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Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Cantadas e Assédio Sexual
« Resposta #1200 Online: 18 de Julho de 2018, 22:20:41 »
O caso do Texas é um exemplo onde mesmo nos EUA políticas mais brandas, de menor aprisionamento e foco em recuperação, tem dado certo. Independentemente de qualquer analogia exata com a Alemanha, ou de diferenças como essa de ter o México como vizinho. (Imigrantes ilegais na verdade são associados a menor criminalidade).

Offline Gauss

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Re:Cantadas e Assédio Sexual
« Resposta #1201 Online: 18 de Julho de 2018, 22:27:00 »
O caso do Texas é um exemplo onde mesmo nos EUA políticas mais brandas, de menor aprisionamento e foco em recuperação, tem dado certo. Independentemente de qualquer analogia exata com a Alemanha, ou de diferenças como essa de ter o México como vizinho. (Imigrantes ilegais na verdade são associados a menor criminalidade).
Yep, eu também acho a política judiciária do Texas um grande exemplo.
Citação de: Gauss
Bolsonaro é um falastrão conservador e ignorante. Atualmente teria 8% das intenções de votos, ou seja, é o Enéas 2.0. As possibilidades desse ser chegar a presidência são baixíssimas, ele só faz muito barulho mesmo, nada mais que isso. Não tem nenhum apoio popular forte, somente de adolescentes desinformados e velhos com memória curta que acham que a ditadura foi boa só porque "tinha menos crime". Teria que acontecer uma merda muito grande para ele chegar lá.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Cantadas e Assédio Sexual
« Resposta #1202 Online: 18 de Julho de 2018, 22:38:21 »
Não é tanto o judiciário do Texas apenas a sucumbir à bandidofilia marxista cultural, é algo mais sistêmico... :nao2:



So instead of authorizing the new prisons, Whitmire and Madden called in a third expert, Tony Fabelo, a 20-year veteran of the Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council whose job had been eliminated three years earlier by Gov. Rick Perry (R).

Fabelo, a native Cuban and Ph.D., knew more about the Texas criminal justice system than just about anyone in the state.

Craddick gave them an unlikely mandate: Bend the growth curve downward. In a time before Twitter, in a sleepy state capital, Whitmire, Madden and Fabelo were given the privacy to build their plan behind closed doors.

Fabelo, who was working without pay, recalled late-night meetings in Whitmire’s and Madden’s offices.

In the end, they asked for about half the amount TDCJ wanted.

And instead of building new prisons, the trio built a treatment system. To counter the huge number of former inmates who returned to jail after violating parole, they created hundreds of new beds in drug treatment programs with names like the In-Prison Therapeutic Treatment and Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facilities.

Some probation violators could be sent to intermediate sanction facilities, a step lower than prison, aimed at getting an offender’s attention without locking them up.

More slots were set aside in outpatient treatment programs for criminals sentenced to probation.

Pre-trial diversion programs for those suffering from mental illnesses, overseen by officers who specialize in mental health and drug treatment helped more people avoid jail.

Crucially, the reforms gave prosecutors who recommend sentences and the judges who impose them a third option besides prison or parole — and it gave them confidence in TDCJ’s ability to impose those alternative penalties.

“In order for the judges and prosecutors to have confidence in that system for the long haul, you have to have the resources. You have to have the outpatient substance abuse resources, you have to have intermediate sanction facility resources,” Livingston said in an interview.

There was a “deliberate decision,” he said, to have a range of programs that would reduce the likelihood released inmates would make a return trips to prison.


Seven years later [t]he number of inmates has dropped from its peak, down to 168,000 in 2013. In 2011, the state legislature voted to close a prison in Sugar Land, near Houston, the first time Texas had shut down a prison in 166 years.

And the state’s crime rate has fallen dramatically. Even recidivism is down, from 28 percent before the reforms took effect to 22.6 percent, according to the most recent data.

Those involved in the reforms, and public policy analysts watching the results, say no one program is responsible for the improvement.

“None of these things by themselves will have a huge impact,” Fabelo said in an interview. It’s the combination of multiple reforms, he said, that’s created a stable system – an approach that’s saved the state an estimated $3 billion to date.

“They funded programs rather than prisons,” said Adam Gelb, director of the Public Safety Performance Project at the Pew Charitable Trusts.


Offline Gauss

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Re:Cantadas e Assédio Sexual
« Resposta #1203 Online: 18 de Julho de 2018, 22:55:21 »
Mas Trump salvará o Partido Republicano de marxistas como Rick Perry.
Citação de: Gauss
Bolsonaro é um falastrão conservador e ignorante. Atualmente teria 8% das intenções de votos, ou seja, é o Enéas 2.0. As possibilidades desse ser chegar a presidência são baixíssimas, ele só faz muito barulho mesmo, nada mais que isso. Não tem nenhum apoio popular forte, somente de adolescentes desinformados e velhos com memória curta que acham que a ditadura foi boa só porque "tinha menos crime". Teria que acontecer uma merda muito grande para ele chegar lá.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Cantadas e Assédio Sexual
« Resposta #1204 Online: 26 de Julho de 2018, 12:53:31 »
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