Autor Tópico: For scientists, and maybe writers in gereral: a blog about writing and research  (Lida 1025 vezes)

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“Rantum Scoot” is an expression in old Nantucket dialect. When someone leaves home and takes an aimless walk and then returns – that’s a “rantum scoot,” or random walk. On an island, it seems inevitable that you will return. This pretty much describes the process on this particular island: we will discuss writing and research, and then return to doing precisely what we’ve been talking about. The writing process itself is a kind of circular journey. This is a collaborative blog – perhaps the term should be “clog.” I invite students who would like to describe different aspects of their own writing and research, as well as faculty, particularly those who teach writing, to contribute their own insights. I will moderate the conversation, making sure that the observations and insights stay within the bounds of our particular “scoot.” I am Hilton Obenzinger, Associate Director of Undergraduate Research Programs for Honors Writing, which means I work closely with individual students as they write their honors thesis projects at Stanford. I also host a series of conversations called “How I Write” with faculty and other advanced writers to talk about how they approach their tasks – and many of the insights that will appear on “Rantum Scoot” will be drawn from these conversations as well as from students, faculty and other writers. Come join us for a rantum scoot.


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