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Outra coisa interessante da evoluçao dos alienígenas é que no passado as espaçonaves tinham computadores cheios de luzes piscantes, como se fossem aqueles do tunel do tempo.Hoje há uma tendência a descrever um ambiente mais asséptico, secom toda mobilia embutida e etc...
Mas esses ET´s não são tão antenados assim, ou talvez haja um atraso para eles incorporarem essas tendencias, talvez devido as imensas distancias intergaláticas!Por exemplo, ainda não apareceram naves hipster´s, não é mesmo?
Um amigo me perguntou uma coisa interessante: porque todo disco voador tem que ser mais iluminado que loja de lustres?
Popular name given to a strange entity purportedly witnessed by a crowd of people at around 5 a.m. on June 12, 1790 in Alencon, France. According to the story, a large metal sphere descended from the sky and crash-landed into a nearby hillside. After a crowd had gathered, a "hatch" slid open and a being emerged dressed in an odd, tight-fitting costume; it mumbled something in a strange language, before bolting off towards some nearby woods. Seconds later the sphere exploded, fragments of which were said to have sizzled on the grass and melted. A wide search of the area yielded no further sign of the mysterious visitor. The tale of the "Alencon Spaceman" is now recognized by ufologists as being a modern forgery, which first appeared in Italy in 1966 and was subsequently copied without proper checking of the source. The deception was uncovered by by two ufologists, Frenchman Patrick Cubeau and Belgian Christiane Piens, who could find no trace of the central character of the story, a police officer named Liabeuf.
Cientistas descobrem como os egípcios moveram pedras gigantes para formar as pirâmideshttp://gizmodo.uol.com.br/estudo-egipcios-piramides/Citaro truque é molhar a areia à frente do trenó. Como explica o comunicado à imprensa da Universidade de Amsterdã:Os físicos colocaram, em uma bandeja de areia, uma versão de laboratório do trenó egípcio. Eles determinaram tanto a força de tração necessária e a rigidez da areia como uma função da quantidade de água na areia. Para determinar a rigidez, eles usaram um reômetro, que mostra quanta força é necessária para deformar um certo volume de areia.Os experimentos revelaram que a força de tração exigida diminui proporcionalmente com a rigidez da areia… Um trenó desliza muito mais facilmente sobre a areia firme [e úmida] do deserto, simplesmente porque a areia não se acumula na frente do trenó, como faz no caso da areia seca.
o truque é molhar a areia à frente do trenó. Como explica o comunicado à imprensa da Universidade de Amsterdã:Os físicos colocaram, em uma bandeja de areia, uma versão de laboratório do trenó egípcio. Eles determinaram tanto a força de tração necessária e a rigidez da areia como uma função da quantidade de água na areia. Para determinar a rigidez, eles usaram um reômetro, que mostra quanta força é necessária para deformar um certo volume de areia.Os experimentos revelaram que a força de tração exigida diminui proporcionalmente com a rigidez da areia… Um trenó desliza muito mais facilmente sobre a areia firme [e úmida] do deserto, simplesmente porque a areia não se acumula na frente do trenó, como faz no caso da areia seca.
Was Neanderthal shot by a time traveller? ONE day in 1922, near Broken Hill, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), a skull was found. When it came to the attention of the British Museum, the curators were pleased.It was, in fact, a Neanderthal skull, and Neanderthal bones did not exactly come ten-a-penny.But the Broken Hill skull was special for other reasons. On the left side of the cranium was a small, perfectly round hole. At first it was assumed that it had been made by a spear, or other sharp implement, but further investigation proved that this had not been the case.When a skull is struck by a relatively low-velocity projectile – such as an arrow, or spear – it produces what are known as radial cracks or striations; that is, minute hairline fractures running away from the place of impact.As there were no radial fractures on the Neanderthal skull, it was unanimously concluded that the projectile must have had a far, far greater velocity than an arrow or spear. But what?Another mystery was that the right side of the cranium had, in the words of one anthropologist, “been blown away”. Further research also proved that that the right side of the cranium had been “blown away” from the inside out.In short, whatever had hit the Broken Hill Neanderthal on the left side of his head had passed through it with such force that it had caused the right side to explode.Researcher Rene Noorbergen, who investigated the mystery in his excellent book Secrets Of The Lost Races, commented: “This same feature is seen in modern victims of head wounds received from shots from a high-powered rifle.”Noorbergen’s comments were more than appropriate, for forensic experts who have studied the skull in Berlin have since concluded that, “The cranial damage to Rhodesian Man’s skull could not have been caused by anything but a bullet”.Compounding the mystery further is the fact that the skull of an ancient aurochs (an extinct type of bison) was found in Russia by the Lena River.It, too, had been shot in the head, thousands of years previously, but had survived for some time, as the bullet hole had calcified.This sensational discovery came to the attention of professor Constantin Flerov, curator of Moscow’s Palaeontological Museum of the USSR, who promptly put the skull on display.Incredible though it sounds, we are faced with quite forceful evidence that, thousands of years ago, someone discharged a bullet into the skull of one of our anthropological cousins and also nearly killed a large mammal by the same method. But how could this be?One obvious (but very radical) solution is to conclude that, contrary to what we have always understood, ancient man may have been technologically developed to a very high degree. Did a small but advanced civilisation develop the concept of ballistics long before the Chinese?The problem with this idea is that it is too much of a coincidence. Could two separate societies, separated by thousands of years and a vast cultural gulf, have both invented weapons that just happened to fire small, cylindrical projectiles at high speed?One colleague suggested to me that the only alternative is the possibility that someone from the future, carrying a firearm, travelled back into the past and engaged in some sort of trans-temporal hunting expedition.This takes us perilously close to the realms of science fantasy, of course, but the fact is that the hole in the aurochs’ skull got there somehow.Like it or not, the fact is that someone or something seemed to be using high-velocity bullets thousands of years ago. We don’t know who, we don’t know why and we don’t know how – but it happened.
A number of books and internet sites make the claim that The British Museum (Natural History) in London holds the skull of a Neanderthal, dated 38,000 years old and excavated in 1921 at Kabwe in what is now Zambia. The left side of the skull displays a circular hole about 8 mm in diameter. None of the radial split-lines that would have been left had the hole been made by a cold projectile, such as a spear, are visible around the hole. On the opposite side of the skull, the parietal bone is shattered, as if skull was blown up from inside. Two solutions have been proposed: either the skull is from something that lived in recent centuries and was shot by a European, or there were rifles in Palaeolithic Africa.Virtually nothing is correct in these claims. The Kabwe skull (often known as ‘Broken Hill Man’ after the name of a nearby town) is older than the claim, at 125,000 to 300,000 years old, and it was found on 17 June 1921 by a Swiss miner, Tom Zwiglaar, in a limestone cave. It was the first early human fossil to be found in Africa and was sent to Arthur Smith Woodward (1864-1944), who gave it the new species name Homo rhodesiensis (Rhodesian Man). More recent anthropologists have preferred to see it as a primitive form of Homo sapiens, but are undecided on the precise species. It may be related to Homo heidelbergensis, the ancestor of the predominantly European Neanderthals (there were never any Neanderthals in Africa) or it may indeed be a separate species, Homo rhodesiensis, as Arthur Smith Woodward originally proposed, which would be our direct ancestor.So much for the species and the date. What about the “bullet hole”? Well, for one thing, it did not kill the individual. The edges of the lesion have started to heal, so whatever caused the hole was not the cause of death. Instead, the wound appears to have been a pathological, rather than a traumatic lesion, caused by an infection in the soft tissue over it. Few individuals survive a bullet to the brain; needless to say, the parietal bone on the opposite side is not shattered, as is claimed, but is very much intact. The individual may thus have died from a pathological condition, perhaps an abscess or ulcer that had become septic.
NASA Releases Report On Ancient Roman UFO Accounts[/size]
Citação de: Gigaview em 17 de Junho de 2014, 22:21:56NASA Releases Report On Ancient Roman UFO Accounts[/size]Esse artigo é serio Giga?
Citação de: Feliperj em 25 de Agosto de 2014, 21:12:09Citação de: Gigaview em 17 de Junho de 2014, 22:21:56NASA Releases Report On Ancient Roman UFO Accounts[/size]Esse artigo é serio Giga?O autor é sério:https://paw.princeton.edu/issues/2012/01/18/sections/memorials/6761/index.xml?undergraduate_class=1960e teve o apoio da NASA: http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/authors/rstothers.htmlMas, utilizou sua autoridade em astrofísica para dizer com coragem coisas pertinentes a áreas em que ele não dominava e nem era especialista.
O Gigaview quase engana a gente.
Citação de: Lorentz em 26 de Agosto de 2014, 14:11:59 O Gigaview quase engana a gente.Foi-se o tempo em que Gigaview escrevia com seriedade.Atualmente, tudo que ele escreve necessita de uma lente invertida para a correta leitura.
CitarCientistas descobrem como os egípcios moveram pedras gigantes para formar as pirâmides
Cientistas descobrem como os egípcios moveram pedras gigantes para formar as pirâmides
Citação de: Gigaview em 02 de Junho de 2014, 21:49:37CitarCientistas descobrem como os egípcios moveram pedras gigantes para formar as pirâmidesDescobriram como moviam pedras gigantes, como as colossais estátuas ou obeliscos, mas isto não explica como ergueram as pirâmides, principalmente as de Gizé.
Descobriram como moviam pedras gigantes, como as colossais estátuas ou obeliscos, mas isto não explica como ergueram as pirâmides, principalmente as de Gizé.
Ora, a partir do momento que se descobre como se movia as pedras, sabe-se como colocá-las na forma de pirâmide. A não ser que a pirâmide tenha sido construída de cima pra baixo.
Foram os aliens.
Citação de: Lorentz em 27 de Agosto de 2014, 09:33:11Ora, a partir do momento que se descobre como se movia as pedras, sabe-se como colocá-las na forma de pirâmide. A não ser que a pirâmide tenha sido construída de cima pra baixo.Não, uma coisa é mover, outra coisa é erguer. Trata-se de monólitos de 2 a 6 toneladas de peso...