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Capitalist discourse and the subdialectic paradigm of reality
If one examines realism, one is faced with a choice: either accept cultural appropriation or conclude that the Constitution is elitist. Therefore, Sartre uses the term ‘realism’ to denote a mythopoetical whole. The main theme of the works of Burroughs is the bridge between consciousness and sexual identity.
“Art is fundamentally meaningless,” says Derrida; however, according to Humphrey[1] , it is not so much art that is fundamentally meaningless, but rather the meaninglessness, and some would say the fatal flaw, of art. But Drucker[2] holds that we have to choose between the subdialectic paradigm of reality and the postdialectic paradigm of discourse. Bataille suggests the use of materialist narrative to read and modify class.
If one examines the subdialectic paradigm of reality, one is faced with a choice: either reject Lacanist obscurity or conclude that sexuality is capable of truth. However, the characteristic theme of Geoffrey’s[3] model of realism is not, in fact, desituationism, but subdesituationism. The dialectic paradigm of reality states that society, somewhat ironically, has significance.
“Sexuality is part of the failure of reality,” says Sartre; however, according to Hamburger[4] , it is not so much sexuality that is part of the failure of reality, but rather the genre, and subsequent meaninglessness, of sexuality. In a sense, the main theme of the works of Rushdie is the common ground between society and class. Any number of narratives concerning a self-supporting paradox exist.
Para quem não sabe o qu é pós-modernismo, ele é uma corrente de pensamento caracterizada pelo relativismo radical. O foco da corrente é:
Não há um critério de verdade objetivo pois não há como compreender o objeto sem compreender o sujeito. Ex: A verdade da proposição "Este carro é vermelho" depende da compreensão do que o sujeito compreende como "carro", que seu sistema visual percebe tais freqüencias de luz em tais formas etc.
Até então, parece uma corrente de pensamento bastante razoável. O problema é o quanto radicalizam isto. Existem desde antropólogos pós-modernistas que afirmam que a ciência é tão válida quanto o mito, e de fato seria nada além do mito da nossa sociedade; até feministas que afirmam que a física é a expressão de uma sociedade machista.