Autor Tópico: Brazilian "psychic" sues U.S.A. for $25 million  (Lida 1235 vezes)

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Brazilian "psychic" sues U.S.A. for $25 million
« Online: 07 de Novembro de 2005, 20:41:11 »
You probably already know about this case, but it was news to me when I read it today.


A Brazilian psychic is demanding that the United States pay him $25 million as a reward for directing US troops to Saddam Hussein's exact hiding place in 2003.  

Jucelino Nobrega Da Luz claims to have sent letters to the U.S. Government beginning in September 2001 with exact location of Saddam's hiding place, though he never received a reply from US authorities.

Da Luz claimed that without his letters of instruction, the US would not have successfully captured Iraq's former leader. He believes, therefore, that he is entitled to the $25 million reward posted for help leading to his capture, according to Reuters.

Da Luz had taken up the matter with Brazil’s second-highest court, the Superior Court of Justice, after a lower court in his home state of Minas Gerais decided that the claim would have to be judged in the United States, and the higher tribunal ruled otherwise.

His lawyers attest that Da Luz has an uncanny knack for predicting the future, stating that "Via dreams, he sees situations, facts that will happen."

If the Brazilian court upholds his claim, the matter will be presented to US legal authorities at the US State Department.
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Re.: Brazilian "psychic" sues U.S.A. for $25 milli
« Resposta #1 Online: 07 de Novembro de 2005, 20:48:26 »
haha yeah.
one brazilian skeptic, daniel sottomaior, says he's going to 'unmask' the psychic... let's see what happens....
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Re.: Brazilian "psychic" sues U.S.A. for $25 milli
« Resposta #2 Online: 07 de Novembro de 2005, 22:45:34 »
He "claims" to have send an letter to US President. He is always showing photocopies of documents saying that sended thousand of letters to a lot of people.

But hey, he lives on Brazil, land of "smarties". He have an friend on the national post service who stamp his letters with fake dates. He have time to write his letters and to claim that he sended before.

Its a shame for me to live on the same hemisphere than a lad like him...
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