O Willy Nilly não conhece "here comes the sun" dos Beatles, mas conhece "dvorak" do "linkin park". É uma calamidade esse tipo de coisa, cada vez mais comum.
Mas enfim, um post interessante que vi:
7 Reasons to Switch to the Dvorak Keyboard Layout
4. Dvorak is more comfortable and better for your health.
Although its only your fingers that do the extra reaching in QWERTY, the distance adds up. A study compared the distance traveled by the fingers of two typists in performing the same task. In Dvorak, the typists fingers traveled 1.5 km per day; In QWERTY, 30 km per day. This extra distance increases not only the likelihood of errors but the stress on your fingers.
The discomfort is often temporary. But with the amount of typing we do today — plus the prevalence of QWERTY keyboards — it is not uncommon for the pain to progress to repetitive strain injury. Some RSI sufferers have reported some relief from taking breaks, doing stretches, improving posture, and of course, switching to Dvorak. [...]