Provavelmente não é nada com "código genético", mas, se houver algo minimamente parecido com o descrito, seria só influência do restante do sistema nervoso no novo cérebro, do mesmo tipo que ocorre entre células nervosas fora de instâncias de decapitação e regeneração. Mas provavelmente é isso e uma combinação ou papel preponderante de química do organismo, presente nele, e lançada no ambiente, meio como fazem as formigas.
Aquatic flatworms use chemical cues from injured conspecifics to
assess predation risk and to associate risk with novel cues
Biology Department, Minnesota State University Moorhead
(Received 23 October 2000; initial acceptance 7 December 2000;
final acceptance 20 March 2001; MS. number: A8914)
A growing number of aquatic organisms have been shown to display antipredator behaviour in response
to injury-released chemical cues from conspecifics. Here, we demonstrate a clear antipredator response in
the form of avoidance behaviour by a free-living flatworm Dugesia dorotocephala to chemical cues from
injured conspecifics. This is the first demonstration of a chemical alarm cue in a platyhelminth. In a
second experiment, we exposed planaria to combined cues of sunfish odour and planaria alarm cue, or
sunfish odour alone. Planaria avoided the sunfish+alarm cue but did not avoid the sunfish odour,
indicating no prior aversion to sunfish odour. When these same planaria were subsequently retested
2 days later with sunfish odour only, planaria that had previously received sunfish odour+alarm cue
avoided the cue but planaria that had previously received sunfish odour alone did not. These data
indicate that planaria learned to recognize sunfish odour as an indicator of danger based on a single
simultaneous exposure to conspecific alarm cue and the novel cue. This is the first demonstration of this
phenomenon in a platyhelminth and the simplest nervous system known to be capable of learned risk