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Seja como for, acabei de analisar o questionário e percebi que há seis perguntas para cada religião, cada uma valendo 16,7% do resultado final. Uma das perguntas (paganismo: vivo sob um conjunto estrito de regras) tem o valor invertido antes do cálculo.
A primeira pergunta serve como critério de desempate se necessário (mas não muda os valores percentuais finais).
- The name of God should be highly respected and not used carelessly.
- Conversion should be a difficult process to make sure that one is really sure about it.
- There should be no images, statues, etc. of God or his messengers.
- Jesus: A historical figure; neither God nor a prophet.
- Sex is the woman's right, not the man's.
- All adults should pray daily.
- All life organisms alive today were created through random processes.
- The concept of God was created by people.
- The world would be so much better if there were no religion.
- After we die, there is absolutely nothing.
- I am certain that no being higher than humans exists.
- Religion is naive and misinformed.
- The strongest spiritual connection I feel is in nature.
- I believe in a set of specific rules on how to live my life. (Resultado invertido)
- "Evil" as many religions see it does not exist; "evil" is just imbalance and human mistakes.
- I do not harm any living things, or at least I try not to.
- I believe in a female Goddess, rather than a "male" god, multiple gods, or none at all.
- I try to be in tune with the natural world as much as I can.
- I have a strong belief and trust in myself over anything or one else in this world.
- Humans' true nature is in fact similar to that of animals.
- There should be no moral restrictions on diet or sexual activity whatsoever.
- I am the only one who should set rules or restrictions for myself.
- I should be able to do whatever I enjoy, with few, if any, limitations.
- The only thing or person I can ever really trust or rely on is myself.
- God is manifested in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
- Men were created for God; women for men.
- Everyone should love each other.
- It is better to forgive your enemy than to seek revenge.
- Jesus died for our sins.
- Jesus is God.
- God does not ever have a physical, nor human body.
- People are not inherently evil; they are just weak and have free will.
- There is only one God, and He is not Jesus.
- Modest dress is part of self-respect and should be practiced by everyone.
- Women and men are equal in the eyes of God.
- Jesus, being a prophet, should be respected; however, being a man, not be worshipped.
- I find peace and self-control through meditation.
- There is no such thing as a "just" war.
- One should not follow any rule or commandmant without full belief and understanding of it.
- I believe in reincarnation.
- Everyone is responsible for his or her own good and bad deeds.
- Life is a struggle in which we must overcome suffering.
- Abortion is an abominable sin.
- The many gods are all part of one larger being.
- There is a universal soul.
- Eating animals is cruel.
- Both people and animals die and are born multiple times.
- There are many or countless incarnations and manifestations of God.
- God's existence cannot yet be proven.
- Because I haven't made up my mind, I never rule out the possibility of God's existence.
- I cannot be convinced to believe or disbelieve in God until I see some real physical proof.
- I can't fully believe in any one religion.
- I'm not sure now, so I guess we'll all figure it out once we die.
- It is hard to decide what the truth is.