Precisando de uma pitada de minério de urânio para dar aquele gostinho especial à sua sopa?
Suas centrífugas estão paradas por falta de urânio para ser enriquecido?
Pensando em uma surpresa para o aniversário de sua sogra?
Seus problemas acabaram!!
Compre minério de urânio pelaão se esqueçam de ler os comentários dos clientes:
I purchased this product because I wanted to make a 5 megaton bomb to impress my neighbors at our fourth of July barbecue. Unfortunately, when all was said and done, I was embarrassed when the yield was less than 500 kt. No birds on fire, no boiling rivers, nothing.
I want my money back!
I purchased this uranium ore several week ago, and nowhere on the package did it say anything about not using it as a f flavor enhancer, like salt or paprika, and I'm starting to feel a little funny. Has anyone else had this experience? I'm not sure whether or not I ought to go to the doctor.
My wife and I purchased this product for the expressed purpose of breeding an atomic superman. After a daily regimen of ingesting a tablespoon of this powder mixed with green tea along with her prenatal vitamins, my wife developed serious morning sickness and perished during childbirth.
After clawing his way out of my wife's dead body, young Yog-Sothoth was promptly hacked to death by a scalpel-happy OB/GYN. That's HMO care for you!
Please avoid this product if you, like us, are seeking to defy God's natural order by creating a demonic superhuman demigod.
Você gostaria de conhecer intimamente a obra de Wagner? Então leia:
"Penetrando o anel de Wagner" comentário abaixo explica tudo:
As implied by the title, this collection probes deeply into Wagner's vast Ring piece. Accusations of anti-semitism make Wagner's Ring a sensitive area today, but it continues to offer pleasure to many. This is a masterful work of musical scholarship that deserves a place on any sturdy shelf. No doubt it will influence appreciation of Wagner's Ring for many years to come. Among the highlights is the revealing chapter on the many characters than Wagner has managed to cram into his Ring- from fearsome giants Fafner and Fasolt to dwarf-brothers Alberich and Mime. Also covered are the brass instruments that Wagner designed specifically for insertion within the Ring. There will always be those who are opposed to musical analysis (just the same as there will always be those who resort to juvenile humour, regarding the title). They may suggest that Wagner's Ring is 'violated' with excessive force of scholarship. For this reviewer, however, Wagner's Ring remains quite intact and is indeed tightened by the exploration. In short, this stimulating venture in and out of Wagner's Ring has resulted in a seminal, fluid output.
Você está encontrando dificuldades para usar o Word?
Não conhece, nem quer conhecer LaTeX?
Não tema! Seus trabalhos podem ser concluidos utilizando a mais avançada tecnologia: trocar seu cabo ethernet? Cansado dos velhos cabos baratos?
Não tema! Você pode usar os novos cabos Denon. Por apenas US$ 500,00 eles lhe dão o mesmo desempenho, por muito mais! o que dizem os consumidores:
This amazing product significantly improved my transfer speeds, so much so that my packets now arrive at their destination before they're sent. In fact, I haven't even typed this review yet.
I was particularly interested in the anti-aging properties of this item, so with a quick loop around my neck, I was able to confirm that this cable can indeed slow time as we know it. Unfortunately I have been cursed to live out eternity in the nightmares of others. Tonight, I will be haunting the spirit of Noel Lee of Monster Cable, for getting us all into this mess. He is going to dream that he has awakened to a world where "Monster" is used in the names of all businesses and commercial products. Well, I guess my fate isn't so bad after all. Merry Christmas Mr. Lee! Next up; Amar Bose.
I had a choice - get this cable or pay for my gran's life-saving operation.
I opted for the cable, and I'm so glad I did. It's made no difference whatsoever to my hi-fi equipment, but now my grandmother is dead. And I couldn't stand her.
Thanks Denon!
*Ok, agora eu TENHO que voltar ao trabalho...