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Offline Galileo

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Pope goes to Brazil
« Online: 11 de Maio de 2007, 20:00:34 »
News media in Canada are giving extensive coverage to Benny's visit to Brazil. It's quite sickening the way they treat him as if he actually has something sensible or useful to say!

But there are also reports that show the darker side of the papal visit. Here's one from AFP:

Gays, pro-choice Catholic women protest pope's Brazil visit

SAO PAULO (AFP) - "Catholics have sex for pleasure, use condoms, support sexual diversity and don't condemn women for having abortions. When will the Church hierarchy change?" asks a poster brandished by women's groups outside the main churches of 12 large cities.

Outside the Cathedral Se in the center of Sao Paulo, the poster caught the attention of passers-by, a few streets from the monastery where the pope has been residing since he arrived Wednesday.

"We want to send a message to the pope on reproductive health and the role of women in the Church," Dulce Xavier of the Catholic Organization for the Right to Choose told AFP.

The Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals (ABGLT) published an open letter Wednesday demanding a "de facto secular state."

"We denounce the public pressure that religious groups, beginning with the Vatican, wield against the passage of laws benefiting gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals in the world," said the ABGLT, which groups 200 Brazilian organizations.

Religious convictions "cannot influence government policies, much less be used to discriminate," the letter said.

"Jesus Loves Gays," proclaimed a poster during a protest staged by homosexual groups late Wednesday in the center of Sao Paulo, not far from the Sao Bento monastery where Benedict is staying.

"Much of the violence of which we are victims is the result of the intolerant discourse of the Catholic Church on homosexuals," ABGLT spokesman Beto de Jesus told AFP. The group is one of the organizers Sao Paulo's annual Gay Pride parade, thought to be the world's largest with about a million people taking part.

"Abortion was legalized in Mexico City, and in Portugal. In various countries of Europe same-sex unions have been legally recognized. The secret agenda of the pope is to prevent this from happening in the rest of Latin America," he said.

"Jesus never condemned homosexuals. Pope, respect Jesus, respect gays," proclaimed the Gay Group of Bahia, in northern Brazil, on its website. They held a protest outside a cathedral in Salvador to coincide with the pope's arrival on Wednesday.

The conservative Benedict condemned abortion in his first speech on Brazilian soil Wednesday at the start of a five-day visit.

The 80-year-old pontiff had gone on the offensive even before landing, telling the Vatican press corps aboard the papal plane that he backed a threat by Mexican bishops to ex-communicate lawmakers who voted to decriminalize abortion in Mexico City last month, in a key defeat for the Roman Catholic Church.

"It is written in the (canon) law that murdering a child is incompatible with communion, and the bishops have done nothing arbitrary. They have only put the spotlight on what is allowed by Church law," he said.

Mexico City is one of the few places in Latin America where abortion is allowed without restrictions in the first three months of pregnancy.
"Galileo was more perceptive than his prosecutors" - Pope John Paul II, 1992

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Re: Pope goes to Brazil
« Resposta #1 Online: 11 de Maio de 2007, 21:47:51 »
These are unusual days here in Brazil, Galileo. Most of the TV channels are talking a lot about the pope, even those that are controlled by other churches. I think this is creating a nice public debate about interesting subjects like abortion, the construction of real secular state and the role of the church in our society. Catholic Church has been losing its power in Brazil in the last decades, and they are trying to work against it.

(Sorry for eventual mistakes writing in english).


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Re: Pope goes to Brazil
« Resposta #2 Online: 12 de Maio de 2007, 23:15:54 »
Galileo, you probably are aware that lots of protests and public parties (Labour Day, Brazil winnig the World Cup, politicians winning the elections, etc) are celebrated at this avenue, Avenida Paulista. A few months ago, our mayor decided that Av. Paulista would host only three events each year: new year's eve, Sao Silvestre international race and the gay pride parade, neglecting a christian event called "Marcha para Jesus".

We, the educated part of paulistan society ( :) ) thought that would be the beginning of an age of recpect and modernity, and thought the decision was cool (in spite of not being able to celebrate victories at football championships anymore). This week, though, São Paulo STOPPED. Very frustrating.

Anyway, Ricardo, IF the referendum is going to happen anytime soon, MAYBE the pope's visit has a good side.

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« Resposta #3 Online: 13 de Maio de 2007, 14:44:39 »
....(in spite of not being able to celebrate victories at football championships anymore)....
Oh, noooo!


No more victory parades for Corinthians?   
"Galileo was more perceptive than his prosecutors" - Pope John Paul II, 1992

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Re: Pope goes to Brazil
« Resposta #4 Online: 13 de Maio de 2007, 16:03:47 »
hehe, corinthians is playing so badly that it would have no more victory parades even if paulista was free.
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Re: Pope goes to Brazil
« Resposta #5 Online: 14 de Maio de 2007, 16:24:15 »
Something against Corinthians?   :x

Well the Pope, what can we say about that Nazi?

He attacks condom in a age that AIDS is spreading. I don't think that he really believe these causes, as a studied man he should know what's best for the people, he's just playing a part, a part that only the most ignorant respect.
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Peter Atkins

"Sou ateu apenas porque Deus não existe. Se existisse e fosse como dizem as religiões, eu o odiaria!"

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