Equilibrium é um excelente filme B. Você assiste, ri, comenta com seus colegas como ele é tosco, fica ressaltando as coisas sem sentido. Enfim, assunto para o resto da semana.
Eu achei um comentário sobre ele no IMDB que resume tudo:
One of my favorite imperfect films., 26 August 2004
Author: Jason from Los Angeles, CA, USA
I know it's stupid to believe that a futuristic society is dumb enough to believe that the mere existence paintings, poems and sculptures can somehow lead to WW4.
I know there's a statue as well as stylish architecture in the headquarters of the people who ban artwork.
I know it's stupid to assume that a culture based on taking a drug every morning is not a very secure or feasible idea.
I know it makes no sense for a culture with no emotions to still be able to fall in love, choose a spouse and desire sex to create children.
I know half the people that Preston attacks are just standing there doing nothing while they wait to get their ass kicked.
I know the sets look cheap.
I know it's stupid that the "police" seem to die because their helmet glass breaks, when they'd probably be smart enough to have shatter-proof, if not bullet-proof plexiglass in the first place.
I know there's no reason random citizens would sit in a square to watch a guy on a big screen giving a speech, re-enforcing what the characters already know.
I know it paints a stupid picture of characters with emotion as looking like long-haired Gothic slobs who do nothing but sit in rooms with paintings and LP records and poetry books all day.
I know the emotionless characters express emotions and crack facial expressions when they're probably not supposed to.
I know Gun-Fu doesn't make much sense as to its practicality.
I know this film is an inspired rip-off of "Fahrenheit 451", "1984", "THX-1138", "Brazil", and "Blade Runner".
................But I love it.
Although it's a mish mash of every "man vs. futuristic oppressive society" film ever made, it manages to pull it off as good as some of its inspirations.
The film's story and message is clear.
The action is fresh, original, readable and gets the adrenaline flowing.
The atmosphere is clearly defined.
The production design is inspired.
Christian Bale and Emily Watson are superb.
The ending is satisfying.
*More power to Wimmer and Bale! I look forward to "Ultraviolet" and "Batman Begins".
Bom, no meu caso eu acho que na minha avaliação os pontos negativos superam em muito os positivos, eu não daria mais do que 5/10 a ele.
E outra coisa que o cara não comentou: o governo totalitário é muito estúpido! O cara aparece chorando em público, na frente de dezenas de testemunhas, sai correndo de um lado para o outro, tem ataques histéricos exatamente no lugar onde ele trabalha e os chefes dele não sabem de nada... Por outro lado, o líder do grupo rebelde diz que "tem estado observando" o personagem principal.
E aquele parceiro negro dele é o cara que mais expressa emoções durante o filme inteiro!