Autor Tópico: What languages do you know?  (Lida 12343 vezes)

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What languages do you know?
« Online: 13 de Abril de 2009, 08:01:19 »
I have an intermediate knowledge of English: at least I am able to read non-technical material and understand it well, save some words or expressions that I need the help of a good dictionary to understand. My speaking and listening skills are poorer, because of the lack of practice and  because I still think in Portuguese before answering!

I have a very basic knowledge of German, a knowledge that allows me to understand very simple texts and sentences. in short, material for beginners.
I've been studying an ASSIMIL german book in an irregular fashion...
My pronunciation seems to be good - that was what a german class professor said to me  :)

I have a very basig knowledge of Attic Greek (the Greek dialect that was spoken in the Greece in the V and IV centuries B.C.E., in Athens and its surroundings).

I know the sounds and letters of Hungarian.

And finally, a very basic knowledge of standard Mandarin. I've been studying the Hanyu Pinyin romanization system and the Zhuyin Fuhao, as well as the pronunciation of the Initials and Finals.
After that I will struggle with the tones and ideograms of the simplified Chinese.

I have a very good material of German, Attic Greek and Mandarin at home and I study them more or less twice a week.
« Última modificação: 13 de Abril de 2009, 11:15:23 por Fenrir »
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #1 Online: 13 de Abril de 2009, 10:27:43 »
I speak English for a long time now (7 years or more). I wouldn't say it's perfect, especially because I'm a little without practice (I read and hear English everyday, but I don't speak).

I've been studying French for about 4 months. I can read/write, but I find it hard to understand what they're saying (I've been watching TV5 Monde to improve it).

I've attended some Japanese classes, but I remember only the basics. I'm concentrating more in the Neolatin languages, then I study the Asiatics.

This year I'm going to study Spanish also. I never know wether I'm speaking it or “Portuñol”, so I'll try to overcome this.
Se Jesus era judeu, então por que ele tinha um nome porto-riquenho?

Offline biscoito1r

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #2 Online: 17 de Abril de 2009, 23:41:44 »
I'm fluent in English and Portuguese
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #3 Online: 06 de Maio de 2009, 10:25:53 »
hi buddy,

I speak English, Spanish, and basic French, but I am brazilian, so I need to practice these language as well.

if you’re interrested, we may exchange some ideas in English.

I have an intermediate knowledge of English: at least I am able to read non-technical material and understand it well, save some words or expressions that I need the help of a good dictionary to understand. My speaking and listening skills are poorer, because of the lack of practice and  because I still think in Portuguese before answering!

I have a very basic knowledge of German, a knowledge that allows me to understand very simple texts and sentences. in short, material for beginners.
I've been studying an ASSIMIL german book in an irregular fashion...
My pronunciation seems to be good - that was what a german class professor said to me  :)

I have a very basig knowledge of Attic Greek (the Greek dialect that was spoken in the Greece in the V and IV centuries B.C.E., in Athens and its surroundings).

I know the sounds and letters of Hungarian.

And finally, a very basic knowledge of standard Mandarin. I've been studying the Hanyu Pinyin romanization system and the Zhuyin Fuhao, as well as the pronunciation of the Initials and Finals.
After that I will struggle with the tones and ideograms of the simplified Chinese.

I have a very good material of German, Attic Greek and Mandarin at home and I study them more or less twice a week.

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #4 Online: 06 de Maio de 2009, 11:40:54 »
A little English, un petit peu de Francais e um pouco de português.

Ah, espanhol é português com sotaque vai! Todo brasileiro fala. É quase a mesma coisa... Estudar espanhol é jogar dinheiro no lixo e ao mesmo tempo enriquecer o dono do CCAA.

Offline ronysalles

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #5 Online: 06 de Maio de 2009, 11:45:38 »
Cara, agora tu falou de um negócio que me incomoda... eu trabalho com isso. Dou aula de Inglês e Espanhol; Inglês, eu já tenho uma boa experiência; mas Espanhol, tem horas que eu fico de saco cheio... É A PORRA DO SOTAQUE..

A little English, un petit peu de Francais e um pouco de português.

Ah, espanhol é português com sotaque vai! Todo brasileiro fala. É quase a mesma coisa... Estudar espanhol é jogar dinheiro no lixo e ao mesmo tempo enriquecer o dono do CCAA.
« Última modificação: 06 de Maio de 2009, 11:48:52 por ronysalles »
“A maior decepção de um crente fervoroso seria, ao chegar no céu, vê um ateu”. ronysalles

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #6 Online: 07 de Maio de 2009, 09:39:10 »
"I don't speak English very well"... :vergonha:

Offline biscoito1r

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #7 Online: 12 de Maio de 2009, 23:40:04 »
you people are not supposed to talk in Portuguese here, don't you know how to read ?
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #8 Online: 13 de Maio de 2009, 08:17:15 »
People are not supposed to anyth... Ops, wrong language. :P
Se Jesus era judeu, então por que ele tinha um nome porto-riquenho?

Offline ronysalles

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #9 Online: 13 de Maio de 2009, 08:33:12 »
oh, Man, I'm sorry!. I'm a newcomer, I'm learning how to handle it gradually. I won't forget it any longer. actually I like to speak different languages. from now on JUST IN ENGLISH.

a hug!

you people are not supposed to talk in Portuguese here, don't you know how to read ?
“A maior decepção de um crente fervoroso seria, ao chegar no céu, vê um ateu”. ronysalles

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #10 Online: 17 de Maio de 2009, 18:31:20 »
english, well, i finally got my english certificate last week, now i'm officially and finally graduated. after nine years, i feel great!
in english, i read, write, understand and speak fine. i love it and it's easy for me. took me so many years to graduate because i started too little, and i moved, this things...
spanish is my karma since first grade, i hate, and by this time i should already be graduated also, but i really suck! after all those years at school, elementary and high school, and after 3 years at fisk, i can only say, i'm the worst spanish student ever!
french, now i'm in college i'm trying to learn, by my schedule is very crowded, so i did 1 semester, and now i'll re-start next august. i really like french, but i'm not gifted, so i have to try hard.
bia ;]

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #11 Online: 18 de Maio de 2009, 14:10:40 »
I said I know something of another languages, but I realized that I ought to know a little more of my own language...
I should say the same about my English skills!

On the contrary, there would be no errors in any post! or better anything that have been written by myself.

Well, I hope someday I can said with 100% confidence that I really knows Portuguese and English well!
At this time, I also hope that my knowledge of any other language besides the two I just mentioned, will be better
than the very basics!
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #12 Online: 25 de Maio de 2009, 18:00:19 »
I speak a bit of French. Je parle anglais trés bien. E hablo un pouco de Portunhol. :hihi:
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #13 Online: 28 de Maio de 2009, 01:03:48 »
Portuguese, english, russian :)
"Облетев Землю в корабле-спутнике, я увидел, как прекрасна наша планета. Люди, будем хранить и приумножать эту красоту, а не разрушать её!"
Yuri Gagarin, cosmonauta soviético, primeiro homem no espaço.

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #14 Online: 28 de Maio de 2009, 09:16:21 »
I love the Russian Literature. I hope I'll learn this language someday. By now, I'm concentrating on neo-latin languages.
Se Jesus era judeu, então por que ele tinha um nome porto-riquenho?

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #15 Online: 28 de Maio de 2009, 14:17:53 »
I love the Russian Literature. I hope I'll learn this language someday. By now, I'm concentrating on neo-latin languages.

I agree with you, Andre. The russian literature is indeed very interesting and very rich. The language is a bit hard in the beggining, but becomes much more easier later. I would like to study neo-latin languages, mainly spanish, maybe it is a shame for me to live in Latin america and not understand our neighboors.
"Облетев Землю в корабле-спутнике, я увидел, как прекрасна наша планета. Люди, будем хранить и приумножать эту красоту, а не разрушать её!"
Yuri Gagarin, cosmonauta soviético, primeiro homem no espaço.

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #16 Online: 08 de Junho de 2009, 22:58:22 »
I can speak basic English,I try to speak japanese :D and know a little bit of spanish.
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #17 Online: 09 de Junho de 2009, 13:27:30 »
I LOVE languages!!  :yahoo:

I speak English (but I forgot many things), Spanish, Italian, basic French, basic German
I need to practice these languages too!!
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #18 Online: 09 de Junho de 2009, 16:46:58 »
I love the Russian Literature. I hope I'll learn this language someday. By now, I'm concentrating on neo-latin languages.

I agree with you, Andre. The russian literature is indeed very interesting and very rich. The language is a bit hard in the beggining, but becomes much more easier later. I would like to study neo-latin languages, mainly spanish, maybe it is a shame for me to live in Latin america and not understand our neighboors.

I met a russian guy when I was in NZ... and one question still remains: how the f*** can they understand each other?!

Seriously, it's easier to understand a bark than that...
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #19 Online: 11 de Junho de 2009, 09:59:17 »
I've got to learn Japanese but unfortunately there is not one to practice with :(.

Nihongo wakarimasen :(.

Hon ga teburu no ue ni arimasu :D.
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #20 Online: 26 de Janeiro de 2010, 22:25:51 »
Oh, I think my English's good despite never taking classes beside school, almost everything that I know I learned by myself and I'm better listening than many friends of mine that lived in USA... I almost don't practice writing and talking, but really wanted to, just don't know how, since I can't travel anywhere for the next 4 or 5 years :(

I can understand a bit of spanish, but can't talk at all, and I hate the accent, too. I took some japanese classes but needed to stop, tried to study at home but failed. A shame since I love the language and the culture of Nihon. I was trying to learn German too, but I think it's better to stick with japanese, I can understand many things while listening to music or animes but I suck at reading and writing ^^'

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #21 Online: 27 de Janeiro de 2010, 00:13:43 »
Portuguese, Spanish and English, in this order.
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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #22 Online: 02 de Julho de 2010, 23:45:51 »
I like to learn new languages to read original languages books. I learned english because of internet and many authors i like, now i`m going to learn german so i can read nietsche(i really do not know how to write his name) and freud ORIGINAL BOOKS, after that i reaaaally would like to know italian and russian, because of many da vinci essays and documents, and because some russian goood guys

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #23 Online: 02 de Julho de 2010, 23:55:26 »
Do you want to read Nietzsche in German? :susto: Well, good luck!!!

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Re: What languages do you know?
« Resposta #24 Online: 03 de Julho de 2010, 00:09:12 »
Haha, i`m big fan, and the translations to portuguese really sucks, nothing more beautiful than his books in his language!


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