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Acometido pelo mal de Parkinson, Ali carrega a torcha olímpica em 1996, nos jogos de Atlanta
Quando você diz "do esporte", você diz do boxe ou dos esportes em geral?
"Paul Cole, um americano, vendedor aposentado, que morreu nos Estados Unidos em 13 de fevereiro de 2008, aos 96 anos.Cole estava de férias com a mulher em Londres e, para se livrar de uma visita a um museu, ficou na rua e resolveu bater papo com os policiais que estavam na viatura estacionada na rua, o exato momento que os Beatles faziam a sessão de fotos de onde sairia o frame para ilustrar o seu último disco, exatamente às 10 da manhã do dia 08 de agosto de 1969.Quando viu a capa do disco disse:- Eu estava na foto com um casaco novo e tinha acabado de comprar um novo par de óculos! Tive que convencer meus filhos que era eu ali na foto."
Quais os outros dois? Bolt e MJ?
Lyndon Baines Johnson takes the presidential oath of office on November 22 as Air Force One carries his wife, Lady Bird, Jacqueline Kennedy and several White House aides back to Washington from Dallas. Earlier, President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated, and the speed with which this ceremony was arranged—and the photo released—was purposeful. Johnson and his advisers wanted to assure a shocked nation that the government was stable, the situation under control. Images from the Zapruder film of the shooting, which would raise so many questions, would not be made public for days.
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire 1911The Triangle Shirtwaist Company always kept its doors locked to ensure that the young immigrant women stayed stooped over their machines and didn’t steal anything. When a fire broke out on Saturday, March 25, 1911, on the eighth floor of the New York City factory, the locks sealed the workers’ fate. In just 30 minutes, 146 were killed. Witnesses thought the owners were tossing their best fabric out the windows to save it, then realized workers were jumping, sometimes after sharing a kiss (the scene can be viewed now as an eerie precursor to the World Trade Center events of September, 11, 2001, only a mile and a half south). The Triangle disaster spurred a national crusade for workplace safety.
First Human X-ray 1896To know something like the back of your hand is a timeless concept, one taken yet further by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen. While working on a series of experiments with a Crookes tube, he noticed that a bit of barium platinocyanide emitted a fluorescent glow. He then laid a photographic plate behind his wife’s hand (note the wedding rings), and made the first X-ray photo. Before that, physicians were unable to look inside a person’s body without making an incision. Roentgen was the recipient of the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901.
Birmingham 1963For years, Birmingham, Ala., was considered “the South’s toughest city,” home to a large black population and a dominant class of whites that met in frequent, open hostility. Birmingham in 1963 had become the cause célèbre of the black civil rights movement as nonviolent demonstrators led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. repeatedly faced jail, dogs and high-velocity hoses in their tireless quest to topple segregation. This picture of people being pummeled by a liquid battering ram rallied support for the plight of the blacks.
1974: Nixon renunciaEm 8 de agosto de 1974, o republicano Richard Nixon renunciava à presidência dos EUA. O escândalo de Watergate acabaria com a carreira política do americano de origem modesta que conseguira chegar até a Casa Branca.
Earthrise, 1968The late adventure photographer Galen Rowell called it “the most influential environmental photograph ever taken.” Captured on Christmas Eve, 1968, near the end of one of the most tumultuous years the U.S. had ever known, the Earthrise photograph inspired contemplation of our fragile existence and our place in the cosmos. For years, Frank Borman and Bill Anders of the Apollo 8 mission each thought that he was the one who took the picture. An investigation of two rolls of film seemed to prove Borman had taken an earlier, black-and-white frame, and the iconic color photograph, which later graced a U.S. postage stamp and several book covers, was by Anders.
Citação de: Gaúcho em 07 de Agosto de 2012, 19:04:13Quais os outros dois? Bolt e MJ?Das enquetes que eu vi, seriam Pelé e MJ.Mas se Bolt continuar no mesmo ritmo...
Citação de: Geotecton em 07 de Agosto de 2012, 19:06:02Citação de: Gaúcho em 07 de Agosto de 2012, 19:04:13Quais os outros dois? Bolt e MJ?Das enquetes que eu vi, seriam Pelé e MJ.Mas se Bolt continuar no mesmo ritmo...Eu acho que já dá pra colocar ele aí...