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Two million laptops?
« Online: 01 de Julho de 2005, 23:02:34 »
News report:

Friday, July 1, 2005
Brazil is seriously considering a plan to build one million low-cost laptops for free distribution in the country's schools, and to build another million for export, officials said yesterday. The laptops will cost $100 (U.S.) each, part of a project championed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Nicholas Negroponte that aims to provide "one laptop per child" to children around the world.

This looks like a fine idea. What are people saying in Brazil?
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Offline Rodion

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Re.: Two million laptops?
« Resposta #1 Online: 01 de Julho de 2005, 23:18:54 »
i haven't heard about it yet. people would agree, i guess....
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Re.: Two million laptops?
« Resposta #2 Online: 01 de Julho de 2005, 23:28:28 »
If the laptops have the quality of a "PC Conectado", the idea has no much sense.
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Re.: Two million laptops?
« Resposta #3 Online: 01 de Julho de 2005, 23:58:21 »
I don't like the idea. I think that the education in Brazil have so many problems, and most of them come from the lack of money for schools. I think it's much better by books for poor children, pay teachers better, reform and build new schools...

They will spend too money in laptops. One thing I think it's not very important. We have things that deserve more this money.

Do you know that in São Paulo there are children studing in very very hot tin schools, becuse this material is cheaper? Do you know that when the year ends children that study in public schools have to give back their books, becuse other students will use it?

Laptops. Hunp!


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