Segundo escritos encontrados em Ugarit, e segundo relatos de escritores da época helênica, havia um panteão reconhecido e cultuado em todo o Levante (incluindo os hebreus). Abaixo vai uma lista da wikipedia:
Anat, virgin goddess of war and strife, sister and putative mate of Ba'al Hadad
Athirat, "walker of the sea", Mother Goddess, wife of El (also known as Elat and after the Bronze Age as Asherah)
Athtart, better known by her Greek name Astarte, assists Anat in The Myth of Ba'al
Baalat or Baalit, the wife or female counterpart of Baal (also Belili)
Ba'al Hadad, storm god, perhaps superseded El as head of the Pantheon
Baal Hammon, god of fertility and renewer of all energies in the Phoenician colonies of the Western Mediterranean
Dagon, god of crop fertility and grain, father of Baal or Hadad
El Elyon (lit. God Most High) and El; also transliterated as Ilu
Eshmun, god, or as Baalat Asclepius, goddess, of healing
Kotharat, goddesses of marriage and pregnancy
Kothar-wa-Khasis, the skilled, god of craftsmanship
Lotan, serpent ally of Yam
Melqart, king of the city, the underworld and cycle of vegetation in Tyre
Molech or Moloch, putative god of fire[5]
Mot or Mawat, god of death (not worshiped or given offerings)
Nikkal-wa-Ib, goddess of orchards and fruit
Qadeshtu, lit. "Holy One", putative goddess of love, modernly thought to be a sacred prostitute, although there is no evidence of sacred prostitution in ancient Canaanite cities
Resheph, god of plague and of healing
Shalim and Shachar, twin gods of dawn and dusk
Shamayim, the god of the heavens
Shapash, also transliterated Shapshu, goddess of the sun; sometimes equated with the Mesopotamian sun god Shemesh[6] whose gender is disputed[7]
Yahweh, son of El[8] and brother of Baal, sometimes is known as being married to Asherah.[9]
Yam-nahar or Yaw, also called Judge Nahar
Yarikh, god of the moon and husband of Nikkal
Dessa lista, aparecem bastante na Bíblia:El ou Elohin, Baal, Asherat (os Astaroth) e Yahweh. São citados também Dagon (deus dos filisteus), Camus (dos moabitas) e Moloch (um deus ao qual eram feitos sacrifícios de crianças).
El ou Elohin é considerado o deus maior do panteão cananiita. No Pentateuco, na parte Eloista, usa-se o termo Elohin ao referir-se ao deus de Israel (na parte javista, usa-se Yahweh). Segundo os estudiosos, os compiladores do pentateuco provavelmente fundiram Elohin e Yahweh em um só (javistas que eram, passaram a vender a idéia de que El, o deus supremo, era na verdade Yawheh).