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Re: Islamismos e terrorismo
« Resposta #375 Online: 13 de Julho de 2009, 15:11:54 »
The Science of Countering Terrorism:
Psychological Perspectives

SAGE Publications was pleased to sponsor this event.

September 25, 2008
Knight Conference Center

One of the most important aspects in preventing terrorist activity is addressing the human dimension that underlies extremist behavior. What are the psychological roots of terrorism? What social and psychological factors lead some people to commit violent terrorist acts? And importantly, are there opportunities to change human behavior to prevent these acts of violence?

In this Science Café, two scholars, Fathali Moghaddam (Georgetown University) and Ian McGregor (York University, Toronto), described research on the underpinnings of extremist behavior. Together the researchers addressed the macro-level social and psychological processes that underlie extremism and the “staircase” to terrorist activity as well as more micro-level social neuroscience mechanisms that explain zealous reactions to perceived psychological threats.

Improving our understanding of the human dimension of this global problem will aid in creating sound policies that reduce the threat of terrorist activity.


   Ian McGregor, PhD

York University

Ian McGregor is an Associate Professor of Personality and Social Psychology in the Faculty of Health at York University, Toronto, Canada. His experimental research on conviction and zeal is internationally acclaimed, published in the top scientific journals, and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His most recent research reveals social factors and personality traits that combine to cause political and religious extremism. It also illuminates neural mechanisms that can help explain why people go to extremes. His research is guided by rigorous psychological science methods and by insights gleaned from his eclectic personal and academic background. He grew up as the son of a Baptist minister, studied theology and philosophy at a seminary, and earned degrees in Biomedical Science (BSc), General Psychology (BA), Personality Psychology (MA), and Social Psychology (PhD). Further, before his current position at York University he held a post-doctoral research position in the Department of Human Development and Social Policy at Northwestern University. McGregor is married and lives with his wife and two young children in Waterloo, Canada.

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Fathali Moghaddam, PhD

Georgetown University

Fathali Moghaddam is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Conflict Resolution Program, Georgetown University, and Senior Fellow of the Center on Policy, Education, and Research on Terrorism. Dr. Moghaddam was born in Iran, educated in England, and worked for the United Nations and for McGill University before joining Georgetown. He returned to Iran in the ‘spring of revolution’ in 1979, and was researching there during the hostage taking crisis and the early years of the Iran-Iraq war. Among Dr. Moghaddam’s most recent books are “How Globalization Spurs Terrorism” (2008), “Multiculturalism and Intergroup Relations” (2008), and “From the Terrorists’ Point of View” (2006). Dr. Moghaddam is the recipient of a lifetime achievement award from the American Psychological Association and has been invited to provide testimony to the U. S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

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Offline JJ

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Re:Islamismos e terrorismo
« Resposta #376 Online: 22 de Abril de 2019, 14:56:44 »

Ataques no Sri Lanka deixam 290 mortos e cerca de 500 feridos

© REUTERS / Dinuka Liyanawatte

01:58 22.04.2019(atualizado 02:11 22.04.2019) URL curta 0 01

O número de pessoas mortas após uma série de atentados com explosões no Sri Lanka no domingo (21) subiu para 290, informou a mídia local já nesta segunda-feira (22), citando informações da polícia.

Ainda, cerca de 500 pessoas ficaram feridas nos ataques, acrescentou a emissora News 1st.

A view of St. Sebastian's Church damaged in blast in Negombo, north of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sunday, April 21, 2019.

Hezbollah condena atentados no Sri Lanka e pede união entre as religiões

A polícia local efetuou cerca de 24 prisões de pessoas acusadas de terem conexão com os ataques.
A emissora também informou que o toque de recolher, que o governo do Sri Lanka declarou logo após as explosões, seria cancelado às 6h do horário local nesta segunda-feira (22).

Oito explosões aconteceram no Sri Lanka neste domingo de Páscoa em atentados a três igrejas e três hotéis. Cidadãos da Dinamarca, Japão, Paquistão, Marrocos, Índia, Bangladesh, China, Holanda, Estados Unidos, Turquia e Reino Unido estão entre as vítimas das explosões, segundo dados recentes. A embaixada russa no Sri Lanka confirmou que nenhum cidadão russo estava entre os mortos e feridos.

Offline JJ

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Re:Islamismos e terrorismo
« Resposta #377 Online: 22 de Abril de 2019, 15:08:43 »

Governo do Sri Lanka identifica grupo que realizou atentado no país

AGÊNCIA LUSA / SRI LANKA / 22 ABR 2019 / 11:47 H

Os sete bombistas suicidas que realizaram o ataque coordenado a igrejas e hotéis no domingo de Páscoa no Sri Lanka, que provocou 290 mortos e 500 feridos, pertenciam ao grupo National Thowfeek Jamaath, informou o Governo cingalês.



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