Autor Tópico: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven  (Lida 1971 vezes)

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #1 Online: 18 de Agosto de 2006, 22:39:27 »

I watched the last one, it's nice, but not enough to convince the faithful people. In fact, nothing is...

Offline Alenônimo

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #2 Online: 19 de Agosto de 2006, 00:25:17 »
But they're very good, almost perfect, arguments. How can you refute something like that?
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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #3 Online: 19 de Agosto de 2006, 00:25:55 »
oh, i know several ways to do it...
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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #5 Online: 19 de Agosto de 2006, 14:00:22 »
jesus was a friggin commie
« Última modificação: 19 de Agosto de 2006, 14:20:56 por Ukrainian »

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #6 Online: 19 de Agosto de 2006, 15:41:05 »

perhaps we should mention that in one of those topics of that "Euateu" guy where he mentioned that economic success was due to theism/christianity

Offline Guinevere

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #7 Online: 19 de Agosto de 2006, 21:18:06 »
OMG! Jesus is imaginary!!!! If I pray he won't appear!! Now I'm an atheist!!!

PS: what's the matter of that people? Why to make a video contaning pure text?

Offline Lorentz

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #8 Online: 20 de Agosto de 2006, 00:09:35 »
OMG! Jesus is imaginary!!!! If I pray he won't appear!! Now I'm an atheist!!!

If he won't appear, may he still exists, but he will be seen like a lier! But God is perfect, and never lie!

"If you are a normal, intelligent person..."  :lol:

PS: what's the matter of that people? Why to make a video contaning pure text?

1st: To put it in the almighty Youtube;

2nd: Pure text?! There's some sticky people and "cliparts" there too;

3rd: Maybe the narrator is very ugly.
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Offline Guinevere

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #9 Online: 20 de Agosto de 2006, 00:22:40 »
expandable, unuseful and dammed stupid cliparts.

Come on, "E-A-R-T-H"?!?

Offline Alenônimo

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #10 Online: 20 de Agosto de 2006, 00:37:50 »
OMG! Jesus is imaginary!!!! If I pray he won't appear!! Now I'm an atheist!!!

PS: what's the matter of that people? Why to make a video contaning pure text?

It's better than a dumbass face. And there's some graphical representaton in some videos.
“A ciência não explica tudo. A religião não explica nada.”

Offline Lorentz

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #11 Online: 20 de Agosto de 2006, 00:39:19 »
expandable, unuseful and dammed stupid cliparts.

Come on, "E-A-R-T-H"?!?

Ok, you believe in god. But try to criticize the content, not the sticky men.

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  /  \


Very cool!

"Amy, technology isn't intrinsically good or bad. It's all in how you use it, like the death ray." - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

Offline Guinevere

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Re: [en][youtube] Proving that nobody can get into heaven
« Resposta #12 Online: 20 de Agosto de 2006, 01:00:20 »
criticizing both, if cas you didn't  notice

I am on dial-up. So I do several malabarisms to download a video with DAP (download accelarator plus), lost the connection several times, use a crappy flv player, and ... DUH! A text read aloud. A text that fits a page on screen.

And... duh! The guy is saying: "Pray asking for Jesus showing up. He won't. See? He doens't exist!"

Just that? One line can describe the idea.


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