Autor Tópico: Chineses de Olhos Azuis  (Lida 8564 vezes)

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Offline Feliperj

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Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Online: 18 de Maio de 2013, 17:15:16 »

Minha irmã me falou de uma garotinha chinesa que nasceu com olhos azuis e era vitima de preconceito (impressionante!!) no povoado local ( . Além dela, achei esta outra história, que parece ser bem interessante :

Alguem sabe de mais alguma cosia sobre o caso?


Offline Gigaview

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #1 Online: 18 de Maio de 2013, 20:39:31 »
São crianças índigo.

Existe um tópico a respeito: ../forum/topic=26087.0.html#msg664446
« Última modificação: 18 de Maio de 2013, 20:48:24 por Gigaview »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #2 Online: 18 de Maio de 2013, 20:55:38 »
Foram criadas fotos falsas desse último garoto, recolorindo os olhos dele em castanho escuro:


Felizmente há pessoas que não se deixam enganar, e logo essa imagem falsificada com olhos castanhos é difícil de encontrar.

Está claro que o interesse daqueles no poder é ocultar esse fenômeno. Censuraram as partes do vídeo que mostram os olhos do garoto brilhando no escuro feito olhos de gato, e uma demonstração mais clara do teste de visão noturna. Os "céticos" assim ficam na posição cômoda de poderem duvidar, dizendo que ficou só na afirmação. E como os "céticos" não se importam em insultar as pessoas, acusá-las de desonestidade sem a menor evidência (possivelmente ainda fazendo comentários racistas para "corroborar" a desonestidade), então a credibilidade fica comprometida entre o povão ignorante que engole tudo que a grande mídia diz.

E coincidentemente surgiram estudos tentando explicar a coisa com mera "genética", convenientemente dando uma explicação ortodoxa para esse mistério:


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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #3 Online: 18 de Maio de 2013, 21:12:37 »
Eles dizem que podem ser descendentes de antigos legionários romanos mas insistem em ignorar as características extraterrestres herdadas do povo Droppa.

By 1962, he had allegedly deciphered them into a story that told of a spacecraft that crashed landed in the area of the cave, the Bayan Har Shan region and that the ship contained the Dropa people who could not fix it and therefore had to adapt to Earth. Further, his research claims that the Dropa people were hunted down and killed by the local Ham tribesmen for a period.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #4 Online: 19 de Maio de 2013, 10:45:07 »
Povos antigos arianos/iranianos com grande percentagem de olhos azuis localizados junto às fronteiras ocidentais da China foram infiltrando o território chinês atual ao longo dos séculos....
Nenhuma argumentação racional exerce efeitos racionais sobre um indivíduo que não deseje adotar uma atitude racional. - K.Popper

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #5 Online: 19 de Maio de 2013, 18:37:15 »
Eles dizem que podem ser descendentes de antigos legionários romanos mas insistem em ignorar as características extraterrestres herdadas do povo Droppa.

By 1962, he had allegedly deciphered them into a story that told of a spacecraft that crashed landed in the area of the cave, the Bayan Har Shan region and that the ship contained the Dropa people who could not fix it and therefore had to adapt to Earth. Further, his research claims that the Dropa people were hunted down and killed by the local Ham tribesmen for a period.

China to embark on Yeti expedition

The fresh search for the 'yeren', or 'Wild man', comes nearly 30 years after China's Academy of Science launched three expeditions in the late 1970s and early 1980s following a series of sightings of the creatures which are said to be 6ft 7in tall and covered in reddish-brown hair.

In the most lurid accounts, reported by The Daily Telegraph in 1983, female members of the wild man species were supposed to have swept into villages in search of sexual partners, ravishing them as they lay paralysed in fear.

One peasant was asleep in his mountain forest hut when, according to an account in a 1983 edition of the Zhejiang Provincial Daily, a 'wild woman' with deep blue eyes burst through the door and proceeded to ravish him. [...]

Por outro lado, acho que a explicação extraterrena leva a vantagem pelo lado de transmissão genético-cultural da tecnologia. Como os chineses poderiam ser tão avançados,  e produzir mercadorias tão baratas de outra forma? Claro que uma não exclui a outra, de qualquer forma, apenas a origem yeti como explicação singular parece ser incompleta.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #6 Online: 19 de Maio de 2013, 23:29:54 »
A herança genética extraterrestre também está presente na tribo Dogon, conforme pode ser lido abaixo. Os Dogons desenvolveram uma capacidade visual extraordinária, comparada ao poder de um telescópio e que foi perdida ao longo do tempo ficando restrita aos xamãs da tribo até se extinguir completamente.

In 1971, the American author Robert Temple published a controversial book entitled The Sirius Mystery where he claimed that the Dogons (an ancient African tribe from Mali) knew details about Sirius that would be impossible to be know without the use of telescopes. According to him, the Dogon understood the binary nature of Sirius, which is, in fact, composed of two stars named Sirius A and Sirius B. This lead Robert Temple to believe that the Dogons had “direct” connections with beings from Sirius. While some might say “you can’t be Sirius” (sorry), a great number of secret societies (who have historically held within their ranks some of the world’s most influential people) and belief systems teach about a mystic connection between Sirius and humanity.

In Dogon mythology, humanity is said to be born from the Nommo, a race of amphibians who were inhabitants of a planet circling Sirius. They are said to have “descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder” and imparted to humans profound knowledge. This lead Robert Temple to theorize that the Nommos were extraterrestrial inhabitants of Sirius who travelled to earth at some point in the distant past to teach ancient civilizations (such as the Egyptians and Dogons) about the Sirius star system as well as our own solar system. These civilizations would then record the Nommos’ teachings in their religions and make them a central focus of their Mysteries.

The Dogon’s mythology system is strikingly similar to the ones of other civilizations such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Israelites and Babylonians as it includes the archetypal myth of a “great teacher from above”. Depending on the civilization, this great teacher is known as eith Enoch, Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus and is said to have taught humanity theurgic sciences. In occult traditions, it is believed that Thoth-Hermes had taught the people of Atlantis, which, according to legend, became the world’s most advanced civilization before the entire continent  was submerged by the Great Deluge (accounts of a flood can be found in the mythologies of countless civilizations). Survivors from Atlantis travelled by boat to several countries, including Egypt, where they imparted their advanced knowledge. Occultists believe that the inexplicable resemblances between distant civilizations (such as the Mayas and the Egyptians) can be explained by their common contact with Atlanteans.

Tudo indica que antigos Dogons, antes da intervenção extraterrestre, tinham olhos azuis, interessante notar também que os leões eram brancos e tinham olhos claros, o que era estranho para o habitat da savana africana. Isso também leva a supor que os leões foram importados de um sistema planetário de Sírius e serviram de base para experimentos para a mudança da cor dos olhos da tribo Dogon e desenvolvimento da visão telescópica. Hoje em dia, pessoas com olhos escuros ainda guardam resquícios no DNA dessa acuidade visual melhorada pela manipulação genética alienígena.

White Lions have come at times of great upheaval and change on our planet and then gone extinct.  The gene lives on in other great lions, only to surface when humankind seems to be facing some natural peril which inaugurates a shift in human consciousness.  The last time was during our last Ice age which we are now overdue to have again.  The Earth has regularly gone through extinction scenarios that bring us into greater awareness and spiritual enlightenment.

The White Lion is built and colored for great snow and ice and hearty survival.  So, why are they reappearing once again in arid Africa?  African prophesies, much like the Hopi prophecies regarding the birth of a White Buffalo heralding the ending of a great cycle of life and the beginning of a new one, lead us back to the roots of these Great Cats in all ancient civilizations as the heart of humanity and the soul of Nature herself, reminding us that we are unified with all species and connected to the stars. We of the 21st century have all but forgotten this inherent fabric of unity and have lost our own hearts along the way.

Linda Tucker has done pain staking research and work with renowned archeologists, Egyptian historians, African Shamans, keepers of African lore and astro-arche0logists.

The unprecedented connection between the White Lion and priests, kings, prophets and seers throughout history has its deep connection to the stars, the constellation of Leo and the beings that helped in the construction of the pyramids, the Sphinx and all the astronomical sites like Stonehenge.  The White Lion bridges humans to not only their own true spiritual nature of love but to the stars themselves.  As with the Lion of Judah, the Lions of God bring a message of Christ Consciousness, one of unity and of ancient truth that can help humanity transform through the coming changes.  If we listen.

Linda had a vision of a lion named Ingwavuma, since slaughtered by Canned Hunters. In the vision the Lion said,

“It is foolish to demand that God prove himself according to the scientific confines which modern man has created for himself.  It is foolish to demand the same of the Lions of God.  Don’t demand.  Listen.  It is then that you might hear the most ancient wisdom which could save your life.  And Save the World.”

As long as we can kill a magnificent animal for fun, for the thrill of the kill, we remain a soulless society.  As long as each of us stand still doing nothing, we are no less the perpetrator we revile.  It is time to stop the killing of everything sacred and take a stand for ….Love.   It is time to listen to the heart.

According to Griaule and Dieterlen the Dogon also name a companion star, po tolo "Digitaria star" (Sirius B) and describe its density and rotational characteristics. Griaule did not attempt to explain how the Dogon could know this about a star that cannot be seen without telescopes, and he made no claims about the antiquity of this information or of a connection with ancient Egypt. Temple (1976: 203-227) argues that the Dogon learned all this from amphibious beings from a superior civilization in the Sirius system.(4) Stars are rated on a visibility scale which differs by a factor of 2.5 brightness per unit; the higher the number on the scale, the dimmer the star. Adams (1983b) claims, without any reference, that under optimum conditions people with blue/green eyes can see stars of 6.5 magnitude, but that dark-eyed, dark-skinned people can see up to 8.1. The very bright, Sirius A has a magnitude of -1.47 while Sirius B is 8.7 (Allen 1973: 235). The canonical limit of visibility is 6, although a few exceptional people, with lifelong training, on high mountains and hyperventilating can achieve 7.8 (Schaefer 1995). This maximum human performance is still 2.26 times less than would be needed for naked eye observation of Sirius B. Even if Sirius B were bright enough to be seen, it could not be distinguished by a naked eye because it is too close to Sirius A. The average separation between Sirius A and B is 9.5 seconds of arc (Allen 1973: 240) with a maximum separation of 11 seconds. However, a person with 20/20 vision can only distinguish two points of light that are at least 42 seconds apart, i.e. four times the separation of Sirius A and B (Schaefer 1995).
« Última modificação: 19 de Maio de 2013, 23:49:24 por Gigaview »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #7 Online: 19 de Maio de 2013, 23:42:03 »

« Última modificação: 20 de Maio de 2013, 19:00:28 por Gigaview »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #8 Online: 20 de Maio de 2013, 19:46:14 »

Human tails and pseudotails
The folklore surrounding black cats varies from culture to culture. In Great Britain, black cats are seen as lucky and are often given in token form to brides. The Scottish believe that a strange black cat's arrival to the home signifies prosperity. In Celtic mythology, a fairy known as the Cat Sìth takes the form of a black cat. Black cats are also considered good luck in Japan.[3] Furthermore, it is believed that a lady who owns a black cat will have many suitors.[4] However in Western history, black cats have often been looked upon as a symbol of evil omens, specifically being suspected of being the familiars of witches, and so most of western and southern Europe considers the black cat a symbol of bad luck, especially if one crosses paths with a person, which is believed to be an omen of misfortune and death. In Germany, some believe that black cats crossing a person's path from left to right, is a bad omen. But from right to left, the cat is granting favorable times.[5] -- A lion-headed figure, first called the lion man (German: Löwenmensch, literally "lion human"), then the lion lady (German: Löwenfrau), is an ivory sculpture that is the oldest known zoomorphic (animal-shaped) sculpture in the world and one of the oldest known sculptures in general.

Metatron, diga que você está de sacanagem e que você não acredita nisso...

E por que não deveria acreditar? Isto é Ciência, uma ciência anti-ética e proibitiva, mas ainda assim, uma ciência...

E eu não duvido nada de que daqui a algumas décadas em lugar de cães e gatos de estimação teremos seres híbridos - meio animais, meio humanos - enfeitando os nossos lares!

E olha que povos muito antigos já conheciam os híbridos, como centauros, sereias, etc...

Conheciam em sua mitologia, mas de onde lhes veio a idéia de um híbrido? Lembranças do Futuro?

Vejam estas imagens, retiradas de um livro, que mostram uma estela suméria:

Reparem nos híbridos que estão sendo seguros por correntes nas mãos de homens - um deles até leva o dedo à boca, como uma tenra criança! Simples mitologia ou... uma realidade há muito perdida?

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #9 Online: 20 de Maio de 2013, 21:18:33 »
Pois é... a evolução precisa ser urgentemente revisitada considerando todas essas evidências de manipulação genética pelos alienígenas, que muitas vezes aconteceu com a intenção de fabricar ferramentas biológicas de apoio aos projetos que eles estavam desenvolvendo. Veja o caso da coruja, por exemplo, claramente desenvolvida em laboratório a partir da combinação do DNA de aves com felinos, incluindo aí o DNA do leão branco de Sírius, para servir como ferramenta de monitoramento.


Why Owls Are The Perfect Surveillance Drones for an E.T. Abduction

There is a long and often mystical connection between humans and owls. For example, Ancient Greeks viewed owls as representing great wisdom, whereas Ancient Romans viewed them as good luck (assuming that is, you could nail one to the front door of your house.)

However, in The Fourth Kind, which documents the encounters of Dr. Abigail Tyler of Nome Alaska and her patients. One of the striking aspects of the film is how the recurring imagery of a Barn Owl by Dr. Tyler and her patients serves as an abduction event harbinger, or possibly a confused memory of what the actual aliens look like.


The eyes of an owl are powerful. So powerful, were humans to have similar capabilities, our eyes would need to be the size of small oranges. Of equal importance are the feathered cups around the owls eyes.

Não fico surpreso com a semelhança entre a visão telescópica dos nativos de Dogon e a visão das corujas.

Assuming, you are and extraterrestrial and you want to know where your targets are in a human habitat, you send an owl. Once it detects a sound from inside the structure, it focuses its eyes in the direction. At that point, you'll know exactly who or what is in that structure, as well as their precise location. You'll likewise know if they are moving or at rest. Or in other words, an owl is the perfect E.T. surveillance tool for an abduction.

Atualmente, a memória armazenada no nosso DNA aflora na forma de um simbolismo arquétipo para integrar o nosso cotidiano em situações de observação/monitoramento, como no caso abaixo.

Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #10 Online: 20 de Maio de 2013, 21:33:19 »

Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells Using Human and Animal Oocytes.


There is renewed interest in using animal oocytes to reprogram human somatic cells. Here we compare the reprogramming of human somatic nuclei using oocytes obtained from animal and human sources. Comparative analysis of gene expression in morula-stage embryos was carried out using single-embryo transcriptome amplification and global gene expression analyses. Genomic DNA fingerprinting and PCR analysis confirmed that the nuclear genome of the cloned embryos originated from the donor somatic cell. Although the human-human, human-bovine, and human-rabbit clones appeared morphologically similar and continued development to the morula stage at approximately the same rate (39, 36, and 36%, respectively), the pattern of reprogramming of the donor genome was dramatically different. In contrast to the interspecies clones, gene expression profiles of the human-human embryos showed that there was extensive reprogramming of the donor nuclei through extensive upregulation, and that the expression pattern was similar in key upregulation in normal control embryos. To account for maternal gene expression, enucleated oocyte transcriptome profiles were subtracted from the corresponding morula-stage embryo profiles. t-Test comparisons (median-normalized data @ fc>4; p<0.005) between human in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos and human-bovine or human-rabbit interspecies somatic cell transfer (iSCNT) embryos found between 2400 and 2950 genes that were differentially expressed, the majority (60-70%) of which were downregulated, whereas the same comparison between the bovine and rabbit oocyte profiles found no differences at all. In contrast to the iSCNT embryos, expression profiles of human-human clones compared to the age-matched IVF embryos showed that nearly all of the differentially expressed genes were upregulated in the clones. Importantly, the human oocytes significantly upregulated Oct-4, Sox-2, and nanog (22-fold, 6-fold, and 12-fold, respectively), whereas the bovine and rabbit oocytes either showed no difference or a downregulation of these critical pluripotency-associated genes, effectively silencing them. Without appropriate reprogramming, these data call into question the potential use of these discordant animal oocyte sources to generate patient-specific stem cells.

Pode estar aqui a chave para o entendimento da visão telescópica do povo Dogon e demais híbridos humanos do passado.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #11 Online: 20 de Maio de 2013, 21:35:43 »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Ao menos uma das espécies de coruja é híbrida de cães também, elas latem:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

O nome popular anglófono é justamente barking owl, "coruja que late".

O ornitorrinco e a equidna são outros exemplos de híbridos mais óbvios e famosos, mas desacreditados pelos evolucionistas ortodoxos, que negam a possibilidade de hibridação. Mas cada vez mais ela vem sendo aceita, e até mesmo dentro do ramo humano dos primatas. Já se escuta antropólogos postularem a possibilidade bastante certa de hibridação com neandertais e outros hominídeos, e uns ousam até mesmo afirmar a heresia de que lendas como o pé-grande e "almas" (um outro ser "lendário" do tipo pé-grande e yeti) possam ter um fundo de verdade.

Offline Feliperj

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #12 Online: 20 de Maio de 2013, 22:49:38 »

Segue uma explicação geral do que pode ser isto, dado por um integrante de outro forum que participo :


Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #13 Online: 21 de Maio de 2013, 00:19:51 »
Citação de: wikipedia
Symptoms vary from one type of the syndrome to another and from one patient to another, but they include:
  • Very pale or brilliantly blue eyes, eyes of two different colors (complete heterochromia), or eyes with one iris having two different colours (sectoral heterochromia);
  • A forelock of white hair (poliosis), or premature graying of the hair;
  • Appearance of wide-set eyes due to a prominent, broad nasal root (dystopia canthorum)—particularly associated with type I) also known as telecanthus;
  • Moderate to profound hearing loss (higher frequency associated with type II);
  • A low hairline and eyebrows that touch in the middle.
  • Patches of white pigmentation on the skin have been observed in some people. Sometimes, abnormalities of the arms, associated with type III, have been observed.

Type IV may include neurologic manifestations.
Waardenburg syndrome has also been associated with a variety of other congenital disorders, such as intestinal and spinal defects, elevation of the scapula, and cleft lip and palate. Sometimes this is concurrent with Hirschsprung disease.

Não sei se "precisa" ser esse o diagnóstico, a genética da cor dos olhos é um pouco mais complicada do que o geralmente exposto em livros de ensino médio/básico, do azul ser totalmente recessivo e precisar de dois alelos iguais, não podendo então vir de pais de olhos castanhos. Pais de olhos castanhos podem ter genes para olhos azuis, e pessoas com olhos azuis podem ter genes para olhos castanhos. Eu não sei bem como seria a explicação, acho que simplesmente envolve mais genes do que só um. Junte isso a coisas como casais interraciais ou multirraciais poderem ter até gêmeos com fenótipos "raciais", e acho que é mais ou menos por aí o mais provável. Palpito eu.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #14 Online: 21 de Maio de 2013, 01:27:41 »
Uma característica interessante para o diagnóstico da síndrome de Waardenburg é a presença de uma mecha de cabelos brancos na cabeça.


Então prevalece a hipótese extraterrestre.
« Última modificação: 21 de Maio de 2013, 01:32:59 por Gigaview »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #16 Online: 14 de Dezembro de 2014, 22:13:31 »
Chegou a vez dos gatos índigos.

Mysterious green cat returns after vanishing for three days

Vídeo aqui:

Bulgaria’s famous emerald green cat has finally reappeared after vanishing from the streets of Varna three days ago.

The ludicrously-coloured moggy, who has become an internet sensation, was spotted prowling through the popular seaside resort to the relief of worried locals.

The cat was also seen cosying up to a ginger companion – believed to be her son.

The feline was not seen for three days, raising fears that she has been abducted as a result of her new found fame.

Some residents of the popular tourist destination insisted that rain had washed the animal’s colour away and say a similar-looking green cat was seen last year.

Although the unusual colour was initially thought to have been caused by an act of cruelty, reports emerged the green shine was from paint at the nearby construction yard where she sleeps.

It is hoped that the stand-out nature of the feline won’t influence owners to paint their own cats.

The RSPCA has warned that dyeing or painting animals for cosmetic reasons could have ‘potentially fatal consequences’.

Some locals were quoted as saying they believe the stray cat was becoming greener each day, fuelling the idea that someone was painting it.

An earlier video, which appeared on YouTube, shows the mysterious moggy playing with the same ginger cat it was recently spotted with.

Varna is a popular tourist destination as it is the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #17 Online: 05 de Janeiro de 2015, 15:46:04 »
Tá, é verde e não azul, mas essa é real:

Ela faz parte de um grupo étnico sob domínio chinês, os Uyghur, que surgiu como uma mistureba de uns três povos diferentes - entre eles, os tocharianos, que inclusive falavam uma língua indo-européia. E inclusive, alguns uyghur tem até o cabelo naquela cor entre o loiro e o castanho quando são crianças, lembram bastante europeus.
« Última modificação: 05 de Janeiro de 2015, 15:52:54 por Polaco Carcamano »
Latebra optima insania est.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #18 Online: 06 de Janeiro de 2015, 15:01:10 »
Ah, a Genética e sua capacidade de surpreender com o inusitado e inesperado, avessa à nossa vontade de que siga um padrão certo e confiável, baseada apenas em nossas expectativas... :biglol:

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #19 Online: 06 de Janeiro de 2015, 18:15:35 »
Seres híbridos sempre estiveram entre nós.

Who were the Dropa? The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand years ago.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #20 Online: 06 de Janeiro de 2015, 19:41:16 »
Seres híbridos sempre estiveram entre nós.

Who were the Dropa? The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand years ago.

O que há de mágico neste período de 12 mil anos atrás? Não é a primeira vez que vejo citarem esta data.


obviamente excluindo o fato dos Dropas terem dropado aqui na Terra nesta data.
"Amy, technology isn't intrinsically good or bad. It's all in how you use it, like the death ray." - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #21 Online: 06 de Janeiro de 2015, 20:13:08 »
Seres híbridos sempre estiveram entre nós.

Who were the Dropa? The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand years ago.

O que há de mágico neste período de 12 mil anos atrás? Não é a primeira vez que vejo citarem esta data.


obviamente excluindo o fato dos Dropas terem dropado aqui na Terra nesta data.

Várias coisas...

1. Choque de um cometa e chuva de meteoritos que acabou com a cultura Clovis, várias espécies de mamíferos e a Atlântida.

2. Construção da Esfinge por uma civilização perdida descendentes de aliens gigantes.

Working from the premise that the Giza complex encodes a message, they begin with recently discovered geological evidence indicating that the deep erosion patterns on the flanks of the Sphinx were caused by 1000 years of heavy rain. Such conditions last existed in Egypt at the end of the last ice age, about 10,000-9,000 BC, meaning that the Sphinx may be more than 12,000 years old (not the generally accepted 4500 years). The authors go on to suggest, using computer simulations of the sky, that the pyramids, representing the three stars of Orion's Belt, along with associated causeways and alignments, constitute a record in stone of the celestial array at the vernal equinox in 10,500 BC. This moment, they contend, represents Zep Tepi, the "First Time," often referred to in the hieroglyphic record. They claim that the initiation rituals of the Egyptian pharaohs replicate on Earth the sun's journey through the stars in this remote era, and they suggest that the "Hall of Records" of a lost civilization may be located by treating the Giza Plateau as a template of these same ancient skies.

3. Data provável do fundamento do templo de Lord Krishna na cidade de Dvaraka por aliens revoltados, recentemente descoberta.

4. Período da ocorrência do Dilúvio Universal Divino

5. Período da construção de Gobekli Tepe pelos aliens

6. Períodp da construção de Puma Punku pelos aliens

7. Período provável do nascimento do forista Geo.
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.

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Re:Chineses de Olhos Azuis
« Resposta #22 Online: 12 de Fevereiro de 2015, 10:44:02 »

Tinha uma rapaziada indo-europeia que perambulava por estas bandas da China.

Mumias de Tarim.


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