Estamos avançando na tecnologia de reconhecimento de voz.
Não se diz mais "num futuro próximo", mas já estamos hoje usufruindo de algoritmos bastante sofisticados no reconhecimento de voz a ponto de ser possível se manter um diálogo com o
smartphone como se fosse com uma secretária ou assistente humanos.
Um exemplo para ilustrar: Internal Demo
Hound by SoundHound Inc.
Publicado em 2 de jun de 2015
In this video, SoundHound Inc. Founder & CEO, Keyvan Mohajer does examples of voice queries to Hound that show speed and accuracy, and the ability to handle context, detailed criteria, and other examples. Hound can’t do everything, of course, but, for users who believe that speaking to connected devices should be like how we speak normally - this shows that it’s now possible. So many of things that you used to type, tap and swipe for can now be done effortlessly by speaking.
The technology underpinnings of Hound, all built in-house at SoundHound Inc., include the company’s Speech-to-Meaning engine. The company has also built the Houndify platform, for developers to leverage the technology and build smart, interactive voice interfaces to their own products, services, and experiences. Almost anything that is ‘connected’ can become Houndifed.
Available in US only at this time. Need a code? Request in-app or at
Download the app at
Hound on iOS is coming soon. |
Eu não imaginava que esse recurso já estivesse tão avançado.
Conversar com um computador e obter respostas na ponta da língua, ou seja, imediatamente passa a ser atividade corriqueira e trivial.
Sem falar na enorme ajuda a pessoas com deficiência visual.