Autor Tópico: Linux against poverty - linux contra a pobreza  (Lida 626 vezes)

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Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Linux against poverty - linux contra a pobreza
« Online: 27 de Fevereiro de 2011, 16:58:24 »
What is Linux Against Poverty?

Linux Against Poverty

is an annual computer drive and install fest hosted by Lynn Bender of GeekAustin and Ken Starks (blog) of The Helios Project.

Our first installfest in 2009, at Union Park Austin, collected and refurbished over $35,000 in computers for delivery to Central Texas children. Our goal for 2010 is to deliver $50,000 in computers.

Linux Against Poverty
is based on a simple idea:

There are children throughout Central Texas who, for one reason or another, don't have access to a computer at home. This puts them at a disadvantage in school, and limits their access to all the free resources which many of us take for granted.
There is a surplus of unused older computers -- sitting under desks and in closets in people's homes, and sitting decommissioned in IT/storage rooms at companies throughout Austin.
There is large group of open source pros and advocates throughout Austin who would gladly spend a Saturday afternoon with friends repairing, refurbishing, and installing Linux on these machines so that they good be passed on to children who can use them.
All you have to do is connect the dots.

Linux Against Poverty

is also a conservation project. Many of the computers we receive were destined for the ferrous scrap heap. By repairing and refurbishing them, we extend their usable life a few years and help to minimize the ferrous waste created each year.

Offline biscoito1r

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Re: Linux against poverty - linux contra a pobreza
« Resposta #1 Online: 27 de Fevereiro de 2011, 17:58:31 »
Seria bom se o Brasil facilitasse a importação de computadores usados
Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re: Linux against poverty - linux contra a pobreza
« Resposta #2 Online: 27 de Fevereiro de 2011, 20:53:07 »
Vendo as distrbuições levinhas de linux que já vi, como slitaz, me pergunto o quanto o governo não poderia economizar em "áulas de informática" nas escolas públicas.

Offline Vito

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Re: Linux against poverty - linux contra a pobreza
« Resposta #3 Online: 27 de Fevereiro de 2011, 22:26:33 »
Testei o Slitaz é bom e ótimo, tenho o CPU ainda vive é o AMD 500mhz, 196mb ddr, HD morto, leitor cd e placa mãe pcchips seu chipset putassice SIS 530 não oferece driver nada o linux isso é grande limitação sem suporte 3D ou DRI porque aqui temos muito SIS na vida, mas o linux vai dar muita raiva mesmo e único sistema ele oferece o driver totalmente funcional (com aceleração 3D) é o windows 98.
Mas o computador mais velho, fica bem difícil para quem acessar, por exemplo, nesse computador fui clicar Firefox, levanta tudo 100% load, nada de fazer fica a média 29% de load.


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