well, i don't think it would get that far. really, galileo? that's something i didn't know.
I hope you are right! Most Canadians don't want to be part of the USA, but there is a minority who would be happier to be Americans than Canadians - they are mostly on the extreme right of politics.
More worrisome, however, is the fact that there are constant pressures on our government to give up our sovereignty bit by bit to the USA. Some of these pressures are external, coming from the USA and their very undiplomatic ambassadors. They want us to do things like "harmonize" our immigration policy with theirs, and adopt the kind of fascistic attacks on civil liberties that they have implemented in the name of "anti-terrorism." They want us to join their "missile defence" program, to make us pay billions of dollars for weapons technology that doesn't work, in order to combat a threat that doesn't exist. They want us to open our borders to their multinational corporations' investments in the name of "globalization" and "free trade." Our government long ago agreed to surrender its right to control the flow of foreign capital into the country, when we signed on to the disastrous NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement.
At the same time there are pressures from within. Some economists argue that we should get rid of our own currency and use the US dollar (nobody listens to them at present because the US dollar has fallen in comparison to our dollar). That would remove our ability to make our own monetary policy. Others want to dismantle important cultural institutions or privatize valuable public institutions, leaving the door wide open for major American corporations to control and dominate our publishing, music, and television industries, as well as transportation, electricity, and resource industries. And of course there are those who believe the USA is the saviour of the world and that Canada should join in their military adventures wherever they decide to invade next.
The fact that so many Canadians doubt that we can remain independent is a reflection of the very real concern we feel towards the powerful forces that want to draw us into the web of the USA.