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Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1425 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 01:37:42 »
Não sei se dá para confiar muito no que eles declaram. Como aquilo deles terem medo de serem mortos por mulheres, que perderiam o paraíso se isso acontecesse. Pode ser um truque para ver se mandam exércitos com mais ou só com mulheres, sobre os quais podem crer ter vantagem.

Não que fosse a mesma intenção com essa declaração, seja lá de onde tenha vindo. Acho que mais provavelmente se encaixa dentro daquilo de terem-nos como "aliados acidentais" contra inimigos comuns, e por hora não ser estratégico enfrentá-los.

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1426 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 12:12:05 »
Imaginem o estrago que as FA de Israel fariam com o EI?
Citação de: Gauss
Bolsonaro é um falastrão conservador e ignorante. Atualmente teria 8% das intenções de votos, ou seja, é o Enéas 2.0. As possibilidades desse ser chegar a presidência são baixíssimas, ele só faz muito barulho mesmo, nada mais que isso. Não tem nenhum apoio popular forte, somente de adolescentes desinformados e velhos com memória curta que acham que a ditadura foi boa só porque "tinha menos crime". Teria que acontecer uma merda muito grande para ele chegar lá.

Offline Agnoscetico

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1427 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 13:35:52 »

Muitos jihadistas adoram se gabar de ser considerados espartanos pra aguentar dor em combates ou em usar próprio corpo em atentados, correndo risco de, caso sairem vivos, sofrer dores do efeito da explosão.

Mas agora vi essa notícia "Entorpecente é conhecido por ser utilizado pelos jihadistas antes de cometer atentados para esquecer dor e medo." e abre suspeita de que esses caras não são tão espartanos quanto dizem ou quanto alguns se gabam. O que não quer dizer que não haja algum jihadista ou outro não possa ser um "espartano" e dispensar uso de entorpecentes.

Será esse mais outro motivo pra se combater as drogas além da criminalidade já associada a drogas?

Autoridades francesas apreendem 137 kg da 'droga dos jihadistas' em aeroporto

Entorpecente é conhecido por ser utilizado pelos jihadistas antes de cometer atentados para esquecer dor e medo.

Autoridades francesas interceptaram 137 kg de captagon, considerada "a droga dos jihadistas", pela primeira vez no país no aeroporto de Charles de Gaulle durante os meses de janeiro e fevereiro, informou nesta terça-feira (30) a Alfândega francesa.

As duas cargas, interceptadas em 4 de janeiro e 22 de fevereiro, respectivamente, procediam da Líbia e estavam escondidas nas paredes dos containers.

O captagon (cloridrato de fenetilina), é um psicoestimulante criado no final dos anos 50 e consumido especialmente no Oriente Médio, indicou a Alfândega francesa em comunicado.

Este tipo de entorpecente é conhecido por ser a droga utilizada pelos jihadistas antes de cometer atentados para, segundo os especialistas, esquecer a dor e o medo.

Apesar de não ser muito utilizada na Europa, é uma das drogas mais populares no Oriente Médio, onde é produzida massivamente, em países como a Síria e o Líbano.

Na sua origem, o captagon começou como um medicamento de uso geriátrico e pediátrico, proibido em 1986, mas que seguiu sendo produzido de maneira clandestina.

No primeiro envio apreendido no aeroporto de Paris, havia 350 mil comprimidos, cerca de 70 quilos de droga, enquanto o peso do segundo, interceptado em 22 de fevereiro, foi de 67 quilos.

O valor dos 137 quilos expropriados pelos agentes rondaria 1 milhão e meio de euros no mercado ilegal, segundo o órgão.

Segundo os investigadores, as cargas tinham como destino final a Arábia Saudita, devendo passar também pela Turquia.

A análise realizada em laboratório corroborou que os comprimidos apreendidos "contêm anfetamina e teofilina".

Em 2016, a Alfândega francesa interceptou 83 toneladas de droga, das quais 236 quilos foram anfetaminas.

Offline Agnoscetico

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1428 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 13:41:53 »
Os caras do EI já falaram que o único exército que eles temem é o de Israel.

Pra eles deve ser um tipo de chefão da primeira fase durante a batalha do apocalipse

Não sabia dessa noticia, onde viu isso?

Offline André Luiz

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1429 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 14:14:14 »
Os caras do EI já falaram que o único exército que eles temem é o de Israel.

Pra eles deve ser um tipo de chefão da primeira fase durante a batalha do apocalipse

Não sabia dessa noticia, onde viu isso?

Foi em um blog de defesa, mas reencontrei a noticia aqui

Offline Pasteur

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1430 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 14:48:12 »
Os caras do EI já falaram que o único exército que eles temem é o de Israel.

Pra eles deve ser um tipo de chefão da primeira fase durante a batalha do apocalipse

Não sabia dessa noticia, onde viu isso?

Foi em um blog de defesa, mas reencontrei a noticia aqui


Temem o israelense, mas não o americano?  ::)

Qualquer exército chulé acaba com o EI.

E essa fonte é um pouco suspeita, não?

Offline André Luiz

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1431 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 16:05:19 »
O jornalista alemão que escreveu o livro?

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1432 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 17:25:23 »
É esquisito que a reprodução disso se dê principalmente em sites meio "de nicho" ou tablóides.

O Christian Post ainda acrescenta a nota:



Despite Todenhӧfer's claim, IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released an audio message on Saturday threatening Israel and the Jews by saying "we are getting closer to you day by day."

"God caused the Jews of the world to gather in Israel, and the war against them has become easy. It is the obligation of every Muslim to carry out Jihad," Baghdadi said, according to a report in The Jerusalem Post. "Jews, you will not enjoy in Palestine. God has gathered you in Palestine so that the Mujahadeen can reach you soon and you will hide by the rock and the tree. Palestine will be your graveyard."


Offline Pasteur

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1433 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 17:46:22 »
Não sei se dá para confiar muito no que eles declaram. Como aquilo deles terem medo de serem mortos por mulheres, que perderiam o paraíso se isso acontecesse. Pode ser um truque para ver se mandam exércitos com mais ou só com mulheres, sobre os quais podem crer ter vantagem.

Não que fosse a mesma intenção com essa declaração, seja lá de onde tenha vindo. Acho que mais provavelmente se encaixa dentro daquilo de terem-nos como "aliados acidentais" contra inimigos comuns, e por hora não ser estratégico enfrentá-los.


Tem muita 'diversão' pra eles antes de mexerem com Israel.

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1434 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 20:58:05 »
A RT [/JJ] chega a acusar Israel de servir de "força aérea" do EI, sugerindo laços mais estreitos do que um mero pacto velado de não-agressão.

Offline Pasteur

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1435 Online: 30 de Maio de 2017, 21:29:29 »
O jornalista alemão que escreveu o livro?

Olha só como esse jornalista é 'confiável'...

Doubts about Authenticity

Momentous Syria Interview Under Fire

German journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer filmed an interview with an alleged rebel commander near Aleppo. The claims made by the commander -- that the US was supporting al-Qaida -- made headlines around the world.

But was the interview authentic?

The interview lasted around 10 minutes. It was filmed in the picturesque setting of a stone quarry near Aleppo and caused a stir around the world. Even the Russian foreign minister is reported to have mentioned it in a telephone conversation with his American counterpart. In the video, an alleged commander in rebel-held eastern Aleppo made statements that strangely confirmed the war propaganda being propagated by the Assad regime -- that America is indirectly supporting al-Qaida and that the rebels are opposed to aid deliveries to civilians. But indications are mounting that the interview may not have been authentic.

Jürgen Todenhöfer, a former member of German parliament with the conservative Christian Democratic Union party and a prominent author, conducted the interview. Todenhöfer has claimed that his interview partner, whose face was masked entirely, was a commander with the Syrian radical group formerly known as the Nusra Front, a group that renamed itself in August and split again from al-Qaida. Abu Al Ezz, as the man is introduced in the video, claims that the rebel group has been armed with modern anti-tank weapons by the United States. "We've had" officers from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and even from Israel "here during the siege." The interview subject also said the rebels were opposed to aid deliveries to the besieged civilians in East Aleppo, saying: "If a truck comes in anyway, we will arrest the driver." It is an astonishing statement. It was the radicals themselves who were largely responsible for breaking through after Assad's troops encircled Aleppo, making food deliveries possible in the first place. This engendered considerable popularity for the Islamists, even among their ideological opponents.

Even more puzzling than the contents of the interview is the site where it is alleged to have been filmed. Which side of the front it was actually filmed on is crucial in terms of determining the video's credibility. During the drive into the quarry, a voice altered in editing to hide the person's identity can be heard saying, "I mean, if they need to do anything bad, we're stuck." The sentence fragments suggest they are entering dangerous terrain. Problematic, though, is the fact that a young man in an army uniform, and without a beard, is walking in front of the car. Such is the normal appearance of Assad's soldiers, but not that of Nusra fighters.

Then they enter a cave to conduct the interview, and at the end of the interview, Todenhöfer's masked interview subject describes in detail their current location. "We are at the foremost reconnaissance station in the Sheikh Said area. This area is under our control. The regime soldiers are located behind the houses and in Al Majbal." The video then cuts to the team driving out of the quarry. In the distance, you can see the prominent silhouettes of two towers and several buildings. It's a former industrial complex that is currently the site a heavily armed Assad army control post.

But there's a problem with this account. There is no quarry in Sheikh Said. The district is located in the eastern half of Aleppo, which is besieged by Syrian troops and Shiite militias and is hermetically sealed off by heavy artillery, tanks and snipers. Not even a pedestrian would be able to get into the area from government-controlled territory without being detected, let alone men in a vehicle.

A 'Clarification'

On the other side of the front line -- e.g. the area under the control of the government groups -- there are, however, three stone quarries. They are located near the ensemble of buildings that stick out in the video. But it would be nearly impossible for a Nusra commander to be interviewed there -- he would be immediately shot.

After Todenhöfer was made aware of these inconsistencies, he published a "clarification" on his Facebook page on Wednesday. The meeting, he wrote, took place in no-man's-land between the fronts. "We never claimed anywhere that the interview took place in rebel-controlled area." Yet his interview partner clearly said that they were in Sheikh Said.

Todenhöfer went on to say that the interview hadn't actually taken place in Sheikh Said at all. Rather, "we actually filmed the interview near Khan Tuman," a town about 10 kilometers southwest of Aleppo. The town has seen bitter fighting in recent weeks and months and parts of it are under the control of militias loyal to the government while rebels hold other sections. It lies outside of the Aleppo siege ring. It is possible that a Western journalist could reach the town with a bit of luck and good contacts -- and it is also home to rock quarries. But in the interview, the disguised man clearly said that they were in Sheikh Said and he wasn't contradicted on camera. That means that one of the two isn't telling the truth, the masked man or Todenhöfer. Moreover, from the cave where the interview took place, a peculiar rock formation can be seen, the same one that was filmed as Todenhöfer drove up to the site.

Hours later, Jürgen Todenhöfer clarified his clarification. This time, he wrote: "It is at the moment unclear whether our quarry lies beneath Sheikh Said, as Abu Al Ezz states in the interview, or in Khan Tuman, as has been stated by our middle man. It's irrelevant which of the quarries it was, since the mentioned quarries were not under government control on the day of our interview."

Striking Details

It is, to be sure, a lot of quarries to keep track of, but the question is not at all irrelevant because Todenhöfer's claim is inaccurate. The quarry that was filmed during his approach is under the control of Assad's troops. The fact that the Syrian president's troops and those of his allies are particularly active in the area was confirmed by a mid-August Russian television report. In the report, Assad troops can be seen, along with tanks firing their weapons, and pro-government forces have made additional advances since then. The quarry is very clearly under regime control. And in the background of Todenhöfer's video, one can again see the extremely unique collection of two towers and high buildings that are clearly identifiable on Google Earth.

It is, of course, theoretically possible that Todenhöfer's video was spliced together using material from two different quarries, even if the video suggests the contrary. If you take a closer look at the second quarry near Khan Tuman that Todenhöfer identified as the new location of the interview in his first clarification, another detail becomes apparent: The almost 100-meter-long, smoking garbage dump in the middle of the quarry, which can be seen in the published video, cannot be seen in high quality images of the Khan Tuman quarry. The fact that high-resolution images of the Khan Tuman quarry exist at all is the result of a fateful irony. In mid-September, rebels claim to have shot down an Iranian Shahed drone. Some of the images from the drone could be saved and one of them is a bird's-eye view of the quarry in which Todenhöfer, in his first clarification, claims to have met his masked interview partner. The image of the quarry was obtained by the German tabloid Bild. The fact that there is a large garbage dump in the other quarry near Sheikh Said is because garbage from the overpopulated western half of Aleppo is taken there. Both western Aleppo and the Sheikh Said quarry are under government control.

It can be safely asserted that at least part of the video was made in the quarry located in territory held by the regime. But it is almost impossible that Todenhöfer could have met there with a real commander from the radical group that used to be called Nusra and is now known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. On the other hand, it is unlikely that the video could have been filmed in the Khan Tuman quarry because the distinctive elements from the images are not to be found there.

Important Places and Dates

Just as curious as the contradictions surrounding the site of the interview is the alleged commander Abu Al Ezz himself. He speaks with the accent common in the surroundings of Aleppo, but he apparently knows nothing of the battles that have taken place in the region nor of the most important places and dates. There was years of fighting in the area of the army's most important bases in the region and everyone in rebel-held areas is familiar with the vast "Bastion 46." Just last year, Nusra Front itself drove a moderate rebel group out of the base so it could use it itself. But the alleged Nusra commander calls it "Bastion 47" in the interview. Then, Abu Al Ezz mentions the huge, former infantry school in northern Aleppo that was stormed by rebels in January 2013. But Abu Al Ezz said it happened "two years ago." Furthermore, he doesn't use the formulations common among Islamist radicals. His choice of words makes him sound more like a member of Assad's Baath party.

The fact that he initially introduced himself in the video as a member of "al-Qaida Egypt," a detail that didn't make it into the German translation, completes the image of a man who repeats the Assad regime propaganda about Nusra, but who has little idea about the organization he is said to belong to. Plus, he is wearing a rather large golden ring, which is severely frowned upon by radical Sunnis such as members of Nusra. Todenhöfer says of the ring that it is quite common for Muslims in Syria to wear jewelry.

The contradictions surrounding both the site of the interview and the man interviewed are numerous. One possible explanation for them comes from a dozen refugees from the small village of Haraybel who all said the same thing after being shown the video. Abu Al Ezz may be masked in the video, but his voice can be clearly heard. The refugees say that his real name is Ahmed Ezzu Sheikh al-Dai'a and that he comes from the village of Haraybel, which is located on the regime-controlled side of the front. Ahmed Ezzu, they say, is not a member of Nusra Front -- indeed, prior to the Syrian uprising, he led a life that had very little to do with religion. They say he was the local drug smuggling kingpin and endured several stints in prison. Like many criminals, he accepted the regime offer after 2011 to give up his criminal ways and join the state security services. He became a powerful "Shabiha" say former neighbors and distant relatives who have fled Syria -- a "ghost," as those fighters are called who belong to militias supporting Assad.

Until recently, his Facebook profile showed a somewhat corpulent man in a military uniform instead of in -- seemingly brand-new -- jihadist garb as Todenhöfer's interview partner is wearing. Jürgen Todenhöfer's video has also spread through northern Syria. Because people there likewise quickly noticed the contradictions in the video, they immediately began searching for the interviewee's true identity. Just hours after the name of Ezzu the Shabiha began making the rounds, the photo on his Facebook profile was blocked.

Looking for Answers

There are no other images or videos of Ahmed Ezzu Sheikh al-Dai'a of the kind that exist of many other Shabiha leaders. The witnesses from his village think they know why he may have been a good choice to play the role of a radical leader: He kept a low profile, they say, and was just a criminal and not an ideologue. On this point, they are in agreement with Jürgen Todenhöfer. In his clarification, Todenhöfer said his interview partner was a "soldier of fortune" and that he had joined Nusra because it "pays better."

But if Todenhöfer and his team "know practically everything about him," as he wrote, and were able to "research his identity in-depth," then they must have realized that they could hardly have been speaking to a rebel leader in rebel-controlled territory. The terror group denied having had anything to do with the interview.

In his first clarification, Todenhöfer angrily wrote: "The fact that my critics choose to believe the political leadership of a terrorist organization more than me is messed up!" He wasn't at all bothered by the Nusra denial. He said he had expected such a reaction from the terrorists. After all, they would not have approved of a simple commander speaking in that manner.

Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility that Jürgen Todenhöfer may have driven through the siege ring in a car. It is also theoretically possible that a Nusra commander risked almost certain death to speak with Todenhöfer on enemy territory. That is why SPIEGEL sent questions about the inconsistencies to both Jürgen Todenhöfer and his legal representative Michael Nesselhauf on Friday and again on Saturday. Neither of the two answered our questions.

Editor's note: This story has been updated to include the quotes from the official English version of Jürgen Todenhöfer's clarification posted on his Facebook page.

Offline André Luiz

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1436 Online: 31 de Maio de 2017, 08:05:09 »
Vixe, não da mais para confiar em jornalistas.

Offline Agnoscetico

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1437 Online: 02 de Junho de 2017, 01:56:45 »
Mais sobre Filipinas

Philippine forces make gains in southern city under siege

MARAWI, Philippines (AP) — Philippine forces control most of a southern city where militants linked to the Islamic State group launched a bloody siege nearly a week ago, authorities said Monday, as the army launched airstrikes and went house-to-house to crush areas of resistance.

(1 of 8) A military helicopter hovers by a mosque as government troops battle with Muslim militants who continue to hold their ground in some areas of Marawi city for almost a week Monday, May 29, 2017 in southern Philippines. Philippine forces control most of the southern city where militants linked to the Islamic State group launched a bloody siege nearly a week ago, authorities said Monday, as the army launched airstrikes and went house-to-house to crush areas of resistance.

May 29, 2017

Over the past week, his fighters have shown their muscle, withstanding a sustained assault by the Philippine military and increasing fears that the Islamic State group's violent ideology is gaining a foothold in this country's restive southern islands, where a Muslim separatist rebellion has raged for decades.

The army insists the drawn-out fight is not a true sign of the militants' strength, and that the military has held back to spare civilians' lives. "They are weak," Gen. Eduardo Ano, the military chief of staff, said of the gunmen, speaking at a hospital where injured soldiers were being treated. "It's just a matter of time for us to clear them from all their hiding places."

Still, the fighters have turned out to be remarkably well-armed and resilient. Attack helicopters were streaking low over Marawi on Monday, firing rockets at militant hideouts, as heavily armed soldiers went house to house in search of fighters.

For nearly a week, the Islamic gunmen have held the Philippine army at bay, burning buildings, taking at least a dozen hostages and sending tens of thousands of residents fleeing. Officials say the commander, Isnilon Hapilon, who is one of Washington's most-wanted militants, is still hiding somewhere in the city.
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President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law for 60 days in the south last week after the militants went on a deadly rampage in Marawi following a failed military raid to capture Hapilon. In recent years, small militant groups have emerged in the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia and have begun unifying under the banner of the Islamic State group.

Jose Calida, the top Philippine prosecutor, said last week that Indonesians and Malaysians were among the fighters in Marawi, and that the violence on the large southern island of Mindanao "is no longer a rebellion of Filipino citizens."

Rohan Gunaratna, a terrorism expert at Singapore's S. Rarajatnam School of International Studies, believes that IS and the smaller regional groups are working together to show their strength and declare a Philippine province of the caliphate that IS says it created in the Middle East.

He said the fighting in Marawi, along with smaller battles elsewhere in the southern Philippines, may be precursors to declaring a province, which would be "a huge success for the terrorists." Last week, twin suicide bombings in Jakarta, Indonesia, claimed by IS killed three policemen. While Indonesia has been fighting militants since 2002, the rise of the Islamic State group has breathed new life into local militant networks and raised concern about the risk of Indonesian fighters returning home from the Middle East.

Experts have warned that as IS is weakened in Iraq and Syria, battered by years of American-led attacks, Mindanao could become a focal point for regional fighters. Southeast Asian fighters fleeing the Middle East "could look to Mindanao to provide temporary refuge as they work their way home," said a report late last year by the Jakarta-based Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, predicting a high risk of regional violence. Marawi is regarded as the heartland of the Islamic faith on Mindanao island.

The fighters' support network in Marawi remains unclear, though the power of one militant group — the Mautes — has grown in recent years. Led by members of the city's Maute clan, the group has become increasingly active in a number of towns across Lanao del Sur province, where Marawi is located, and has been instrumental in fighting off government forces over the past week.

Muslim rebels have been waging a separatist rebellion in the south of the predominantly Roman Catholic nation for decades. The largest armed group dropped its secessionist demands in 1996, when it signed a Muslim autonomy deal with the Philippine government. Amid continuing poverty and other social ills, restiveness among minority Muslims has continued.

Hapilon is an Islamic preacher and former commander of the Abu Sayyaf militant group who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in 2014. He now heads an alliance of at least 10 smaller militant groups, including the Maute.

Maute militants flew an IS flag in one of the city's mosques last year, a local resident said, speaking on condition of anonymity, fearing for his safety. He said they also pressured local Muslim preachers, accustomed to a less-strict form of Islam, not to speak out against them.

But Acmad Aliponto, a 56-year-old court sheriff who decided not to flee the city, said that while the militants were well-armed, he believes they have little local support, and that the recent violence could turn more people against them.

"In the end their relatives and everyday people may be the ones who will kill them," he said. "Look at what they did. So many were affected."

Imagine um país que tem um presidente (Duterte) que faz combate ao trafico de drogas na bala e agora tem que lidar com terrorismo islamico (supostamente vinculado ao ISIS) ----> Filipinas

No combate aos terroristas islamicos erro mata 11 militares nas Filipinas

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Atentando na capital Manila

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

« Última modificação: 02 de Junho de 2017, 02:23:05 por Agnoscetico »

Offline Buckaroo Banzai

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1438 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 01:32:07 »
Outro dia esbarrei com uma "certificação islâmica" numa embalagem de comida no supermercado... nesse texto é dito não haver conexão conhecida disso com financiamento de redes terroristas, na Austrália:

Comentam que em outras fontes inflam os números e tentam fazer uma associação com redes terroristas. Um dos primeiros sites que vi nessa brevíssima pesquisa também iam por essa linha, embora só listando que a companhia tal é sunita/wahabista/komeinista/etc, sem naquele mesmo post tentar embasar, embora tivesse outros artigos promovendo boicote a esses alimentos:

(o autor se diz um "anti-imperialista" e "de esquerda", apesar disso ser mais esperado da direita)

Offline Agnoscetico

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1439 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 02:31:33 »

(o autor se diz um "anti-imperialista" e "de esquerda", apesar disso ser mais esperado da direita)

O blog do Infielatento foi eu postei ele aqui faz algum tempo - era sobre ele afirmar que  não era pelo fato dele ser comunista que ele teria que concordar com união entre o governo petista de Lula com Ahmadinejad.

Ele se dizia ser comunista anti-islamico. Mas de uns tempos pra cá to desconfiado que ele ta mais direita que esquerda mesma.


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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1440 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 02:35:56 »
Fizeram video sobre o Otario ter perdido inscritos, por ele não ver problema sobre Lei de Migração. Pessoal querendo sair de um canal de utilidade publica só porque não concorda com algo.

Aí fizeram vídeo metendo islamicos no meio da historia.

« Última modificação: 04 de Junho de 2017, 02:38:49 por Agnoscetico »

Offline André Luiz

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1441 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 19:28:19 »
Eita, mais atentados em Londres, o Izzy nobre fez até um vídeo interessante sobre o caso, em resumo, o islã é bugado de fábrica mesmo e o politicamente correto fica passando a mão na cabeça dele

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1442 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 20:00:26 »
Quando vão iluminar a Torre Eifel? Ou vão fazer uma oração com os líderes mundiais de mãos dadas? Ou um showzinho em homenagem às vítimas???

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1443 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 21:28:58 »
Quando vão iluminar a Torre Eifel? Ou vão fazer uma oração com os líderes mundiais de mãos dadas? Ou um showzinho em homenagem às vítimas???
Já estão fazendo isso. Agora o Daesh se rende!

Citação de: Gauss
Bolsonaro é um falastrão conservador e ignorante. Atualmente teria 8% das intenções de votos, ou seja, é o Enéas 2.0. As possibilidades desse ser chegar a presidência são baixíssimas, ele só faz muito barulho mesmo, nada mais que isso. Não tem nenhum apoio popular forte, somente de adolescentes desinformados e velhos com memória curta que acham que a ditadura foi boa só porque "tinha menos crime". Teria que acontecer uma merda muito grande para ele chegar lá.

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1444 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 21:53:12 »

Tem mais jeito não, solução é expulsar os islamicos ou eles se laicizam (mas aí se corre risco deles praticar Taqyia).

Mas principalmente ta na hora de chamar ele:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1445 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 22:11:53 »

Tem mais jeito não, solução é expulsar os islamicos ou eles se laicizam (mas aí se corre risco deles praticar Taqyia).

Tem que começar pelo prefeito de Londres, dá uma de bonzinho mas no fundo é um terrorista disfarçado e tá disseminando o vírus do Islã de maneira dissimulada. Cobra venenosa!

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  • uê?!
Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1446 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 22:38:31 »
Pergunto por que uma pessoa tendo a opção de ser transparente escolhe uma religião, e mais ainda, uma religião como o muçulmanismo, em cuja doutrina constam imposições incompatíveis com todos os valores mais caros da humanidade.

Se uma pessoa quer ser livre de quaisquer questionamentos a primeira atitude deverá ser se a de se afastar de religiões, ou ao menos mantê-las apenas interiorizadas. Uma pessoa que mantém uma religião mantém vínculos óbvios com o corpo dela.
Até onde eu sei eu não sei.

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1447 Online: 04 de Junho de 2017, 23:16:11 »
Pergunto por que uma pessoa tendo a opção de ser transparente escolhe uma religião, e mais ainda, uma religião como o muçulmanismo, em cuja doutrina constam imposições incompatíveis com todos os valores mais caros da humanidade.

Se uma pessoa quer ser livre de quaisquer questionamentos a primeira atitude deverá ser se a de se afastar de religiões, ou ao menos mantê-las apenas interiorizadas. Uma pessoa que mantém uma religião mantém vínculos óbvios com o corpo dela.

Pior que tem muita cosia que é praticada em nome do Islã mas não consta no Alcorão, por exemplo, sobre adultério fala de chibatadas, mas tem locais que se pune com morte. E homens-bomba copiaram idéias de kamikazes e terroristas do Sri lanka.

O mundo islâmico medieval, na época da Idade de ouro islâmica, talvez fosse bem mais seguro que islã de hoje em questão atos extremos em nome da fé de forma banalizada. 

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1448 Online: 05 de Junho de 2017, 01:40:43 »
Vixe, não da mais para confiar em jornalistas.

Lembra o caso da entrevista do Gugu com o PCC...

Mas talvez possa ter sido trote de alguns trolls por aquelas bandas, também, algo meio no estilo do cara que que inspirou o filme "peguem-me se puderem". Mas nesse caso, só pela piada mesmo.

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Re:Analisando o "Perigo Islâmico"
« Resposta #1449 Online: 05 de Junho de 2017, 19:47:22 »
É uma pena que o povo árabe muçulmano e muçulmanos em geral continuem pagando  sofrendo por esses atos terroristas.
« Última modificação: 05 de Junho de 2017, 19:49:46 por Gigaview »
Brandolini's Bullshit Asymmetry Principle: "The amount of effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it".

Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.


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