Autor Tópico: Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias  (Lida 3337 vezes)

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Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #25 Online: 29 de Julho de 2017, 09:19:05 »
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Left Brain, Right Brain: Facts and Fantasies
Michael C. Corballis
Published: January 21, 2014


Handedness and brain asymmetry are widely regarded as unique to humans, and associated with complementary functions such as a left-brain specialization for language and logic and a right-brain specialization for creativity and intuition. In fact, asymmetries are widespread among animals, and support the gradual evolution of asymmetrical functions such as language and tool use. Handedness and brain asymmetry are inborn and under partial genetic control, although the gene or genes responsible are not well established. Cognitive and emotional difficulties are sometimes associated with departures from the “norm” of right-handedness and left-brain language dominance, more often with the absence of these asymmetries than their reversal.

Babies raised in households where sign language is used “babble” by making repetitive movements of the hands

Handedness, at least, is partly influenced by parental handedness, suggesting a genetic component [50], but genes can't tell the whole story. For instance some 23 percent of monozygotic twins, who share the same genes, are of opposite handedness [51]. These so-called “mirror twins” have themselves fallen prey to a Through the Looking Glass myth; according to Martin Gardner [52], Lewis Carroll intended the twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee in that book to be enantiomers, or perfect three-dimensional mirror images in bodily form as well as in hand and brain function. Although some have argued that mirroring arises in the process of twinning itself [53],[54], large-scale studies suggest that handedness [55],[56] and cerebral asymmetry [57] in mirror twins are not subject to special mirroring effects. In the majority of twins of opposite handedness the left hemisphere is dominant for language in both twins, consistent with the finding that the majority of single-born left-handed individuals are also left-hemisphere dominant for language. In twins, as in the singly born, it is estimated that only about a quarter of the variation in handedness is due to genetic influences [56].

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #26 Online: 13 de Agosto de 2017, 13:54:34 »
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Offline Muad'Dib

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #27 Online: 14 de Agosto de 2017, 09:40:31 »
Eu já espalhei o mito do Phineas Gage pela internet afora.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #28 Online: 14 de Agosto de 2017, 22:26:53 »
Eu também. Há pouco tempo atrás tinha ouvido uma versão "intermediária" que até já comentei. Essa versão que perde todo o phineas-gageísmo clássico é nova para mim.

Agora os espíritas podem dizer, triunfantemente, "hahaha! E agora, céticos? Cai por terra o principal argumento que tinham para a funcionalidade do cérebro como gerador da personalidade".

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #29 Online: 10 de Fevereiro de 2018, 01:27:29 »
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Não conhecia esse canal, "serious science", que é realmente sério, esperava algo meio cômico, ironizando.
É algo meio como TED talks de temas científicos, exposições de algum tema em menos de 20m, mas sem todo aquelas firulas de tentar criar "suspense" em comunicação com a platéia. Parece meio que uma entrevista com perguntas cortadas fora.

Offline Gigaview

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #30 Online: 15 de Fevereiro de 2018, 20:28:01 »
Arizona Woman Goes to Bed with Bad Headaches, Wakes Up Speaking in Different Accents

Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #31 Online: 19 de Abril de 2019, 18:00:11 »
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Offline Agnoscetico

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #32 Online: 20 de Abril de 2019, 12:52:08 »

Uma dúvida que parece não ter sido exatamente resolvida é onde no cérebro estaria a consciência (noção da existência); se em uma parte específica ou mais de uma. li por aí, num desses sites de tema científico, que poderia ser no córtex.

Francis Crick teria feito uma experiência, algo como "Frequência da consciência", onde teria usada onde inversas de -40 Hz pra anular a onda cerebral da consciência (ou algo assim), e o "paciente" teria feito algumas tarefas mas sem ter noção da própria identidade ou algo assim.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #33 Online: 23 de Abril de 2019, 03:01:02 »

Researchers partially revive pig brains four hours after 'death'


As Stanford professor Hank Greely points out in a Nature op-ed, this research potentially turns a pair of long-held beliefs about brain death on their heads. First, the idea that your consciousness dissipates within minutes of brain death and, second, that the only way to prevent that from happening is to restore circulation to the organ as close to immediately as possible. If we're able to partially reanimate pig brains four hours after the fact, those brains might not be as dead as we think they are.

While this discovery is sure to open a Pandora's Box of ethical questions -- from "how do we measure consciousness" and "how do we ensure that these heads don't regain consciousness" to "what rights do these heads have being in that undead grey zone" -- the study itself strictly adhered to ethical guidelines regarding animal welfare.


Offline Agnoscetico

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Re:Neurociência – Notícias Aleatórias
« Resposta #34 Online: 23 de Abril de 2019, 16:59:27 »

Researchers partially revive pig brains four hours after 'death'


As Stanford professor Hank Greely points out in a Nature op-ed, this research potentially turns a pair of long-held beliefs about brain death on their heads. First, the idea that your consciousness dissipates within minutes of brain death and, second, that the only way to prevent that from happening is to restore circulation to the organ as close to immediately as possible. If we're able to partially reanimate pig brains four hours after the fact, those brains might not be as dead as we think they are.

While this discovery is sure to open a Pandora's Box of ethical questions -- from "how do we measure consciousness" and "how do we ensure that these heads don't regain consciousness" to "what rights do these heads have being in that undead grey zone" -- the study itself strictly adhered to ethical guidelines regarding animal welfare.


Porcos zumbis.


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