Autor Tópico: Comediante George Carlin morre aos 71 anos  (Lida 2936 vezes)

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Re: Comediante George Carlin morre aos 71 anos
« Resposta #25 Online: 25 de Junho de 2008, 19:49:10 »
Adivinhem só… Westboro Baptist Church pretende piquetear o enterro do coitado…

Taí uma boa hora para aparecer um atirador americano. Bando de filhos da puta.

Por quê? Tenho certeza que seria uma homenagem muito melhor a Carlin se simplesmente ríssemos deles :)
« Última modificação: 25 de Junho de 2008, 19:51:37 por uiliníli »

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Re: Comediante George Carlin morre aos 71 anos
« Resposta #26 Online: 25 de Junho de 2008, 21:14:14 »
Vejam o que outro comediante escreveu sobre a morte do grande Carlin:

Dying Is Hard. Comedy Is Harder.

THE honest truth is, for a comedian, even death is just a premise to make jokes about. I know this because I was on the phone with George Carlin nine days ago and we were making some death jokes. We were talking about Tim Russert and Bo Diddley and George said: “I feel safe for a while. There will probably be a break before they come after the next one. I always like to fly on an airline right after they’ve had a crash. It improves your odds.”

I called him to compliment him on his most recent special on HBO. Seventy years old and he cranks out another hour of great new stuff. He was in a hotel room in Las Vegas getting ready for his show. He was a monster.

You could certainly say that George downright invented modern American stand-up comedy in many ways. Every comedian does a little George. I couldn’t even count the number of times I’ve been standing around with some comedians and someone talks about some idea for a joke and another comedian would say, “Carlin does it.” I’ve heard it my whole career: “Carlin does it,” “Carlin already did it,” “Carlin did it eight years ago.”

And he didn’t just “do” it. He worked over an idea like a diamond cutter with facets and angles and refractions of light. He made you sorry you ever thought you wanted to be a comedian. He was like a train hobo with a chicken bone. When he was done there was nothing left for anybody.

But his brilliance fathered dozens of great comedians. I personally never cared about “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television,” or “FM & AM.” To me, everything he did just had this gleaming wonderful precision and originality.

I became obsessed with him in the ’60s. As a kid it seemed like the whole world was funny because of George Carlin. His performing voice, even laced with profanity, always sounded as if he were trying to amuse a child. It was like the naughtiest, most fun grown-up you ever met was reading you a bedtime story.

I know George didn’t believe in heaven or hell. Like death, they were just more comedy premises. And it just makes me even sadder to think that when I reach my own end, whatever tumbling cataclysmic vortex of existence I’m spinning through, in that moment I will still have to think, “Carlin already did it.”

Jerry Seinfeld

Grande Seinfeld, belo discurso!

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Re: Comediante George Carlin morre aos 71 anos
« Resposta #27 Online: 25 de Junho de 2008, 23:19:06 »
putz, eu tive uma compreensão parcial, sou ruizin no english, não existe nenhuma alma caridosa aí disposta a traduzir as palavras do Seinfeld?
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Re: Comediante George Carlin morre aos 71 anos
« Resposta #28 Online: 26 de Junho de 2008, 22:11:08 »
Eram robôs. Eles sobreviveram a seja lá qual for o evento que pôs fim à espécie humana e continuaram evoluindo. E mais, eles evoluíram a partir da linhagem de robôs com sentimentos iniciada pelo David, ele era um ancestral deles, por isso eles davam tanta importância para ele.

Da primeira vez que assisti ao filme também achei que eram ET's e pensei "Putz, que final estúpido!" Quando me contaram que eram robôs na verdade e eu assisti de novo então tudo fez mais sentido :)

É... realmente sendo assim o final ficou bem melhor. E mais profundo... E na certa vou chorar mais ainda quando passar em algum canal. Pois alugar eu não alugo! Já assisti!
Era uma vez um pintinho chamado Relam, toda vez que chovia Relam piava.

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Re: Comediante George Carlin morre aos 71 anos
« Resposta #29 Online: 29 de Junho de 2008, 10:46:26 »
Off: Faz sentido. Então foi uma evolução de robôs e não de humanos.... Putz... Nem imaginava isso... (Mas também nunca pensei que fossem ets... :hihi:


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