Nem tanto ao céu, nem tanto à terra..."Before the end of the 19th century, Cambridge University, like all institutions of higher education, was closed to women. The few women who were introduced to philosophy were usually aristocrats who were privately or self-educated. They corresponded with, or met and discussed their ideas with well known male philosophers through their family connections. Some of these women contributed to philosophy through their correspondence, essays and books (often published anonymously).
From the 1930s women began to represent all schools and fields of philosophy. The work of some of them has survived the test of time, but that of many others faded into obscurity. Even today, women are under-represented in philosophy.""Porém, de acordo com a professora de filosofia Priscila Rufinoni, da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), as mulheres começaram a ocupar cursos em que não estavam tão presentes.
“Este curso (filosofia) sempre foi mais masculino, a começar por seu corpo docente, de maioria esmagadora: 37 homens e 5 mulheres, e assim também entre o alunado”, explica Rufinoni.
Segundo ela, apesar da filosofia ser da área de ciências humanas, ela oferece interface com as ciências exatas, onde a maioria masculina prevalece. Mas, Priscila acredita que esse quadro tende a se alterar. “Aumentou o número de alunas no curso. Hoje, vejo mais meninas nas salas”, afirma a professora."