Takara Co of Japan claims to have a machine that allows users to have the dreams they want - a dream factory.
According to the BBC, the dream workshop uses the following technologies to help users direct their dreams during periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep:
* voice recording
* photographs
* music
* odors.
Although still in the development phase, company officials claim at least partial success with their employees. For example, you might get the theme right, but the story-line was wrong.
(From Yumemi Kobo - Dream Factory)
When you think about it, this could be the breakthrough that companies have been looking for. Corporations have been able to monetize practically every part of the day (early morning coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, late night snacks... And media all the time. But there has always been that eight hours or so that can't be touched. Now we have a product that cracks that last great market - sleep!
Science fiction fans may recall the recent novel Starfish, in which Peter Watts talks about the lucid dreamer, a machine that helps people get the sweet dreams they want. Also, see the original article here. Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 1/15/2004)
Do you believe? Is it really work?