Autor Tópico: Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?  (Lida 2621 vezes)

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Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Online: 29 de Outubro de 2012, 23:54:33 »
Nesses 2 testes meu resultado foi "Dr. Chase".   :D

Dr. Robert Chase    
Dr. Allison Cameron    
Dr. Lisa Cuddy    
Dr. Gregory House    
Stacy Warner    
Patient of the Week    
Dr. James Wilson    
Dr. Eric Foreman    

Não acredite em quem lhe disser que a verdade não existe.

"O maior vício do capitalismo é a distribuição desigual das benesses. A maior virtude do socialismo é a distribuição igual da miséria." (W. Churchill)

Offline Osler

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Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #1 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 00:05:07 »
You Scored as Dr. James Wilson

You are the oncologist, Dr. James Wilson. You are basically good natured and friendly. You are always ready to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on. You are a loyal and trustworthy friend and it's no wonder so many people seek your advice and enjoy keeping your company.

Dr. James Wilson    
Dr. Gregory House    
Dr. Robert Chase    
Dr. Allison Cameron    
Patient of the Week    
Dr. Eric Foreman    
Stacy Warner    
Dr. Lisa Cuddy    

“Como as massas são inconstantes, presas de desejos rebeldes, apaixonadas e sem temor pelas conseqüências, é preciso incutir-lhes medo para que se mantenham em ordem. Por isso, os antigos fizeram muito bem ao inventar os deuses e a crença no castigo depois da morte”. – Políbio

Offline Price

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Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #2 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 00:32:48 »

You Scored as Dr. Gregory House
You are Dr. Gregory House, the brilliant diagnostian. You are widely repected for your medical know-how, but your bedside manner however, leaves something to be desired. A tad antisocial, you generally only surround yourself with a small group of people you have deemed worthy. You have a quick wit and a sharp tongue, and sometimes say things without consideration for others' feelings. You've constructed your own rules and moral code to live by, and at the the end of the day the only person you worry about answering to is yourself.

75% Dr. Gregory House
75% Dr. Allison Cameron
65% Dr. Lisa Cuddy
60% Patient of the Week
55% Stacy Warner
45% Dr. James Wilson
35% Dr. Robert Chase
25% Dr. Eric Foreman


Sou o homem e a mulher do casal  :? :lol:
Se você aceitar algumas colocações minhas...
A única e verdadeira razão de eu fazer este comentário em resposta é deixar absolutamente claro que NÃO ACEITO "colocações" suas nem de quem quer que seja.

Offline JohnnyRivers

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Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #3 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 10:22:42 »

You Scored as Dr. Lisa Cuddy

You are Dr. Lisa Cuddy, Dean of Medicine. You believe in order and structure and can get easily flustered when things don't go according to plan. However, you're great at multi-tasking and keeping things running smoothly and efficiently. A no nonsense type of gal (and we're not just talking your pantyhose!)

Dr. Lisa Cuddy    60%
Dr. Eric Foreman 55%
Dr. Allison Cameron    55%
Dr. Gregory House 40%
Stacy Warner 35%
Patient of the Week 35%
Dr. Robert Chase 30%
Dr. James Wilson 30%

Vish.... |(

"Que homem é um homem que não torna o mundo melhor?"

"What do we need? Where do we go when we get where we don't know?
  Why should we doubt the virgin white of fallen snow when faith's our shelter from the cold?"
- Skid Row

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Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #4 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 11:46:14 »


You Scored as Dr. Gregory House
You are Dr. Gregory House, the brilliant diagnostian. You are widely repected for your medical know-how, but your bedside manner however, leaves something to be desired. A tad antisocial, you generally only surround yourself with a small group of people you have deemed worthy. You have a quick wit and a sharp tongue, and sometimes say things without consideration for others' feelings. You've constructed your own rules and moral code to live by, and at the the end of the day the only person you worry about answering to is yourself.

Dr. Gregory House   95%

Dr. Lisa Cuddy   85%

Dr. Allison Cameron   80%

Dr. Robert Chase   75%

Dr. James Wilson   70%

Patient of the Week    65%

Stacy Warner   60%

Dr. Eric Foreman   40%
"Se a moralidade representa o modo como gostaríamos que o mundo funcionasse, a economia representa o modo como ele realmente funciona" Freakonomics.

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Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #5 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 12:46:47 »
You Scored as Dr. Eric Foreman
You are Dr. Eric Foreman, the street-wise neurologist. When you're working, you are very focused on the task at hand, but sometimes get tunnel vision and have a hard time looking at things from a different perspective. You are very ambitious and don't care who you step on on the way up, because you have no intention of coming back down.

Dr. Eric Foreman   
Stacy Warner   
Dr. Robert Chase   
Dr. Gregory House   
Dr. James Wilson   
Dr. Allison Cameron   
Patient of the Week   
Dr. Lisa Cuddy   
"— A democracia em uma sociedade livre exige que os governados saibam o que fazem os governantes, mesmo quando estes buscam agir protegidos pelas sombras." Sérgio Moro

Offline Feynman

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Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #6 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 13:31:45 »
You Scored as Dr. Gregory House
You are Dr. Gregory House, the brilliant diagnostian. You are widely repected for your medical know-how, but your bedside manner however, leaves something to be desired. A tad antisocial, you generally only surround yourself with a small group of people you have deemed worthy. You have a quick wit and a sharp tongue, and sometimes say things without consideration for others' feelings. You've constructed your own rules and moral code to live by, and at the the end of the day the only person you worry about answering to is yourself.

Dr. Gregory House   
Dr. Robert Chase   
Dr. Lisa Cuddy   
Stacy Warner   
Dr. Eric Foreman   
Patient of the Week   
Dr. James Wilson   
Dr. Allison Cameron   
"Poetas dizem que a Ciência tira toda a beleza das estrelas - meros globos de átomos de gases. Eu também posso ver estrelas em uma noite limpa e sentí-las. Mas eu vejo mais ou menos que eles?" - Richard Feynman

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Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #7 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 19:36:21 »

You Scored as Dr. Allison Cameron

You're Dr. Allison Cameron, the beautiful young immunologist on Dr. House's team. You are warm and compassionate and because of this, pretty much everyone likes you. You've had a lot of obstacles in your past, but through hard work you've overcome them while still retaining your optimistic and hopeful demeanor. Just make sure you don't always wear your heart on your sleeve, because someone as sensitive as you can get their feelings hurt all too easily!

Dr. Allison Cameron 80%
Dr. Robert Chase 65%
Patient of the Week 60%
Dr. Lisa Cuddy    55%
Dr. James Wilson 50%
Dr. Gregory House 40%
Stacy Warner 40%
Dr. Eric Foreman 35%

"That's what you like to do
To treat a man like a pig
And when I'm dead and gone
It's an award I've won"
(Russian Roulette - Accept)

Offline Wolfischer

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  • Que sono!
Re:Qual personagem de Dr. House você é?
« Resposta #8 Online: 30 de Outubro de 2012, 22:36:12 »

You Scored as Dr. Robert Chase

You are Dr. Robert Chase, the pretty boy Aussie intensivist. You are mainly concerned with looking good, (whether it be in appearance or performance.) You believe in working hard and playing harder.

Dr. Robert Chase    
Dr. Allison Cameron    
Dr. Lisa Cuddy    
Dr. Eric Foreman    
Dr. James Wilson    
Stacy Warner    
Dr. Gregory House    
Patient of the Week    


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