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[en] Ciência vs. Deus
« Online: 16 de Janeiro de 2009, 23:11:01 »
Dois artigos interessantes sobre a questão ciência vs. Deus no Live Science (descobri esse site hoje e adorei :) ) O primeiro trata de um panfleto assinado por 13 cientistas de diversas opiniões falando sobre o assunto, desde ateus de carteirinha até religiosos. O segundo é um estudo científico que sugere que as pessoas têm dificuldade em conciliar religião e a ciência na mente, elas podem crer em ambas, mas somente em uma de cada vez. Divirtam-se  :)

God and Science Collide in Nation's Capital

By Robin Lloyd, LiveScience Senior Editor
posted: 16 May 2008 1:21pm ET

WASHINGTON — Scientists hate God. Or find God very disturbing. In fact, modern science has found no evidence of God and so it's stupid anymore to think God exists.

The above statements are often presented as conventional wisdom, but are they true?

A new collection of short essays, discussed here Thursday at an event at the American Enterprise Institute, responds to that question with a more diverse set of voices than is usually offered. Edited by "Skeptic" magazine publisher Michael Shermer and backed by the John Templeton Foundation, the booklet features replies by 13 scholars and thinkers to the question "Does science make belief in God obsolete?"

The practical answer is, "Of course not." Many people worldwide believe. In the United States, the percentage of the population without a religious affiliation is increasing but the majority still have one, according to American Religious Identification Survey 2001. The faithful aren't going away despite a golden age of scientific descriptions of the mysteries of life and the secularizing, culture-draining force of consumerism.

The answers offered by the booklet's two theologians, eight scientists, two cultural commentators and one philosopher are more creative and sophisticated than the mind-numbing "culture wars" portrayed on television. Some of the thinkers even find ways to synthesize or reconcile God and science without throwing up their hands.

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God and Science: An Inner Conflict

By Robin Lloyd, LiveScience Senior Editor
posted: 15 January 2009 09:37 am ET

God and science are inherently at odds, or so goes the story with roots that reach back nearly 400 years to the Inquisition's trial of Galileo on suspicion of heresy.

The ongoing effort of U.S. creationists to inject doubt about evolution into science classrooms in public schools is an example of that conflict, not to mention the polarizing arguments over the decades offered by numerous members of the clergy, politicians, and some atheist scientists and scholars including Richard Dawkins.

Now a new study suggests our minds are conflicted, making it so we have trouble reconciling science and God because we unconsciously see these concepts as fundamentally opposed, at least when both are used to explain the beginning of life and the universe. 

But what is the source of this seeming "irreconcilable difference" — are we hard-wired for it, or is it tenacious cultural baggage?

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