Autor Tópico: What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality  (Lida 2721 vezes)

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What is Metaphysics?:

In Western philosophy, metaphysics has become the study of the fundamental nature of all reality — what is it, why is it, and how are we can understand it. Some treat metaphysics as the study of “higher” reality or the “invisible” nature behind everything, but that isn’t true. It is, instead, the study of all of reality, visible and invisible; and what constitutes reality, natural and supernatural. Because most of the debates between atheists and theists involve disagreements over the nature of reality and the existence of anything supernatural, the debates are often disagreements over metaphysics.

Where does the Term Metaphysics Come From?:

The term metaphysics is derived from the Greek Ta Meta ta Physkia which means “the books after the books on nature.” When a librarian was cataloging Aristotle’s works, he did not have a title for the material he wanted to shelve after the material called “nature” (Physkia) — so he called it “after nature.” Originally, this wasn’t even a subject at all — it was a collection of notes on different topics, but specifically topics removed from normal sense perception and empirical observation.

Metaphysics and the Supernatural:

In popular parlance, metaphysics has become the label for the study of things which transcend the natural world — that is, things which supposedly exist separately from nature and which have a more intrinsic reality than our natural existence. This assigns a sense to the Greek prefix meta which it did not originally have, but words do change over time. As a result, the popular sense of metaphysics has been the study of any question about reality which cannot be answered by scientific observation and experimentation. For atheists, this sense of metaphysics is usually regarded as literally empty.

What is a Metaphysician?:

A metaphysician is someone seeking to understand the substance of reality: why things exist at all and what it means to exist in the first place. Much of philosophy is an exercise in some form of metaphysics and we all have a metaphysical perspective because we all have some opinion about the nature of reality. Because everything in metaphysics is more controversial than other topics, there isn’t agreement among metaphysicians about what it is they are doing and what they are investigating.

Why Should Atheists Care About Metaphysics?:

Because atheists typically dismiss the existence of the supernatural, they may dismiss metaphysics as the pointless study of nothing. Because metaphysics is technically the study of all reality, and thus whether there is any supernatural element to it at all, in truth metaphysics is probably the most fundamental subject which irreligious atheists should focus on. Our ability to understand what reality is, what it is composed of, what "existence" means, etc., is fundamental to most of the disagreements between irreligious atheists and religious theists.

Is Metaphysics Pointless?:

Some irreligious atheists, like logical positivists, have argued that the agenda of metaphysics is largely pointless and can’t accomplish anything. According to them, metaphysical statements cannot be either true or false — as a result, they don’t really carry any meaning and shouldn’t be given any serious consideration. There is some justification to this position, but it is unlikely to convince or impress religious theists for whom metaphysical claims constitute some of the most important parts of their lives. Thus the ability to address and critique such claims can be important.

What is an Atheist Metaphysics?:

The only thing all atheists have in common is disbelief in gods, so the only thing all atheist metaphysics will have in common is that reality doesn't include any gods and isn't divinely created. Despite that, most atheists in the West tend to adopt a materialistic perspective on reality. This means that they regard the nature of our reality and the universe as consisting of matter and energy. Everything is natural; nothing is supernatural. There are no supernatural beings, realms, or planes of existence. All cause and effect proceeds via natural laws.

Questions Asked in Metaphysics:

What is out there?
What is reality?
Does Free Will exist?
Is there such a process as cause and effect?
Do abstract concepts (like numbers) really exist?

Important Texts on Metaphysics:

Metaphysics, by Aristotle.
Ethics, by Baruch Spinoza.

Branches of Metaphysics:

Aristotle’s book on metaphysics was divided into three sections: ontology, theology, and universal science. Because of this, those are the three traditional branches of metaphysical inquiry.

Ontology is the branch of philosophy which deals with the study of the nature of reality: what is it, how many “realities” are there, what are its properties, etc. The word is derived from the Greek terms on, which means “reality” and logos, which means “study of.” Atheists generally believe that there is a single reality which is material and natural in nature.

Theology, of course, is the study of gods — does a god exist, what a god is, what a god wants, etc. Every religion has its own theology because its study of gods, if it includes any gods, will proceed from specific doctrines and traditions which vary from one religion to the next. Since atheists don't accept the existence of any gods, they don't accept that theology is the study of anything real. At most, it might be the study of what people think is real and atheist involvement in theology proceeds more from the perspective of a critical outsider rather than an involved member.

The branch of “universal science” is a bit harder to understand, but it involves the search for “first principles” — things like the origin of the universe, fundamental laws of logic and reasoning, etc. For theists, the answer to this is almost always "god" and, moreover, they tend to argue that there can be no other possible answer. Some even go far as to argue that the existence of things like logic and the universe constitute evidence of the existence of their god.


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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #1 Online: 14 de Janeiro de 2014, 14:25:45 »
What is out there?

« Última modificação: 14 de Janeiro de 2014, 14:28:13 por Gigaview »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #2 Online: 15 de Janeiro de 2014, 10:00:03 »
bom ficou bem explicado no texto que a metafísica é inútil salvo a parte que é importante entendê la para debater com teístas.
“If an ideology is peaceful, we will see its extremists and literalists as the most peaceful people on earth, that's called common sense.”

Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

"To claim that someone is not motivated by what they say is motivating them, means you know what motivates them better than they do."

Peter Boghossian

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I'm not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers."  --William Gascoyne

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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #3 Online: 15 de Janeiro de 2014, 12:40:27 »
bom ficou bem explicado no texto que a metafísica é inútil salvo a parte que é importante entendê la para debater com teístas.

Sabe, até um certo tempo eu pensava como você, mas hoje discordo dessa afirmação. Isso porque embutida nessa sua afirmação está uma alegação de cunho epistemológico: "a Metafísica lida com questões que não podem ser respondidas, ou com afirmações que não são falseáveis." Não duvido disso. O erro está em acreditar que essa situação seja imutável. Isto é, existem questões que não podem ser respondidas - agora, mas que talvez, dado algum novo dado experimental, possam ser tratadas do ponto de vista científico. Foi isso que pegou Comte, que afirmou que nunca se descobriria a composição das estrelas, e que portanto, qualquer especulação sobre isso seria metafísica. Ainda durante a vida dele se descobriu um método de detectar essa composição. É por isso que nas horas vagas ainda me divirto com especulações metafísicas. Nunca se sabe quando elas nos serão úteis! :)
You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.

Alan Watts

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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #5 Online: 15 de Janeiro de 2014, 19:50:28 »
bom ficou bem explicado no texto que a metafísica é inútil salvo a parte que é importante entendê la para debater com teístas.

Sabe, até um certo tempo eu pensava como você, mas hoje discordo dessa afirmação. Isso porque embutida nessa sua afirmação está uma alegação de cunho epistemológico: "a Metafísica lida com questões que não podem ser respondidas, ou com afirmações que não são falseáveis." Não duvido disso. O erro está em acreditar que essa situação seja imutável. Isto é, existem questões que não podem ser respondidas - agora, mas que talvez, dado algum novo dado experimental, possam ser tratadas do ponto de vista científico. Foi isso que pegou Comte, que afirmou que nunca se descobriria a composição das estrelas, e que portanto, qualquer especulação sobre isso seria metafísica. Ainda durante a vida dele se descobriu um método de detectar essa composição. É por isso que nas horas vagas ainda me divirto com especulações metafísicas. Nunca se sabe quando elas nos serão úteis! :)

Mas imagino que a composição das estrelas não foi definida por metafísicos e o problema estaria na cabeça dos cientistas sem os metafísicos também, o que tornam os metafísicos inúteis nesse seu exemplo.

Acho que o problema não são o tipo de questões levantadas, é o próprio método (ou falta de) que já desabona a coisa toda.
“If an ideology is peaceful, we will see its extremists and literalists as the most peaceful people on earth, that's called common sense.”

Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

"To claim that someone is not motivated by what they say is motivating them, means you know what motivates them better than they do."

Peter Boghossian

Sacred cows make the best hamburgers

I'm not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers."  --William Gascoyne


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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #6 Online: 16 de Janeiro de 2014, 06:31:56 »
bom ficou bem explicado no texto que a metafísica é inútil salvo a parte que é importante entendê la para debater com teístas.

Que estranho, eu entendi o contrário.

(Aqui não era espaço para discussões em outras línguas?)

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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #8 Online: 16 de Janeiro de 2014, 18:55:56 »
bom ficou bem explicado no texto que a metafísica é inútil salvo a parte que é importante entendê la para debater com teístas.

Sabe, até um certo tempo eu pensava como você, mas hoje discordo dessa afirmação. Isso porque embutida nessa sua afirmação está uma alegação de cunho epistemológico: "a Metafísica lida com questões que não podem ser respondidas, ou com afirmações que não são falseáveis." Não duvido disso. O erro está em acreditar que essa situação seja imutável. Isto é, existem questões que não podem ser respondidas - agora, mas que talvez, dado algum novo dado experimental, possam ser tratadas do ponto de vista científico. Foi isso que pegou Comte, que afirmou que nunca se descobriria a composição das estrelas, e que portanto, qualquer especulação sobre isso seria metafísica. Ainda durante a vida dele se descobriu um método de detectar essa composição. É por isso que nas horas vagas ainda me divirto com especulações metafísicas. Nunca se sabe quando elas nos serão úteis! :)

Mas imagino que a composição das estrelas não foi definida por metafísicos e o problema estaria na cabeça dos cientistas sem os metafísicos também, o que tornam os metafísicos inúteis nesse seu exemplo.

Acho que o problema não são o tipo de questões levantadas, é o próprio método (ou falta de) que já desabona a coisa toda.

Novamente, até certo ponto você tem razão. Mas especulações metafísicas têm o mérito de questionar suposições que pareceriam à primeira vista óbvias. E você está supondo que uma possível utilidade da filosofia teria valor ético (útil = bom). O erro é estender isso à alegação: inútil = ruim, que não é necessariamente verdade.

And now I'll switch to english.
You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.

Alan Watts

Offline Gigaview

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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #9 Online: 16 de Janeiro de 2014, 21:21:07 »
Metaphysics exists to ask the questions, not to provide the answers.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:What is Metaphysics? Philosophy of the Nature of Being, Existence, Reality
« Resposta #10 Online: 16 de Janeiro de 2014, 21:39:49 »
The problem is that English isn't the most appropriate language to discuss about the nature of "being", as it conflates verb and noun, as if they were one and the same, when they are different "things". Or are they?


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