Autor Tópico: Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos  (Lida 612 vezes)

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Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Online: 23 de Fevereiro de 2014, 20:05:33 »
Aproveitando a deixa da compra do WhatsApp pelo Facebook, o que vocês consideram as tecnologias/avanços mais disruptivos dos últimos tempos? Coisas como o as redes sociais, o iPhone do Steve Jobs, o Android do Google, mas também não precisa ser necessariamente coisas ligadas à informática. E o que podemos esperar pela frente em um futuro próximo?

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Re:Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Resposta #1 Online: 23 de Fevereiro de 2014, 20:10:42 »
aplicativos em cloud computing pode ser disruptivo em mercados corporativos. Já é uma tendência.
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Re:Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Resposta #2 Online: 23 de Fevereiro de 2014, 21:07:21 »
Aproveitando a deixa da compra do WhatsApp pelo Facebook, o que vocês consideram as tecnologias/avanços mais disruptivos dos últimos tempos? Coisas como o as redes sociais, o iPhone do Steve Jobs, o Android do Google, mas também não precisa ser necessariamente coisas ligadas à informática. E o que podemos esperar pela frente em um futuro próximo?
Muito boa essa! E ainda existe, sobrou, tecnologia que não seja ligada à informática? Por aqui mesmo, num tópico passado, meses a 1 ano..., há uma declaração como "no setor automotivo, ocorre isso assim...  mas mesmo no setor de tecnologia (informática, que já estava no contexto)..." hahahahahahaha O setor automotivo "não é um setor de tecnologia" (a não ser, claro, talvez, pelo 'informática embarcada'... o automotivo, *em si*, não é   ,   mais...) Foi hilário ver e eu nem comentei nada na hora, como em tantos absurdos que vejo pelo mundo, incluso aqui, já que só leio e prefiro retirar-me. Mas já vi mais de uma vez essa "tendência". De fato, não sei se isso consegue ser mais absurdo que dizer que algo como redes socias é tecnologia! O mundo está cada vez mais e mais um misto de divertido e preocupante... Fico até excitado...

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Re:Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Resposta #3 Online: 23 de Fevereiro de 2014, 21:09:00 »
Pode haver maior disruption que isso?

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Re:Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Resposta #4 Online: 23 de Fevereiro de 2014, 21:24:11 »
Por isso incluí "avanços" no texto. Não precisa ser só tecnologias.

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Re:Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Resposta #5 Online: 24 de Fevereiro de 2014, 00:36:47 »
Você está certíssimo! Grave falha minha por que me retrato e, encarecidamente, peço perdão.

Realmente fiz parecer que você também cometia as falhas apontadas porque, numa espécie de seletividade ofuscante, só vi o que configuraria o absurdo que, lamentavelmente, é fato corrente, todavia.

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Re:Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Resposta #6 Online: 24 de Fevereiro de 2014, 00:54:36 »
Certas tecnologias, tem  seus atrativos, como por exemplo, tintas á base d´agua, são tecnologias que tem visibilidade para o consumidor final, mas uma boa parte, está nos pequenos detalhes, descobertas recentes por pesquisadores que melhoram o uso de compostos químicos em produtos, deixando-os mais econômicos para o produtor, esses terão pouca visibilidade ou nenhuma, só entre os profissionais da área. Então avanços tecnológicos nem sempre são perceptíveis, se frequentarmos sites especializados em novas tecnologias, grande parte delas, à principio, parecem sem utilidade, ou de utilidade duvidosa.

As impressoras 3D, parecem promissoras, cada vez mais estão inventando usos nunca antes pensado, e já vi especulações sobre imprimir direto em ligas metálicas, etc. O que esta tecnologia desbancaria? 

Uma inovação disruptiva, geralmente leva um tempo para eclipsar uma tecnologia existente, por motivos mercadológicos, desconfiança, entre outros.

Resumindo: Ou acreditamos em mágica ou não!

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Re:Tecnologias/avanços disruptivos
« Resposta #7 Online: 24 de Fevereiro de 2014, 19:47:54 »
Um artigo sobre tecnologias disruptivas:

12 Disruptive Technologies You Need to Know About
BY Erik Sherman

Look at the history of entrepreneurship and you see a repeated story of technology disrupting industries. With the ever accelerating rate of advancement in many fields, the chance of future disruptions over most industries becomes almost a certainty.

So where should you pay attention? Here's a list of 12 disruptive technologies as identified recently by the McKinsey Global Institute. According to its estimate, the total potential impact could be between $14 trillion and $33 trillion a year by 2025.

    Mobile Internet--Mobile Internet is far more than having access to a browser from your smartphone or tablet. It will affect service delivery, worker productivity, remote healthcare, and consumer habits and preferences in shopping. Some of the technologies that it, in turn, will affect are battery technology, advanced displays, new user interface designs, further miniaturization of electronics, and wireless.

    Automation of knowledge work--The combination of artificial intelligence, natural user interfaces, and big-data technologies will start doing many tasks that formerly required people, so expect further downsizing. Also, tools will leverage professionals of all sorts and affect such fields as education, diagnosis and drug discovery in medical, legal work such as discovery and patent filing, and accounting and investments in finance.

    Internet of Things--With sensors on devices, clothing, machinery, and virtually anything else you can think of, all using wireless and near-field communications to communicate with networks and the rest of the Internet, there will be major impacts on business process optimization, manufacturing, natural resource use, utilities, energy delivery, and remote healthcare.

    Cloud--Cloud technology can provide centralized computing resources to serve many users, whether internally in a company or through a third-party service. More efficient use of resources will put pressure on the computer and IT industries, as more work is done by fewer machines and people. At the same time, cloud can offer software and computing services that let businesses run more efficiently and enable many technology entrepreneurs to get the resources they need far more economically than by building their own systems.

    Advanced robotics--Exoskeletons, artificial and enhanced sight and hearing, remote physical manipulation, and artificial intelligence will make changes in manufacturing, healthcare and surgery, such basic service activities as food preparation and cleaning, and consumer use.

    Autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles--Self-driving cars already exist in prototype forms. Add in computer vision, sensors such as radar and GPS, communication with networks, and remote control, and you affect transportation and shipping.

    Next-generation genomics--Gene sequencing, analytics, and synthetic biology are coming into their own. Combining the ease of getting information with much faster analysis will affect disease treatment, agriculture and food production, and probably insurance.

    Energy storage--Energy storage has been a major limiting factor in many technologies, whether consumer electronics, vehicles, remote mechanical systems, and alternative energy production. Find better ways to store energy via new approaches to batteries, nanotechnology, and advanced materials, and you could find entire new applications possible that couldn't have been done before.

    3D printing--Whether high-profile use in producing individual guns or research that could allow devices to literally make meals, 3D printing is rapidly gaining prominence. Printers could change the way companies make almost anything through distributed manufacturing, enable consumers to make products themselves, or create tissues and organs for transplanting.

    Advanced materials--Materials science has been an important area that many people have ignored. But modern plastics, specialized automotive steel, and semiconductors are just three areas where it has been important. The influence will only expand as such technologies as graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, and memory and self-healing materials affect energy storage, computer displays, enhanced chemicals and catalysts, consumer electronics, medicine, and many types of manufacturing.

    Advanced oil and gas exploration and recovery--Even as alternative energy resources expand in commercial scope, petroleum and gas are important in many manufacturing processes as ingredients or components. Fracking, horizontal drilling, and microseismic monitoring will be important in shale gas, light tight oil, and coal-based methane.

    Renewable energy--Between global climate change and finite petroleum resources, the world needs energy to do literally everything. Photovoltaic cells and other forms of direct solar, geothermal, wind, and various forms of hydroelectric will not only help generate electricity, but allow distributed energy production, which could change many industries.

Here is a graph of the expected economic impact by technology in trillions of dollars:

Even though keeping tabs on these technologies is something for the long term, it's also immediately important. Any day you might hear of an advance that could make a big difference for your business--or the next one you will launch.

Last updated: Jun 6, 2013



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