Diálogo dele com uma vítima de estupro no episódio 12 da 3º temporada,
One day, one roomWhen he tells the rape victim that she is pregnant, she tells him, "Abortion is murder."
"True. It's a life and you should end it."
"Every life is sacred."
"Come on. Talk to me. Don't quote me bumper stickers."
"It's true."
"It's meaningless."
"It means that every life matters to God."
"Not to me. Not to you. Judging by the number of natural disasters, not to God either."
"You're just being argumentative."
"Yeah. I do do that. What about Hitler? Was his life sacred to God? Father of your child. Is his life sacred to you?"
"My child isn't Hitler."
"Either every life is sacred or—"
"Stop it! I don't want to chat about philosophy."
"You're not killing your rape baby because of a philosophy."
"It's murder. I'm against it. You for it?"
"Not as a general rule."
"Just for unborn children?"
"Yes. The problem with exceptions to rules is the line-drawing. It might make sense for us to kill the ass that did this to you. I mean, where do we draw the line? Which asses do we get to kill and which asses get to keep on being asses." The nice thing about the abortion debate is that we can quibble over trimesters but ultimately, there's a nice clean line: birth. Morally there isn't a lot of difference. Practically, huge."
"You're enjoying this conversation."
"This is the type of conversation I do well."
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