« Online: 19 de Maio de 2013, 14:07:42 »
Não é só o Brasil que sofre que casos de criminosos reincidentes.
http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/18/us/new-york-student-killed/index.html?sr=fb051913studentkilled12pPolice gunfire kills Hofstra University student, official says
By Chelsea J. Carter and Chris Kokenes, CNN
updated 10:23 AM EDT, Sun May 19, 2013
New York (CNN) -- A Hofstra University student who died during a confrontation between a home invasion suspect and authorities was killed by police gunfire, a Nassau County, New York, police spokeswoman said Saturday.
Police fired eight shots at the intruder, who authorities say was holding a gun to the head of Andrea Rebello, 21, during a home invasion robbery Friday at an off-campus house in Uniondale.
One of the shots hit Rebello in the head, killing her, police spokeswoman Maureen Roach said.
Also killed was the intruder, whom authorities identified as Dalton Smith, 30, of Hempstead. He was struck seven times.
Authorities say Smith was wearing a mask. He invaded the home Rebello shared with her twin sister and two others during the predawn hours on Friday.
At some point, a female roommate of the twins was able to leave the home and call police, a police spokesman told CNN on Friday.
When a police officer arrived, Smith was holding a gun to Rebello's head, Roach said.
He told the officer he was going to kill Rebello, and then turned the handgun toward the officer, she said.
The officer, fearing for his life, drew his gun and fired, Roach said.
Authorities have not identified the officer.
At the time of the shooting, Smith was wanted for jumping parole, police said.
He was on parole for first-degree robbery and had an "extensive" arrest history that includes robbery, assault, and promoting prison contraband, said police in Nassau County.
A warrant for his arrest was issued April 25 for allegedly absconding from parole, police said
Rebello's high school principal, Carol Conklin-Spillane, said the twins' home community in Westchester, New York, was heartbroken.
She described Rebello as a fun-loving, personable and self-aware young woman.
Her parents, Fernando and Nella Rebello, are closely tied to the Portuguese community, and always worked to create opportunities for their children, Conklin-Spillane said.
Rebello, a junior, was majoring in public relations.
Hofstra University said it is offering counseling to students.
"Our hearts and minds and our thoughts and prayers are with her family, her friends and her classmates," the university said in a statement.
A funeral mass is planned for Wednesday.
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CNN's Michael Martinez, Brittany Brady and AnneClaire Stapleton contributed to this report.
Dos comentários (tem outros igualmente interessantes):
- Whoever let the animal out of it's cage should be locked up
- Second time in a week (see: New Orleans Parade shooter) we've seen someone that should have been in jail, but instead was out in public committing crimes. As I posted on another thread:
"Though only 15% of Americans over the age of 15 have arrest records, approximately 90 percent of “adult murderers have adult records, with an average adult criminal career [involving crimes committed as an adult rather than a child] of six or more years, including four major adult felony arrests”" (source: pg 667 law.harvard{dot}edu/students/orgs/jlpp
Why aren't the news agencies asking the questions about why these individuals were released? Who sentenced/released them? Why don't we see the outrage from the public about these individuals that have a proven (usually extensive) track record of crime that directly results in the harming or death of their victims?
- They use the jail space for non violent offenders and pot smokers. Violent criminals walk free.

Qualquer sistema de pensamento pode ser racional, pois basta que as suas conclusões não contrariem as suas premissas.
Mas isto não significa que este sistema de pensamento tenha correspondência com a realidade objetiva, sendo este o motivo pelo qual o conhecimento científico ser reconhecido como a única forma do homem estudar, explicar e compreender a Natureza.