Autor Tópico: Julia Sweeney: Letting Go Of God  (Lida 706 vezes)

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Julia Sweeney: Letting Go Of God
« Online: 02 de Novembro de 2006, 12:09:14 »
Julia Sweeney: Letting Go Of God

CD de um show de Julia Sweeney baseado em suas experiências após mudar suas crenças pessoais.


Many years ago, I went through an experience where I lost my faith in God. This changed the way I viewed my life in a profound way. and eventually, I felt compelled to share my experience onstage.

It was difficult for me because this story took place, for the most part, inside my own head! I spent years working on it in comedy clubs and I realized that it really didn't ALL take place inside my head. Things did happen; the Bible study classes, abandoning Crhistianity, embarcing Buddhism, trekking through Bhutan, New Age pseudo-science, and finally, just plain science. And then the aftermath.
Plus, parts of it were really funny to me, too.

So over three years I shaped these experiences into ''Letting Go Of God''. The show opened at the Hudson Backstage theatre in L.A. in 2004. To my surprise, it became a hit. I thought I was describing this unique experience. I was shocked to find ou that my story was not unique -- for many people, it was typical.
I decided to release the CD and transcript on my own, and It took me forever! It's weird, like I'm in the Julia Sweeney business. On the other hand, I'm glad I got to make it just exactly the way I wanted it to be. Which, like... never happens in show business.

If you decide to buy this, I really hope you like it too.

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  • Mensagens: 182
  • Sexo: Masculino
Re: Julia Sweeney: Letting Go Of God
« Resposta #1 Online: 07 de Abril de 2009, 02:51:29 »
Recomendadíssississississimo!!! :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:
Mas infelizmente eu não acho que dá pra encontrar aqui no Brasil.
Eu realmente recomendo esse monólogo. É extremamente divertido e inteligente.
E é algo que, com absoluta certeza, muitos aqui vão se identificar, pois narra a jornada dela quando saiu do armário e se descobriu atéia.
Aqui vai o link pro torrent. (em inglês)

EDIT: Conteúdo possivelmente protegido por direitos autorais removido. Não é permitido linkar para esse tipo de conteúdo aqui. Por favor, dê uma lida no Regimento geral do Clube Cético.
« Última modificação: 08 de Abril de 2009, 00:19:34 por SnowRaptor »
If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans.
-Woody Allen


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