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Re: Re.: Skepticism in Canada
« Resposta #25 Online: 16 de Abril de 2005, 00:22:59 »
Citação de: Galileo

I hope you are right! Most Canadians (...)  us into the web of the USA.

I hope that, if this really comes to happen, it does due to the free wish of the Canadian People, and not by fear or threats.

I've never heard about this subject here in Brazil. In my opinion, less than 0.1% of the brazilian people has. I got very surprised when I read the trivia and saw what you're telling us.

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Re.: Skepticism in Canada
« Resposta #26 Online: 16 de Abril de 2005, 02:16:29 »

I hope you are right! Most Canadians don't want to be part of the USA, but there is a minority who would be happier to be Americans than Canadians - they are mostly on the extreme right of politics.

well, if most canadians think that way, there shouldn't be much to worry about.
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Re.: Skepticism in Canada
« Resposta #27 Online: 31 de Maio de 2005, 14:47:05 »
Dear Galilleo, have you ever heard about Allan Kardec's Doctrine of Spirits?
"A fé é a força da vida. Se o homem vive é porque acredita em alguma coisa."

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Skepticism in Canada
« Resposta #28 Online: 31 de Maio de 2005, 23:11:05 »
Not before now.

Unlike in Brazil, this kind of "spiritism" is not very popular in Canada.
"Galileo was more perceptive than his prosecutors" - Pope John Paul II, 1992


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