Isso explica apenas um aspecto do" milagre", que eu já tinha achado um absurdo, pois, apenas vi um borão nos olhos e muitos pontos pretos e etc. Mas e os outras análises, como das cores, do fato de não ter sido pintado e etc?
Claro que foi pintado... 1787, Jose Ignacio Bartolache took it upon himself to examine the “miracle” image. Aided by a group of skilled painters, Bartolache discovered that the image had been “heavily retouched and was covered with patches and that in places is falling apart due to the effect of fungus and moisture.” In addition to this, the group concluded that the divine image was:
1. the work of more than one artist.
2. not made on maguey cloth but on fine palm shawl
3. stuck to a wooden frame
4. badly deteriortated
Bartolache was not the only one who doubted the heavenly origin of the image. In 1883, Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta was directed by Archbishop Labastida to investigate the matter. After an intensive and thorough examination of the tilma, Icazbalceta conceded that the image was in fact a fraud.
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