Autor Tópico: Lactic acid and running: myths, legends and reality  (Lida 1861 vezes)

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Re: Lactic acid and running: myths, legends and reality
« Resposta #1 Online: 01 de Fevereiro de 2007, 05:00:53 »
I really do not believe in it!

Lactic acid does not exist as an acid in the body: it exists in another form called “lactate”, and it is this that is actually measured in the blood when “lactic acid” concentration is determined, as is done from time to time. This distinction is important not only for the sake of correctness, but more importantly, because lactate and lactic acid would have different physiological effects.

In fact, lactate and lactic acid is the same thing. The difference is on the pH of the solution. Someone must to show a titration curve for this author.

I could write many other things but English sucks... Perhaps in portuguese...

Offline Luis Dantas

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Re: Lactic acid and running: myths, legends and reality
« Resposta #2 Online: 01 de Fevereiro de 2007, 08:15:27 »
Do it.  I will attempt to translate it.  It can be a good exercise.
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Re: Lactic acid and running: myths, legends and reality
« Resposta #3 Online: 01 de Fevereiro de 2007, 17:26:59 »
It would be a good exercise for me too, but it requires much time.


Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re: Lactic acid and running: myths, legends and reality
« Resposta #4 Online: 17 de Setembro de 2007, 03:27:30 »
Yet on the subject of muscular soreness:
natural cynic // Sep 16, 2007 at 9:11 pm

It’s not the lactate, it’s the hydrogen ion that causes some of the pain. Chemoreceptors detect lowering pH and a pain signal is sent to the brain. The fact that lactate does not cause the pain was shown long ago in experiments that used infused sodium lactate. Incidentally, lactate from anaerobic glycolysis is produced in the fast twitch fibers, diffuses to the slow-twitch fibers where it is used as an energy source for aerobic metabolism. Much of the remaining lactate is used as an aerobic energy sourceby the heart.

(in the comments)

In fact, lactate and lactic acid is the same thing. The difference is on the pH of the solution. Someone must to show a titration curve for this author.

I could write many other things but English sucks... Perhaps in portuguese...
Well, but if it's the pH of something that gives it a "acid" status, isn't it right to say that despite of being the same thing, one thing is the lactic acid and lactate is another? :|


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