Autor Tópico: Know Your Destiny  (Lida 856 vezes)

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Know Your Destiny
« Online: 19 de Novembro de 2010, 18:31:48 »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Commander Snacks, the bloodthirsty assassin destined to die eating the heavens

Inferno Girl, the bringer of the mastertroll destined to break your mother

Fat Bro, the perfect assassin destined to discover the skies

Magnificent Anon, the brooding neet destined to change all mankind

Ruthless Jesus, the cold-blooded driller destined to help all jews

Dildo Penis, the impeccable christian destined to invade AIDS

Super Joe, the perfect tripfag destined to have sex with all two bears at once

Offline Unknown

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  • Sem humor para piada ruim, repetida ou previsível
Re: Know Your Destiny
« Resposta #1 Online: 19 de Novembro de 2010, 19:05:48 »
You are tiny jew the first camwhore destined to subdue all pokemon
You are super Jesus the massive boy destined to die eating his waifu
You are Samuel L. Jim the plagued pedo destined to re-invent moot
You are Penis McMuff the fabled driver destined to have sex with all jews
You are Waffen-SS sniper the massive anon destined to challenge all hoods

"That's what you like to do
To treat a man like a pig
And when I'm dead and gone
It's an award I've won"
(Russian Roulette - Accept)

Offline uiliníli

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Re: Know Your Destiny
« Resposta #2 Online: 19 de Novembro de 2010, 19:30:01 »
You are Hitler's girl, the brooding otaku destined to confine Poland.   &lt;_&lt;


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