Autor Tópico: How food portions grew HUGE in the last few years  (Lida 3328 vezes)

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How food portions grew HUGE in the last few years
« Online: 20 de Junho de 2008, 19:07:06 »
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Offline Eremita

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Re: How food portions grew HUGE in the last few years
« Resposta #1 Online: 02 de Julho de 2008, 11:25:30 »
Yep. That documentary, Super Size Me, talks the same thing.

The coke is the worst case - I see so many people addicted in coke these days, and with so little instruction about chemistry and biology...
(Phosphorus vs. calcium equilibrium goes to hell when you drink too many coke.)

Tomorrow they'll be selling coke in 1gl glasses, and someone will buy it. And, 20 years after, complaining about the bones.
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Offline biscoito1r

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Re: How food portions grew HUGE in the last few years
« Resposta #3 Online: 30 de Março de 2011, 23:46:22 »
I think people here are so fat because they are always munching on something.
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Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re: How food portions grew HUGE in the last few years
« Resposta #4 Online: 08 de Abril de 2011, 01:54:07 »
Indeed that's what some researchers[weasel word] have found[citation needed], if I recall. People seem to think they're following reasonably balanced diet (a "lifetime balanced diet", not one of these "lose 25kg in one week" diets), but when there's someone else actually keeping track of how much they eat, they confirm that the aggregation of "marginal eating" winds up making up for quite a few unnacounted calories.


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