come out," roared all the men, and Pat, almost dead with fright, crept out.

He staggered on under weight of the corpse until he reached Kiltown Abbey, a ruin festooned with ivy, where the brown owl hooted all night long, and the forgotten dead slept around the walls under dense, matted tangles of brambles and ben-weed.

No one ever buried there now, but Pat's tall companions turned into the wild graveyard, and began digging a grave.

Pat, seeing them thus engaged, thought he might once more try to escape, and climbed up into a hawthorn tree in the fence, hoping to be hidden in the boughs.

"I'm tired," said the man who was digging the grave; "here, take the spade," addressing the big man, "it's your turn."

'Faix an' troth, it's no' my turn," replied he, as before. "There's Pat Driver in the tree, why wouldn't he come down and tak' his turn?"

Pat came down to take the spade, but just then the cocks in the little farmyards and cabins round the abbey began to crow, and the men looked at one another.

"We must go," said they, "and well is it for you, Pat Diver, that the cocks crowed, for if they had not, you'd just ha' been bundled into that grave with the corpse."

Two months passed, and Pat had wandered far and wide over the county Donegal, when he chanced to arrive at Raphoe during a fair.

Among the crowd that filled the Diamond he came suddenly on the big man.

"How are you, Pat Diver?" said he, bending down to look into the tinker's face.

"You've the advantage of me, sir, for I havna' the pleasure of knowing you," faltered Pat.

"Do you not know me, Pat?" Whisper--"When you go back to Innishowen, you'll have a story to tell!"

Offline Marciano

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #20 Online: 05 de Julho de 2019, 23:12:12 »
Take the test:

I tried to take the test, but failed.
Não é possível acessar esse site demorou muito para responder.

Offline Marciano

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #21 Online: 05 de Julho de 2019, 23:14:37 »
Well, that was 12 years ago. Not even mythological creatures last this long.

Offline Marciano

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Re: What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
« Resposta #22 Online: 07 de Agosto de 2019, 22:51:41 »
E = mc²


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