Autor Tópico: [en]Which US Candidates for Presidency?  (Lida 4967 vezes)

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[en]Which US Candidates for Presidency?
« Online: 22 de Junho de 2007, 12:49:32 »
Wich US Candidates for Presidency will/would you vote? And why?

  • Rudy Giuliani(Republican)
  • Barack Obama(Democrat)
  • Hillary Clinton(Democrat)

I don't know if I would vote for Barack or Hillary, I don't like republicans at all, Arnold is the last breath of life for me...

Giuliani was a good mayor but I don't believe on him as a President...

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Offline Worf

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #1 Online: 22 de Junho de 2007, 13:28:34 »
Ron Paul. He's a Republican, but he's not a neo-con. He's paleoconservative, and pretty much libertarian. He stands for the Constitution, he's always been against the war, and so on.

Ron Paul vs Giuliani
« Última modificação: 22 de Junho de 2007, 13:31:17 por Worf »

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #2 Online: 22 de Junho de 2007, 13:57:09 »
Probably Clinton, but only to prevent a republican victory. I don't know what people see in that Obama guy.
Having said that, I must say that all these candidates don't seem too different to me. The US nowadays is effectively
a plutocracy, where all the candidates are essentially tools of the military-industrial complex.
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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #3 Online: 22 de Junho de 2007, 13:58:42 »
Chris Rock already choose his candidate...

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #4 Online: 25 de Junho de 2007, 21:56:29 »
Ron Paul.
Ron Paul rejects the U.S. having any social welfare whatsoever, and plans to abolish income taxes if he becomes president.

He supports the wall being built between the U.S. and Mexico, is against being kind to illegal immigrants, and even wants to repeal the amendment that grants Us citizenship to those born in the USA.

He is anti-abortion; he objects to Roe v. Wade.

He is openly against gay marriage.

He believes that the US healthcare system should be a completely “free market” system, and that will somehow fix the problem; he is against universal free healthcare.

He wants to do away with the public education system and have everyone go to private schools.

He wants the United States to withdraw from the United Nations.

Ron Paul is an extremist and a very dangerous man.
"Galileo was more perceptive than his prosecutors" - Pope John Paul II, 1992

Offline Daniboy

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #5 Online: 26 de Junho de 2007, 09:45:42 »
Ron Paul.
Ron Paul rejects the U.S. having any social welfare whatsoever, and plans to abolish income taxes if he becomes president.

He supports the wall being built between the U.S. and Mexico, is against being kind to illegal immigrants, and even wants to repeal the amendment that grants Us citizenship to those born in the USA.

He is anti-abortion; he objects to Roe v. Wade.

He is openly against gay marriage.

He believes that the US healthcare system should be a completely “free market” system, and that will somehow fix the problem; he is against universal free healthcare.

He wants to do away with the public education system and have everyone go to private schools.

He wants the United States to withdraw from the United Nations.

Ron Paul is an extremist and a very dangerous man.
I doubt he has a chance, anyways, should be included too...
"Afirmar que "Deus fez isso" não é nada mais do que uma admissão de ignorância vestida enganadoramente como uma explicação."
Peter Atkins

"Sou ateu apenas porque Deus não existe. Se existisse e fosse como dizem as religiões, eu o odiaria!"

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Offline uiliníli

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #6 Online: 26 de Junho de 2007, 12:00:50 »
What about Condoleezza Rice, won't she run for presidency?

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #7 Online: 26 de Junho de 2007, 17:32:11 »
I don't know which, but I know that Hilary is a witch
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Offline Worf

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #8 Online: 26 de Junho de 2007, 19:35:15 »
Ron Paul.
Ron Paul rejects the U.S. having any social welfare whatsoever, and plans to abolish income taxes if he becomes president.
That's a good thing.

He supports the wall being built between the U.S. and Mexico, is against being kind to illegal immigrants, and even wants to repeal the amendment that grants Us citizenship to those born in the USA.

He is anti-abortion

He is openly against gay marriage.
He's not in a totalitarian regime.
The immigration¹ can really be a problem, if not dealt correctly. But I'm not sure if some method of control will solve this problem.
About gay marriage²: he says gay marriage is not a federal issue, not even a governmental issue. Abortion³: he says that the constitution "does not grant the federal government any authority to legalize or ban abortion". I can't say if he's right or wrong because I don't have a definitive answer to abortion right now.

He believes that the US healthcare system should be a completely “free market” system, and that will somehow fix the problem; he is against universal free healthcare.

He wants to do away with the public education system and have everyone go to private schools.
That's a rational thing to do.

He wants the United States to withdraw from the United Nations.
I didn't know about it, but he must have some good reasons, perhaps about the sovereignity of the USA and the social welfare politics that UN imposes to it's members. If we think about it, UN is just another big government, which can grow extremely totalitarian, if we let it.

Ron Paul is an extremist and a very dangerous man.
Well, I don't agree.

¹ "Paul believes that all immigrants should be treated fairly and equally under the law through a "coherent immigration policy." He has spoken strongly against amnesty for illegal immigrants because it undermines the rule of law and grants pardons to lawbreakers. He has also said that by granting amnesty, it is being subsidized, which will only result in more illegal immigration. Paul voted "yes" on the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorizes the construction of an additional 700 miles of double-layered fencing between the U.S and Mexico. He believes that it is a folly to spend so much money policing the borders of other countries, such as the border of Iraq and Syria, when the border between the United States and Mexico can be crossed by anyone, including potential terrorists."

² Congressman Paul is personally opposed to gay marriage, but he asserts that marriage is an individual matter more than a function of the government, and marriage existed before governments did. He says that citizens should not look to the government for moral guidance, because morality is primarily a religious or personal matter. He says that in a best case scenario, governments would enforce contracts and grant divorces but otherwise have no say in marriage.

³ Paul holds that the United States Constitution does not grant the federal government any authority to legalize or ban abortion. He believes that his pro-life stance aligns with his libertarianism, on the premise that abortion is aggression against a person.
(…) During a May 15, 2007 appearance on the Fox News talk show Hannity and Colmes, Ron Paul argued that his pro-life position was consistent with his libertarian values, asking, "If you can't protect life then how can you protect liberty?" Furthermore, Paul argued in this appearance that since he believes libertarians support non-aggression, libertarians should oppose abortion because abortion is "an act of aggression" against a fetus (which he believes to be alive, human, and possessing legal rights). He also briefly discussed his view of the proper role of the federal government and states in regulating abortion.
« Última modificação: 26 de Junho de 2007, 20:08:01 por Worf »

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #9 Online: 27 de Junho de 2007, 18:53:23 »
Before any other well-meaning liberals decide that we and Ron Paul were made for each other, I think it's important that we dig a bit deeper and learn more about exactly who, and what, he is: a vicious, contemptible racist who comforts the radical right wing like no presidential candidate since David Duke.

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« Última modificação: 27 de Junho de 2007, 18:56:39 por Galileo »
"Galileo was more perceptive than his prosecutors" - Pope John Paul II, 1992

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #10 Online: 27 de Junho de 2007, 18:59:02 »
condoleeza is done. she lost her charm.
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Offline uiliníli

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #11 Online: 27 de Junho de 2007, 19:14:47 »
condoleeza is done. she lost her charm.

Why is that? Guess I'm not quite aware of the last news about US internal politics...

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #12 Online: 27 de Junho de 2007, 19:26:38 »
it has pretty much to do with the war in iraq. bush went down, she went down with him. she has always been used to being someone's protegé, now she is no one's.
"Notai, vós homens de ação orgulhosos, não sois senão os instrumentos inconscientes dos homens de pensamento, que na quietude humilde traçaram freqüentemente vossos planos de ação mais definidos." heinrich heine

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #13 Online: 27 de Junho de 2007, 19:43:34 »
I see. Her popularity is down with Bush's. I had the hope of watching a presidential race with Clinton x Rice, but I guess that won't happen anyhow.

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #14 Online: 27 de Junho de 2007, 19:47:41 »
yep. neocons are down, generally speaking.
"Notai, vós homens de ação orgulhosos, não sois senão os instrumentos inconscientes dos homens de pensamento, que na quietude humilde traçaram freqüentemente vossos planos de ação mais definidos." heinrich heine

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #15 Online: 26 de Janeiro de 2008, 22:48:39 »
I'd back Barack Obama for president. I've read some interviews with the major candidates and I think Obama has the most realistic opinions about some key issues, specially in what concerns over the removal of US troops from Iraq.

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #16 Online: 27 de Janeiro de 2008, 03:05:00 »
Even picking among the top five republican hopefuls one doesn't have enough material for half a decent presidential candidate.  I half expect the GOP to oficially support some Democrat candidate these days; their current offerings are THAT bad.

So it is very much down to choosing between Hillary and Obama.

I like Obama, but Hillary is the logical choice (for now); she has more support than Obama and it seems that for all the ill will there is against her, one does not really find much substance at all.
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Em 18 de janeiro de 2010, ainda não vejo motivo para postar aqui. Estou nos fóruns Ateus do Brasil, Realidade, RV.  Se a Moderação reconquistar meu respeito, eu volto.  Questão de coerência.

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #17 Online: 02 de Fevereiro de 2008, 02:06:14 »
None of them. Nule vote, far more effective in US than Brazil (given the lack of vote obligation).

Funny, what Republicans and Democrats remind me?
Workers' and Social-democrate Brazilian parties?
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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #18 Online: 03 de Fevereiro de 2008, 02:22:33 »
John Mccain.

Conselheiro do Fórum Realidade.

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #19 Online: 12 de Fevereiro de 2008, 17:48:38 »
Did someone already win? I don't accompany it.
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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #20 Online: 12 de Fevereiro de 2008, 22:55:53 »
Not yet.  There isn't even a definition about the democratic candidate yet.  McCaim is pretty much a lock for the republican candidate, however.
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Em 18 de janeiro de 2010, ainda não vejo motivo para postar aqui. Estou nos fóruns Ateus do Brasil, Realidade, RV.  Se a Moderação reconquistar meu respeito, eu volto.  Questão de coerência.

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #21 Online: 13 de Fevereiro de 2008, 13:22:37 »
There are others sides or just both Republican and Democrat?

p.s: is "both" necessary in the sentence above?
"— A democracia em uma sociedade livre exige que os governados saibam o que fazem os governantes, mesmo quando estes buscam agir protegidos pelas sombras." Sérgio Moro

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Re: [en]Wich US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #22 Online: 13 de Fevereiro de 2008, 22:14:52 »
There are others sides or just both Republican and Democrat?

p.s: is "both" necessary in the sentence above?

No, there is no need for that "both" in the sentence.

There are indeed other policial parties in the USA, see for some elaboration on that matter.

And some did raise their own candidates, as seen in

But for all practical purposes this is a Democratic / Republican exclusive.
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The stanza uttered by a teacher is reborn in the scholar who repeats the word

Em 18 de janeiro de 2010, ainda não vejo motivo para postar aqui. Estou nos fóruns Ateus do Brasil, Realidade, RV.  Se a Moderação reconquistar meu respeito, eu volto.  Questão de coerência.

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Re:[en]Which US Candidates for Presidency?
« Resposta #23 Online: 02 de Julho de 2018, 13:38:40 »
Before any other well-meaning liberals decide that we and Ron Paul were made for each other, I think it's important that we dig a bit deeper and learn more about exactly who, and what, he is: a vicious, contemptible racist who comforts the radical right wing like no presidential candidate since David Duke.

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