...pratice english is important, as Poindexter would say...
practicing english is indeed important, ain't it?
That's exactly what I'd say, Miojo!
It's very important for non-English speakers to practice it, because of it's huge importance in today's world!
I'm very sad to see that English sections grow very slowly here and in STR forum.

Fortunately, as Mom, my sister and my darling

all speak English, I can sometimes talk to them in this this foreign language. Spanish and French, on the other hand...
About the collecting: I don't intend to give A PENNY to STR unless Mr. Vines ASKS FOR IT HIMSELF. As he is the president of STR, he should AT LEAST TRY TO SEEM TO BE DOING SOMETHING. I don't want to give money to a beggining NGO whose president, even active, DOESN'T CARE EVEN ABOUT WRITING, OR MAKING SOMEONE WRITE UNDER HIS NAME, a simple letter giving infomation to the supporters.