Ademais, algumas coisas bastante inusitadas:
Ateus famosos
Abdul Rashid Dostum (1954–): Figura militar afegã, o atual líder das províncias Uzbek-Afegãs do norte.
Mark Hofmann (1954–): Profícuo descumpridor da lei, matou duas pessoas em Salt Lake City, Utah. Cumpre prisão perpétua.
Sua lista de ateus muito mais nos orgulha do que nos envergonha!
[edit] Social Sciences
HeyerdahlScott Atran (1952–): American anthropologist.[63]
Herbert de Souza (1935–1997): Brazilian sociologist and activist against economic injustice and government corruption in Brazil, and founder of the Brazilian Institute of Social Analysis and Economics (IBASE).[64] Émile Durkheim (1858–1917): French sociologist whose contributions were instrumental in the formation of sociology and anthropology.[65]
Norman Finkelstein (1953–): American political scientist and author, specialising in Jewish-related issues, especially the Holocaust and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[66]
Sir Raymond Firth CNZM, FBA (1901–2002): New Zealand ethnologist, considered to have singlehandedly created a form of British economic anthropology.[67]
Michel Foucault (1926–1984): French philosopher, historian, critic and sociologist.[68]
Thor Heyerdahl (1914–2002): Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer, famous for his Kon-Tiki expedition.[69]
Mayer Hillman (1931–): British political scientist, architect and town planner, a Senior Fellow Emeritus at the Policy Studies Institute.[70]
Baruch Kimmerling (1939–2007): Romanian-born professor of sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.[71]
Kemal Kirişci (19??–): Turkish political scientist, professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.[72]
Peter Lawrence (1921–1987): British-born Australian anthropologist, pioneer in the study of Melanesian religions noted for his work on cargo cults.[73]
Sir Edmund Leach (1910–1989): British social anthropologist, a Fellow of the British Academy.[74]
James H. Leuba (1868–1946): American psychologist, one of the leading figures of the early phase of the American psychology of religion movement.[75]
Franz Leopold Neumann (1900–1954): German political scientist, known for theoretical analyses of National Socialism, and considered among the founders of modern political science in Germany.[76]
Alfred Radcliffe-Brown (1881–1955): English social anthropologist who developed the theory of Structural functionalism.[77]
Herbert Simon (1916–2001): American political scientist and economist, one of the most influential social scientists of the 20th century.[78]
Robert Spitzer (19??–): American psychiatrist, Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, a major architect of the modern classification of mental disorders.[79]
Laurie Taylor (1936–): British sociologist and radio presenter.[80]
Que dificuldade voce deve ter tido pra "peneirar" seus exemplos!