Autor Tópico: Dialogo Jesus X Socrates  (Lida 440 vezes)

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Offline Felius

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Dialogo Jesus X Socrates
« Online: 18 de Outubro de 2005, 19:33:06 »

O textinho legal.

Leiam depois discutiremos

*como um professor*
"The patient refused an autopsy."

Offline LIAN

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Dialogo Jesus X Socrates
« Resposta #1 Online: 18 de Outubro de 2005, 20:16:44 »
To serve and worship God.

Which God.

There is only one god.

Oh. You should live here in Athens. We have several to choose from.

There is only one true God.

Of course. And which one is the true God?

The true god is Lord God.

Quem já acompanhou debate de irc sabe do que estou falando, e esse diálogo parece que alguns que tinhamos no #str!:D

Is the child of a criminal duty-bound to be obedient to his father, or does he have a right and obligation to judge for himself between right and wrong? What sin, what act of disobedience, did man commit in the Garden of Eden?

In the center of the Garden of Eden, God put the tree of knowledge. God told Adam and Eve that they were not to eat of the fruit of that tree. Satan went to the Garden disguised as a snake and told Eve that she would gain great knowledge if she ate the fruit. Satan said that God had told them not to eat the fruit because he was afraid that if they did they would become as great as he was. Eve convinced Adam to eat the fruit. After they ate, the learned of sexual love. That was the original sin.

Já fiz essa pergunta a um crente...será que os debates entre "livre pensadores" (sou isso?!) e crentes fundamentalistas é tudo igual?!:D
"Não consigo me convencer de que um Deus caridoso e onipotente teria propositalmente criado vespas parasitas com a intenção expressa de alimentá-las dentro de corpos vivos de lagartas." Charles Darwin

Offline Vexille

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Re.: Dialogo Jesus X Socrates
« Resposta #2 Online: 18 de Outubro de 2005, 20:18:49 »
:dedos:  :dedos:  :dedos:


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