The test has a curiosity: Answering all the answers “yes”, the test will have second page. In this page has seven options and you can choose only one, and each reply goes to indicate you a type dferente of result.
All the possible results (and the them answers) are:
1. Christians suck! I hate Christians! Christianity should be illegal!
You scored as a Angry Atheist
Whoah! Down boy! It's time to let go of the belligerence and let someone else talk for a while. Even if the religious don't make must sense, you should probably observe the unspoken rules for human interaction and not yell directly into their faces.
2. I know there isn't a god, but that doesn't stop me from being spiritual.
You scored as a Spiritual Atheist
Ah! Some of the coolest people in the world are Spiritual Atheists. Most of them weren't brought up in an organized religion and have very little baggage. They concentrate on making the world a better place and know that death is just another part of life. What comes after, comes after.
3. The burden of proof lies with the believer, not the non-believer.
You scored as a Scientific Atheist
These guys rule. I'm not one of them myself, although I play one online. They know the rules of debate, the Laws of Thermodynamics, and can explain evolution in fifty words or less. More concerned with how things ARE than how they should be, these are the people who will bring us into the future.
4. God doesn't exist? Fine. God does exist? Fine.
You scored as a Apathetic Atheist
Meh… whatever. Apathetic Atheists tend towards disbelief because believing takes more work. These are the people who won't argue religion, even if a total nutjob confronts them because arguing just seems like a waste of time they could spend doing something else.
5. I don't know and you don't either, so shut up about it.
You scored as a Agnostic
Agnostics consider the possibility that they may be wrong about God's existence, no matter which side of the fence they stand on. Always willing to objectively evaluate the most ridiculous proof, nevertheless, these guys are skeptics of the Nth degree.
6. You cannot create something from nothing, there must be a God!
You scored as a Theist
Why did you take a quiz specifically for atheists? Are you illiterate as well as deluded? Go sing at a brick wall or give your money to a corrupt pedophile or something.
7. The only thing I believe is that what you believe is false.
You scored as a Militant Atheist
Willing to take theists to task, the Militant Atheist is someone who knows deep within themselves that there is no god and they want to tell you all about how they know. Even though they're as annoying in their own way as militant theists, this is often a phase of development and doesn't tend to last very long. If it does, they're in danger of becoming an Angry Atheist and making everyone uncomfortable.