uiliníli, acho que você poderia abrir um tópico para discutir a sabedoria oriental da sua assinatura.
Ainda não, tenho que ler mais para poder discutir esse assunto de forma aprofundada. Mas só por curiosidade, você tem alguma crítica à frase que cito na assinatura especificamente?
Mais ou menos.
Esse tipo de frase vai passando de "mão em mão" (Même?) e a cada passada muda um pouco - até que esta nem mudou muito pela idade que tem...Algumas mudam até de autor e não ficaria surpreso se daqui a algum tempo ela estiver sendo atribuída a Einstein ou outra figura que todos citam mas ninguém conhece muito bem.
Compare com uma tradução para o inglês do sutra original: Gautama Buddha, Kesaputti Sutta, 5th sutta (sutra) in the Book of Threes (Mahavagga) in the Gradual Sayings (Tika Nipata). É importante também conhecer o contexto do que foi supostamente dito por Buda aqui:
http://oaks.nvg.org/kalama.htmlIn Pali, Buddha's reply is recorded thus:
Ma anussavena.
Do not believe something just because it has been passed along and retold for many generations. [Simpler: Do not be led by what you are told.]
Ma paramparaya.
Do not believe something merely because it has become a traditional practice. [Do not be led by whatever has been handed down from past generations.]
Ma itikiraya.
Do not believe something simply because it is well-known everywhere. [Do not be led by hearsay or common opinion.]
Ma Pitakasampadanena.
Do not believe something just because it is cited in a text. [Do not be led by what the scriptures say]
Ma takkahetu.
Do not believe something solely on the grounds of logical reasoning. [Do not be led by mere logic.]
Ma nayahetu.
Do not believe something merely because it accords with your philosophy. [Do not be led by mere deduction or inference.]
Ma akaraparivitakkena.
Do not believe something because it appeals to "common sense". [Do not be led by considering only outward appearance.]
Ma ditthinijjhanakkhantiya.
Do not believe something just because you like the idea. [Do not be led by preconceived notions (and the theory reflected as an approval)]
Ma bhabbarupataya.
Do not believe something because the speaker seems trustworthy. [Do not be led by what seems acceptable; do not be led by what some seeming believable one says.]
Ma samano no garu ti.
Do not believe something thinking, "This is what our teacher says". [Do not be led by what your teacher tells you is so.]
Kalamas, when you yourselves directly know, "This is [these things are] unwholesome, this is blameworthy, this is condemned or censured by the wise, these things when accepted and practised lead to poverty and harm and suffering," then you should give them up.
Kalamas, when you yourselves directly know, "These things are wholesome, blameless, praised by the wise; when adopted and carried out they lead to well-being, prosperity and happiness," then you should accept and practise them."
Você deveria ter seguido o que recomenda a assinatura.