Autor Tópico: God hates fags?  (Lida 1368 vezes)

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God hates fags?
« Online: 21 de Julho de 2007, 18:26:51 »
<a href=";locale=en_US&amp;persist_locale=1" target="_blank" class="new_win">;locale=en_US&amp;persist_locale=1</a>
Shirley Phelps Roper pertence a Westboro Baptist Church.
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Re: God hates fags?
« Resposta #1 Online: 22 de Julho de 2007, 01:09:34 »
The Westboro church is really famous in the whole world, in my opinion just some more lunatics, maybe their god does hate homosexual, not everyone believe in their god so who don't believe in that god or don't believe in any god, be free!

Do anything you want, cause we just have one life!
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Peter Atkins

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Re: God hates fags?
« Resposta #2 Online: 19 de Agosto de 2007, 19:14:14 »

A documentary about the cult. I think they have a point in interpreting the Bible the way they do, but I'd not enter in an argument with a theist about that. Let them fight each other alone.
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