Autor Tópico: 'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia  (Lida 24735 vezes)

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Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #375 Online: 27 de Maio de 2019, 00:53:31 »
Quando se segue o fluxo da grana (ou o fluxo desejado da grana) tudo fica nojentamente mais claro, principalmente quando tem políticos envolvidos.

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Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #377 Online: 07 de Agosto de 2019, 15:59:48 »
 Claire Regina Fox (born 5 June 1960)[1] is a British libertarian (????) writer and politician.[2][3] [...] She is a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party. She is now a registered supporter[4] of the Brexit Party and won a seat for the party[5] in the North West England constituency at the 2019 European Parliament election.


Fox joined the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) as a student at the University of Warwick.[9] For the next twenty years, she was one of the RCP's core activists and organisers. She became co-publisher of its magazine Living Marxism,[10] which closed in 2000 after it falsely accused ITN of faking evidence of the Bosnian genocide.[11] In 2018, Fox refused to apologise for suggesting evidence of the genocide was faked.[12]



Offline Gigaview

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #379 Online: 04 de Setembro de 2019, 09:29:15 »
Boris Johnson fazendo o voo da galinha. Prá complicar, ontem expulsou Nicholas Soames do partido por ter votado contra ele. Lá no reino, ninguém chuta um neto de Churchill impunemente.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Gorducho

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #380 Online: 05 de Setembro de 2019, 07:22:37 »
O J. Corbyn tá certo: snap + DEPOIS de aprovada a legislação anti no-deal.
It was like an offer of an apple to Snow White from the Wicked Queen... offering the poison of a no deal. :ok: :ok: :ok:
« Última modificação: 05 de Setembro de 2019, 07:31:42 por Gorducho »

Offline Gigaview

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #381 Online: 12 de Setembro de 2019, 22:47:09 »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #382 Online: 13 de Setembro de 2019, 10:30:26 »
Essa coisa de deal vs no deal me parece um pouco como um grupo de vítimas deliberando sobre se serão vítimas voluntárias de um short ou long con. Para não ferir o orgulho em admitir ter caído num golpe inicialmente, e se esquivar completamente de qualquer coisa, exceto embaraço.

Offline Gorducho

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #383 Online: 13 de Setembro de 2019, 12:00:40 »
Bien sûr :ok:

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #384 Online: 18 de Setembro de 2019, 18:20:13 »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


Bets against the currency stood at $7.6 billion as of last week, close to the previous week’s all-time high of $8.1 billion.
As sterling fell, CBI director general Carolyn Fairburn said she would be travelling all over the UK to hear from businesses about “their preparations for a no-deal Brexit and the impact on their business”. The leaked Yellowhammer documents suggest businesses are largely unprepared for no-deal due to a lack of certainty and “EU exit fatigue”.


O'Neill told the BBC Radio 4 World at One programme that UK government figures "deliberately promoting the no-deal Brexit risk" were allowing traders to benefit.

"I'm pretty sure that a lot of big foreign exchange and hedge fund type people are... probably looking at what's being said coming out the UK as almost close to a free lunch," O'Neill said.

"The world I was in a lot of them are saying thank goodness for Boris, he's giving us a chance to make some money."


Yesterday the Byline Times outlined some £4.6bn of aggregate short equity positions from hedge funds that, the site claimed, “directly or indirectly bankrolled Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign”, and thus a no deal Brexit.

The inference is that hedge funds have used their financial might to influence the outcome of Brexit via political donations and are now standing to benefit through short positions in UK companies.

The problem is, it doesn’t make any sense. Here are a few of the problems with the article:

  • Hedge funds contain multitudes. Take Marshall Wace, which boasts £40bn of assets under management. It’s run by pro-Brexit Paul Marshall (cited in the article), and pro-Remain Ian Wace (not cited in the article).
  • UK stocks often have little exposure to the UK economy. Take Cineworld, which according to the data Byline Times cited, has seen the biggest increase in short interest in the past month. But 75 per cent of its revenue was from the US in the first half of 2019, according to the company’s latest interim results.
  • Equity outcomes are explicitly uncertain — what is a short position on a “no deal Brexit”? A short position on any company? A short position could also be a play on remain. For instance, a company might benefit from a stronger dollar, or less EU regulation.
  • Hedge fund strategies are not simply running grand macro strategies on the fate of a nation. To mention Marshall Wace again, it runs a quantitative strategy called TOPS, which aggregates and makes decisions based on external investment research.
  • The most-shorted companies have short theses which have nothing to do with Brexit, like Thomas Cook (over-leveraged) or Kier Group (over-leveraged).
  • A fund might be short because of arbitrage opportunities, or to hedge a long position (which might contradict the notion it is betting on no deal).
  • The biggest single donor to either campaign was Lord Sainsbury, who donated £4.2m to the Remain campaign (source: Transparency International). Of the £16.4m contributed by the top ten donors to either campaign, 58 per cent went to Leave and 42 per cent to Remain.
  • As Louis Goddard from Global Witness pointed out on Twitter, there also fundamental problems with how the data has been presented.


Offline Gigaview

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #385 Online: 19 de Setembro de 2019, 00:49:18 »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Gorducho

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #386 Online: 24 de Setembro de 2019, 07:00:09 »
11 x 0

Offline Gigaview

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #387 Online: 24 de Setembro de 2019, 08:24:09 »
Rainha enganada. Conservative arrasado. Labour rachado com Corbyn furioso. Lib Dem posicionado e organizado contra o Brexit mas sem recursos para campanha. É numa crise jamais vista no reino. O Brexit está virando um detalhe na bagunça.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Geotecton

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #388 Online: 24 de Setembro de 2019, 10:57:16 »
Rainha enganada?

Eu duvido!

Aquela VDC (velha do cara...!) sabia muito bem o que estava fazendo.

Offline Gorducho

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #389 Online: 24 de Setembro de 2019, 11:56:50 »
I invite Boris Johnson, in the historic words, to consider his position and become the shortest serving PM there’s ever been.

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #390 Online: 06 de Outubro de 2019, 22:51:20 »
Eu não duvido que os parlamentares e os membros da UE estão a ganhar propina para enrolarem ainda mais o BREXIT.

Offline Gigaview

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #391 Online: 07 de Outubro de 2019, 10:02:43 »
Eu não duvido que os parlamentares e os membros da UE estão a ganhar propina para enrolarem ainda mais o BREXIT.

Você pode esperar qualquer coisa desses comunistas safados que querem impedir a todo custo a retomada  do poder pelo reino. God save the Queen.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Agnoscetico

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #392 Online: 07 de Outubro de 2019, 21:33:41 »
Enquanto isso um acidente (ou não) envolvendo uma diplomata que teria matado um jovem atropelado, apelou pra imunidade diplomática pra não ser punida legalmente. Trump teria dito que não concorda com imunidade diplomática nesses casos; mas mesmo assim pode ser um pequeno embaraço entre governo Trump e Boris Johnson e levantar questão sobre abolição de imunidade diplomática :

Anne Sacoolas is a murderer

So an American diplomats *wife* is driving on the wrong side of the road (in the UK), hits and kills a teenager - normally the police would make their enquires, and this would probably result in a road ban, fine, and potentially jail time.

But nope, this piece of garbage decides to claim "diplomatic immunity" and run back to the USA.

Maybe if enough people share this then anyone searching for her online can find out just what sort of a person this is...

Offline Gigaview

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #393 Online: 07 de Outubro de 2019, 21:47:35 »
Vão empurrar de barriga até quando for possível... Engrossar a voz por causa disso contra os EUA numa hora dessa seria uma burrice bolsonariana.

O Boris é burro mas acho que não chega a ser um Bolsonaro.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline JJ

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Re:'Brexit' ou o Reino Unido separado da União Européia
« Resposta #394 Online: 08 de Outubro de 2019, 10:33:18 »
Eu não duvido que os parlamentares e os membros da UE estão a ganhar propina para enrolarem ainda mais o BREXIT.

Você pode esperar qualquer coisa desses comunistas safados que querem impedir a todo custo a retomada  do poder pelo reino. God save the Queen.

God save the Queen   (ou King).




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