E só queria perguntar o porquê dos refugiados não procurarem países de cultura essencialmente islâmica, ao invés de irem para a Europa...assumindo que o islamismo não é esse "bicho sem cabeça" ...
Por que eles estão fugindo para onde quer que possa aceitá-los. A maioria inclusive para os arredores, ou para lugares de onde tem outros até fugindo também (como o Congo), mas outros acabam dando "sorte" de, fugindo para salvar as vidas, terem a oportunidade de ir para lugares melhores.
Agora coloca o número de vitimas por religião desses ataques. E depois me explica os resultados usando a lógica.
Se islâmicos são as principais vítimas de islâmicos, isso reduz a violência islâmica?
Talvez isso te dê uma pista de que a causa dos ataques não seja religiosa, não?
Você acredita MESMO que só existe um islã (deve ser "o verdadeiro"), e que todos muçulmanos então concordam com o islã praticado por todos os outros (já que é exatamente o mesmo)?
Lógico que não!
Agora me diga quem morre mais nas mãos de terroristas sunitas. Seriam os sunitas?
Não saberia dizer prontamente.
Talvez em artigos como os da wikipédia sobre o tema de terrorismo islâmico se encontre informação.
Some Muslim commentators assert that extremism within Islam goes back to the 7th century to the Kharijites. From their essentially political position, they developed extreme doctrines that set them apart from both mainstream Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. The Kharijites were particularly noted for adopting a radical approach of Takfir, whereby they declared other Muslims to be unbelievers and therefore deemed them worthy of death.[13][14]
One ideology that plays a role in terrorism by using the name of Islam, is Wahabism.[57][58][59][60][61] Wahabism and its allies including Salafism (Salafi jihadism) supports war against any one and every one who is not like them. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab (militant group), Boko Haram, Indonesian Mujahedeen Council, Taliban, Sipah Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Hizbul Mujahideen follow intolerant Wahabi or Salafi ideology which is opposed by other Muslims.[61][62][63] Non-Muslims, Sufis, and Shias are attacked by hard-core Wahhabis, Deobandis, and jamaatis in the same way that socialists and other leftist proletarians were assaulted by Mussolini's bandits, Jews and others by the Nazis, and "bourgeois," "kulak," intellectual, Jewish, "Menshevik," and "Trotskyist" dissenters, often only alleged to be so, by Stalinism.[64] In India, Wahabism was spread in the name of Deobandi movement,[65] which was opposed by more tolerant Sufi oriented Indian Muslims.
According to U.S. Army Colonel Dale C. Eikmeier, "ideology", rather than any individual or group, is the "center of gravity" of al-Qaeda and related groups, and that ideology is a "collection of violent Islamic thought called Qutbism."[66] He summarizes the tenets of Qutbism as being:
- A belief that Muslims have deviated from true Islam and must return to "pure Islam" as originally practiced during the time of Muhammad.
- The path to "pure Islam" is only through a literal and strict interpretation of the Quran and Hadith, along with implementation of Muhammad’s commands.
- Muslims should interpret the original sources individually without being bound to follow the interpretations of Islamic scholars.
- That any interpretation of the Quran from a historical, contextual perspective is a corruption, and that the majority of Islamic history and the classical jurisprudential tradition is mere sophistry.[66]
Acho que não deve ter nada muito análogo em eventuais artigos de "terrorismo cristão", "terrorismo budista", "terrorismo umbandista", etc.
Salafi jihadism or Jihadist-Salafism is a transnational religious-political ideology based on a belief in "physical" jihadism and the Salafi movement of returning to what adherents believe to be true Sunni Islam.