Num estudo, cientistas colocaram homens e mulheres heteross
exuais para ver uma série de filmes de s
exo, estando equipados de uma parafernalia para medir a excitação s
exual. Alguns desses filmes eram mais material para o Discovery channel do que para as prateleiras mais escondidas das locadoras - s
exo entre chimpanzés.
Enquanto os homens heteross
exuais só se excitavam ao ver filmes que tivessem mulheres, os "detectores de excitação" apitavam quando as mulheres assistiam filmes de s
exo heteross
exual, lés
bico, g
ay, ou até entre animais. Além do detector, haviam também depoimentos voluntários sobre excitação, onde as mulheres tendem a declarar excitação apenas quanto aos filmes de s
exo heteross
exual entre humanos.
Os pesquisadores dizem que esses resultados não implicam que as mulheres tenham desejos latentes por outras mulheres ou animais, pode haver uma separação entre o interesse s
exual de fato e a mera resposta genital ao estímulo audiovisual.
[...] The study, conducted by Meredith Chivers of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health and J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, was published in the October issue of Biological Psychology. The researchers found that while straight men are only aroused by females of the human variety, straight women are equally aroused by all human sexual activity, including lesbian, heterosexual and homosexual male sex, and at least somewhat aroused by nonhuman sex.
Each subject involved in the report watched seven two-minute clips of sex: six scenes involving humans and one of bonobos. The subject constantly monitored and noted his or her subjective arousal. The subject was also affixed with a device that measured genital arousal–penis circumference for the men and vaginal pulse amplitude for the women.
All eighteen men were heterosexual and all reported subjective arousal only during the scenes with women. The objective data matched their reports: Images of our evolutionary ancestors do not make a man retrogress to Homo erectus. The eighteen heterosexual women reported greatest subjective arousal during the heterosexual scene, but their bodies reported they were less naturally selective.
Chivers said in a previous study she had shown a very low correlation between women’s stated sexual interests and their sexual arousal patterns in the lab. The correlation was much higher for men, she said.
“There’s the possibility that genital response for women is not necessarily imbued with meaning about her sexual interests,” says Chivers. She also emphasized that her findings do not imply women harbor a latent desire for lesbian sex or bestiality.
While the women did not report their arousal in the subjective part of the study, Chivers said women are generally receptive to her findings about their objective responses.
“When I speak to women, there’s sort of an intuitive ‘Oh, yeah,’” she says.
Barbara Bartlik, a psychiatry professor at Cornell, said she was not alarmed by the women’s response to the nonhuman stimuli.
“I don’t know why this has surprised everybody that women get aroused watching humans and animals,” she says. “Animals, because of the way they function in an uninhibited manner…can be very arousing to look at when they copulate.” [...]